

The three best omega friends are connected by an unusually strong attachment. Their relationship is not accepted and blamed behind their backs, but they seem to have a long spat on it. However, nature still demands its own. And when an absolutely unknown, but very attractive and dangerous alpha appears in their small town, the omegas will have to make a choice: fight for him or take him into their well-established unbreakable triangle. The plot is based on the fantastic film "The Witches of Eastwick" in 1987

Stacy_ARMY · RPS同人
15 Chs

Chapter 4 “Do you remember who you are?” (Jimin/Jungkook)

<p>"Damn it!" Jungkook cursed for the umpteenth time this morning.<br/>At the moment, the omega was coming out of the supermarket with two huge paper bags filled to the top with purchases, clasping them with both hands, pressing them to his chest. The twins were spinning under their feet, literally not giving a step to step, laughing merrily, teasing and pulling each other, which is why Jungkook has repeatedly adjusted this or that product in the package with his chin, which striving to fall right to the ground.<br/>"Jesse, Kelly! Stop it, now!" Jungkook shouted when one of the twins pinched the other's side, because the second screamed heart-rendingly, raising on toes almost all passers-by who happened to be in the parking lot at the moment. Omega physically could not take any of the children by the hands, as he usually did when they were walking in the park or just walking along a narrow, stone-paved path. Therefore, right now, Jungkook cursed Yoongi, Taehyung, and Namjoon with all his soul, covering them with a choice obscenity inside for the fact that none of them agreed to take a ride with him to the nearest store to fill the refrigerator that had almost emptied recently. The twins mostly ate at Yoongi's under Namjoon's supervision, and Jungkook himself, like his close omegas, during his estrus, which lasted exhaustingly and painfully, as always, for about a week, emptied almost everything that was in Jungkook's house. Therefore, today, waking up early in the morning, removing the overgrown blonde bangs from his eyes and slapping his bare feet on the cool floor, stretching sweetly, Jungkook rolled his eyes towards his own carelessness when he opened the refrigerator and realized that, apart from milk and cereal, carefully hidden a couple of weeks ago in the closet to the left of the cold drawer, he had nothing at his disposal. After feeding the twins, the younger omega, with pouting lips and furrowed eyebrows, performed his usual morning toilet, put on the first clothes he came across, which turned out to be ordinary black jeans with worn knees and a long shirt with sleeves that almost hide long fingers, and dialed the Yoongi's number. To the usual question, Jungkook received a rather vague answer that, they say, "I would be glad to help, but work, Jungkook-ah." Jungkook nodded and wished Yoongi good luck with the new project that junior knew omega was currently working on. Jungkook wasn't upset at all, really, although he liked to ride with Yoongi in the car together as much as the twins, who, in turn, pouted more when they heard that Yoongi's uncle was very busy and wouldn't be able to ride the little brats today.<br/><br/>The next call was for Taehyung. To be honest, Jungkook didn't want to call the middle omega. In the last couple of days, Taehyung has been kind of weird. Thoughtful, silent, mysterious. There wouldn't be anything wrong with that, because Taehyung has always been, how should it say, out of this world, which Jungkook has always madly liked in omega, if not for one thing… A few days ago, just after Tae returned from a loud interview, about which he chattered literally without shutting up, Jungkook decided to visit him to ask how such a significant event for omega had gone. And the first thing Jungkook felt when he entered Tae's house that evening was... the smell. A strange smell belonging to none other than alpha. Of course, at work, Taehyung often dealt with different people, shook hands with them, or politely escorted them by touching his shoulder, which Jungkook had witnessed more than once. Therefore, it would not be very surprising if a light ephemeral fragrance remained on his body. However, in this case, the smell was so thick, rich, and... fresh that Jungkook winced, covering his nose with his hand more out of habit than disgust, because, to tell the truth, sandalwood with subtle notes of citrus smelled simply stunning. Tae, however, didn't even raise an eyebrow at Jungkook's seemingly rather outspoken discontent. The middle omega, on the contrary, seemed to be proud of the fact that the smell of someone else's, other's alpha was present on his body! As soon as Jungkook asked why Tae didn't smell like usual, omega immediately tensed up, although outwardly he did not show his displeasure in any way, only the iris of the usually pleasant warm chocolate flashed dangerously black as if warning about something. About something that Jungkook couldn't figure out.<br/><br/>Tae confusingly reported the positive result of his work and ignored questions about an unknown smell and after that, he literally pushed Jungkook out the door without even offering to stay, which he usually always did before. Jungkook tried to put it down to fatigue and the fact that maybe Tae just smelled of the alpha he was interviewing. The whole city was literally teeming with news about the arrival of some big-wig from the big city, so omega had long heard about the uninvited guest of their neglected backwater. Someone admired, someone openly envied, and someone immodestly discussed such a rather significant and rare event. And everything would be fine, Jungkook was even happy for his loved one, really. After all, Taehyung was a professional in his field and deserved much more than simple uninteresting articles in a yellow newspaper. But somewhere deep inside, a possessive feeling began to sparkle. The feeling that Jungkook has always been so afraid of. All three of them, he, Tae, and Yoongi, often talked about the possible appearance of alpha in their lives, and no one felt abandoned or deprived when the three men discussed further developments. But, it's one thing to talk about such a possibility, and quite another to face it live. And now, even without having any evidence, and most importantly, the rights to jealousy, Jungkook still felt that resentment and anger were twisted hideously somewhere under his stomach, gradually rising to his chest, capturing his heart in a vise of barbed wire, each link of which was painfully and deeply pierced into the bleeding muscle. The fingers of his hands suddenly dug into the inner side of his palms, restraining the indignation that came from nowhere. The back of his head was burned, as if with a migraine, and his eyes stung from salt in the corners.<br/><br/>Jungkook got into the car and slammed his fists on the steering wheel with all his might, releasing a fit of resentment that rolled out, because it, as if alive, captured him without letting go. Jungkook knew that he was being unreasonable, that nothing had happened, that he didn't really know anything. But Taehyung's detached and even somewhat too dispassionate attitude hurt the omega. And the smell. That fucking sandalwood smell on the middle omega was pissing Jungkook off. He even rubbed his forearms with his hands, as if this fragrance had settled on him too, and the younger omega was in a hurry to get rid of it as soon as possible.<br/><br/>Being in complete emotional turmoil, Jungkook dialed Yoongi's number to tell about what had happened. But the senior only took a deep breath and calmly said, "It's none of our business, Jungkook. If Taehyung met someone…"<br/>"But he should have told us, Yoongi-yah! He had to…"<br/>"Jungkook!" Yoongi's voice suddenly turned from soft and quiet to rough and harsh, which made Jungkook even press his head into his shoulders, it sounded so unusual. "Tae doesn't owe us anything. Just like you. Just like me. If he met someone, we..." the senior paused, and Jungkook could almost imagine him rubbing the bridge of his nose, gathering his thoughts to express them correctly and mentorically, "should accept this and support him. We've already talked about this. None of us should be left alone forever just because of our connection."<br/>"Our connection?" Our connection?! Is that what you call it now?" Jungkook got even angrier, literally resonating with anger, it seemed that a little more and the windows from the car would fly out and crumble into small pieces, like in some stupid movie. After all, it was Yoongi who was the one who always said that there was nothing shameful and dirty in their relationship. It was Taehyung who hugged and kissed when Jungkook once again felt insecure about what they were doing. And now both of them, both of them, have abandoned him. Even Yoongi didn't want to take his side and straighten Taehyung's brain, because he seemed to be completely thinking about no one but himself.<br/>"I just want to say that everyone deserves to have what they want, Jungkook-ah," a slightly hoarse native voice sounded again on the other end of the line, "go home and go to bed. Everything will be fine. And be careful driving."<br/>Yoongi hung up the phone, and Jungkook felt tears running down his cheeks, indicating his weakness. Apparently, he was still very sensitive after the recently ended period of estrus, which is why he reacted so violently. Wiping the salty tracks with the sleeve of his jacket with force, as if he was afraid that someone would see them, Jungkook started the engine and headed towards the house.<br/>Of course, the next day, junior immediately regretted his impulse. But it was too late to change or deny anything. Jungkook admitted that he was too dependent on his seniors and paid for it in full.<br/><br/>And today, the ignored call hit Jungkook with renewed vigor. He dialed omega's number about three times but did not wait for an answer, running into voicemail with such a native, but now for some reason to the gnashing of teeth annoying voice, asking to call back later.<br/>Namjoon also didn't answer junior's call, which completely threw him off balance. Of all people, beta never left calls from any of the omegas unanswered. However, in the past few days, Jungkook has not seen or heard from Namjoon at all. It was as if he didn't exist at all. Muttering to himself with all the grumpy words that he only knew, but did not use for known reasons, Jungkook went to the ill-fated infernal cluster of vile souls on his own, taking with him the kids, who kept spinning, twirling, chattering, and simply did not allow a word to be inserted between their own confused monologues. Jungkook loved his children. He adored them, idolized them, thanked all the existing and non-existent gods for being the parent of such beautiful and amazing lumps of tenderness and mercy. But going to the supermarket, early in the morning, with two children without additional help is just like death. The weather, as if for evil, turned out to be hot. The people in the supermarket departments turned out to be literally a wave, as if the whole city, to spite Jungkook, rushed to shop today, this morning, this day and hour. Jungkook's eyes were running away as he glanced at the shelves and shelves, at the same time not losing sight of the twins, who, as never before, were raging in earnest. Jungkook's nerves were giving out, and he almost growled at the saleswoman, a fat and overweight nasty aunt who was punching the goods at the checkout, completely in no hurry, although she saw that she had collected a rather impressive tail of the queue.<br/><br/>Jungkook's condition also didn't play into his hands. Still sensitive, irritable, and now angry, he shouted at the twins, who did not want to calm down in any way and walked as fast as possible in the direction of his car, holding heavy packages. The twins ran after dad, screaming, and beeps, and Jungkook rolled his eyes when the keys, which he had thoughtfully put in the upper right pocket of his shirt, fell to the ground when omega, leaning the bags on the trunk of his silver Universal, tried to get them with one hand. Omega swore softly, putting the bags on the ground, and picked up the ill-fated piece of metal from the asphalt, about to open the fucking trunk, stuff the unaffordable bags in there and move to hell out of here, when he suddenly heard a deafening sound. Instinctively turning around, Jungkook saw how the twins, who had run away quite far from the place where their car was parked, were pushing each other, trying to push off the road, however, they do not move at all, continuing to run in a straight line. A car turning out of the main highway towards a supermarket simply wouldn't have noticed small children jumping along the road, behind a string of other cars lined up in a row in the parking lot, if... not for another car that drove into his face with force, smashing the right headlight and radiator grille, as soon as the driver slightly entered the turn.<br/>"Jessie! Kelly!" Jungkook immediately broke out in a cold sweat, literally taking off from his seat, cursing himself for being inattentive because of the surging irritability, and ran off in the direction of the twins. They were crying, apparently frightened by the loud sound of two iron monsters colliding behind them, and rushed into dad's arms.<br/>"Daddy! Daddy!" they shouted vying.<br/>"I asked you not to go far from me, hah?! Asked!"<br/>"Sorry! Sorry!"<br/>Jungkook fell to his knees, hugging two boys, and randomly kissing on the temples, ruffling their already tousled hair. His heart was pounding like crazy, and his legs were shaking, painfully pressing his sharp knuckles right into the asphalt. Jungkook allowed himself to be distracted, and his children almost got hurt in a banal car accident. Still a little bit... if it wasn't for that car…<br/><br/>Jungkook raised his head, continuing to hug the twins, feeling them for damage, although he saw that the car did not even have time to get close to them, and noticed a young man coming out of the second vehicle, the color of dark cherry, literally blinding in the sun sports Genesis, and heading straight towards them at a brisk pace.<br/>Jungkook tensed slightly and pressed the children even closer to him when he realized for sure that the stranger had chosen them as his object.<br/>"Are you all right?! Is everything okay?!"<br/>And here Jungkook completely fucked. It would have been better if this guy, who looked like a fucking God who had just descended from heaven on some pretty real steps, hadn't opened his mouth, or even better, wouldn't have gotten out of the fucking car at all.<br/>The twins did not share dad's confusion, so they got out of his hands and turned towards the stranger, looking at him with interest, however, still keeping close to the parent.<br/>"Yes!" Jungkook's voice sounded a few tones higher than his own, and he immediately gave himself a mental kick. He was, after all, in shock. Yes, exactly, just in shock. And absolutely this unknown-interesting young man did not influence him in any way. Nope. Not a bit at all.<br/>"Yes," Jungkook said more confidently. "Thank you. It's all good."<br/>"I didn't have time to get out of the car to intercept your boys," the deity continued, "so I just had to step on the gas to... well..." the young man smiled slightly and turned his body towards the accident site, where the second participant was fussing and raging, groaning and sighing over his old Honda.<br/>"Wait," Jungkook's eyes popped out almost on his forehead, which made them even rounder than they really are, "so you deliberately provoked an accident by driving into that car in order to…"<br/>"So that she doesn't hit your kids, that's right. To be honest, it seems like a stupid decision to me now," the blond man, as Jungkook managed to notice, rubbed his neck, apparently feeling guilty, "but at that moment nothing else came to my mind."<br/>"Thank you!" Jungkook was ready to fall on his knees again and kiss the hands of this one, whoever he was, for literally saving his sons' lives. "Thank you!"<br/>"Everything is fine," the young man came a little closer and carefully squatted down, now paying attention to two cute boys so similar to their dad. "How are you?"<br/>"Okay, thanks!" Jesse started to move forward, but Kelly pulled him by the arm.<br/>"Dad doesn't let us talk to strangers, stupid!" he hissed. The second boy pouted pink lips, but immediately nodded and cast a suspicious glance at the other's adult uncle.<br/>The stranger laughed, and this laughter rang like a string of bells all over the neighborhood, reminding Jungkook of his most favorite things: the laughter of his children, the breeze that hung on his door, spreading a pleasant melody throughout the neighborhood when the wind played with him, and Christmas. Something inside jumped when Jungkook began to look at the young man more closely. Perfectly built, with strong hands, but small aesthetic fingers, strong legs, and a rather rounded and such a slap-begging ass, advantageously covered with classic trousers. The same classic, the sky-colored shirt was unbuttoned with the top two buttons, revealing to the world attractive collarbones and moles on the soft line of the neck. The lips, slightly touched with gloss, stretched in a sincere smile, were so plump and juicy that wanted to run finger over them to make sure they were natural. A slight swelling appeared on the cheeks due to laughter. And the eyes sparkled in the light, saturated with sunbeams, which made the natural brown become almost amber with golden highlights.<br/>"Hi, my name is Jimin," Jimin stretched out his hand in the direction of Kelly, and he, receiving a nod from his dad, returned the handshake with his little baby palm. After doing the same with Jesse, Jimin smiled again, "Now we've met, and can you tell me how you feel? Were you really scared?"<br/>The boys chattered incessantly, interrupting each other, and even Kelly, being more vigilant and unsociable to strangers, did not seem to feel threatened by the now-not-alien uncle.<br/>Jungkook looked at his children, then at his new acquaintance and back again. And only now, in a cube with a familiar name, the natural smell of sandalwood, richly flavored with orange, hit his nose. Alpha! Jimin! The same fucking Jimin!<br/>"And how are you?" Jimin turned to Jungkook himself, while both twins grabbed him by the sleeves, then by the pants, continuing to say something. However, all the alpha's attention was turned to Jungkook.<br/>Jungkook wanted to back away, or even better, to sink through the ground from embarrassment, but he saw how free and easy his children felt next to this man, which had never happened to anyone but their family before. And yet, Jungkook felt the tension and a slight haze of fear. His relationship with the alphas was, to put it mildly, not very pleasant, given past experience and limited to it. And omega tried to negate communication as much as possible, making do only with working moments, which, unfortunately, was sometimes impossible to avoid.<br/>But suddenly, Jungkook felt the fear that had just overwhelmed him gradually recede, not completely, but enough to relax and inhale deeply, and a pleasant natural smell envelops him, as if in a protective cocoon.<br/>"I'm... fine," Jungkook stammered. "You crashed your car," Jungkook again glanced at the disgruntled driver, who was waving his arms, trying to attract the attention of the culprit.<br/>Jimin turned around and waved his hand in the direction of the already bored driver, making it clear that he would be back soon.<br/>"I can give you a ride," Jungkook blurted it out automatically, simply because he felt guilty before this alpha. If it hadn't been for his oversight, if he had been more attentive, alpha wouldn't have had to crash his fancy car to protect his sons from a collision.<br/>"That won't be necessary," Jimin replied softly.<br/>"No!" the boys screamed, grabbing the uncle by the sleeves again, trying to literally hang on to them. "We want to! You helped us. Dad says that should say thank when someone helped you."<br/>Jimin smiled again and looked closely at Jungkook, playfully raising his left eyebrow. Omega felt terribly uncomfortable and blushed up to his ears, which was very noticeable on a light face framed by blonde, slightly wavy curls, however, he nodded in approval.<br/>"Well, how can I refuse such beautiful creatures," Jimin squatted down again and patted the kids' hair. "I'll be back soon, okay?" then he got up and turned to omega. "I need to resolve the issue with the car. Can you wait?"<br/>"Of course!" Jungkook was immediately confused and nodded madly.<br/>Watching the retreating Jimin (and even more for his gorgeous ass, Lord-God-help!), Jungkook pulled himself together and took the twins by the hands to take them to the car and finally sit inside.<br/>Something strange, but at the same time warm was born somewhere in the lower abdomen. Jungkook was scared of this feeling. He usually felt this way around Yoongi and Taehyung, in the circle of his family, next to the children. It's a sense of security. Comfort. Home.<br/>Because of everything that happened, the fear for his sons, the awkwardness of an unexpected but pleasant acquaintance, and the interest in a stranger that had arisen, Jungkook completely forgot who this person really was, and his smell, which omega, could not lie to himself, like so much that, sensitive to such things, he was ready to wrap himself in it completely and never lose this extraordinary feeling, was the same one that he had already caught on Taehyung just a couple of days ago.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>It didn't work out just to give a ride to a new acquaintance, because Jimin, given the circumstances, unobtrusively offered to take the twins to the nearest park to get rid of the unpleasant sensations of the recent terrible incident. Jungkook couldn't refuse, but he couldn't figure out who exactly more: the not-stop-talking twins, who were fidgeting in their seats in the backseat from anticipation, or Jimin. This alpha gave omega a strangely aching feeling. He has never experienced anything like this, preferring to stay away from representatives of this gender, limiting himself to acquaintances or relatives of his omegas. But now... a huge balloon was inflating somewhere inside, striving to inflate Jungkook and throw him into the air, sweeping away by the wind and carrying him far beyond the clouds. Despite the still slight fear and uncertainty in his actions, omega was pleasantly excited by the new acquaintance. After all, no one has ever looked at him like this: attentively, soulfully, pleasantly studying, warmly and kindly. Not with disdain or disgust, knowing in what connection Jungkook is, not vulgar or cheeky, noticing a well-shaped figure, a pumped-up torso, and elastic buttocks, but just... with interest. And this forced Jungkook's libido, which had long been hiding somewhere in the back of his mind, firmly locking the door with a huge aluminum key, to wake up, stick head out, and watch with apprehension, but excitement, what is going on there. And the most important priority in making a positive decision was the sons of omega. No one has ever caused them such delight, except for their nanny or uncles. No one has ever treated them as if they were family and loved ones. Jungkook was considered abandoned, dirty, vicious, because for most he was an unfortunate omega left to the mercy of fate with two babies on his neck, useless to anyone with an extra tail behind his shoulders, in the form of annoying, and most importantly, "alien" children. And the picture that was forming before his eyes warmed his soul better than the heat of the sun in the hottest weather, made him smile like a stupid boy who was given a small compliment on his first real date, and his heart was beating faster as if omega had just left the gym, which he attended on a regular basis even now when his body was already perfect and hardy from birth, and inside hundreds of small sparks were igniting, ready to explode simultaneously like fireworks that they, along with the older omegas and their children, loved to launch into the night sky on Christmas Day.<br/><br/>The twins were completely delighted, having run around and tried all the attractions available for their age, having eaten ice cream and cotton candy to the brim, and even more excited when "uncle" Jimin (what is this all about?!) won them a huge plush toy for each of them, which hardly fit in the boys' little hands.<br/>Jungkook felt tired because after the incident he could not take his eyes off his sons, constantly flinching at every new squeal or squeak, however, he could not deny that today was... the best fucking thing that happened in his life. No, of course, they have done the same thing more than once or twice with Yoongi, Taehyung, and Namjoon. But today was different. Today, Jungkook, despite being tired and constantly looking after the children, felt that all the attention was paid to him. Other's attention. Male attention. The attention of Alpha! And this made all the seemingly long-suppressed receptors wake up, the skin burn with fire, the cheeks turn pink, and all sorts of obscene thoughts crept into his head, for which Jungkook immediately pulled himself up, because, well, seriously, what the hell?! He's only known this guy for a few hours, he spends time in the park with his kids, for god's sake! He is simply grateful to Jimin for his help and the attention that he obligingly rendered just out of politeness and his natural innate gallantry. That's all. But the other part, inherent in the silly infatuation of a little boy, which Jungkook never had time to experience for himself, poured pink snotty shit out of his ears, forcing, egging, burning. The omega inside rejoiced and beat his tail left and right furiously from the attention of the alpha. The smell of sandalwood, so clearly felt in the pile of various others: burnt popcorn butter, the sugary taste of pink clouds, someone's too cloying perfume, metal, and wood, enveloped and entwined, not allowing to think about anything else, not allowing to catch anything else. As soon as Jungkook panicked or became nervous, this fragrance became thicker, but not oppressive, thereby forcing all the nerve endings of Jungkook to relax, giving way to calmness and pleasant goosebumps somewhere in the back of the head. Jungkook was tired of wiping his hands on the denim on his thighs, blushing like an idiot and nervously rubbing his neck when he saw a snow-white smile opposite, heard a honey voice asking him about what omega does and what he loves, clutching at his heart because it was sweetly pinched somewhere in a cage woven from his own bones when he saw with what soul and trembling Jimin talks to his children. And omega had no idea what he wanted more: to escape from here, flashing his heels, or to stay in this homely and cozy atmosphere, despite extraneous sounds and others, whom he did not notice at all, forever.<br/><br/>On the way home, the twins fell asleep right on Jimin's lap, who this time sat with them in the backseat to Jungkook's quite dissatisfied hissing that the rules of the road do not allow children to be put anywhere but in a child seat. Jungkook stopped the car and turned around to call out to his sons, but he came across a warning look from Jimin, he shaking his head while he gently and affectionately ruffled the soft baby hair on the boy's tops.<br/>Jimin took one of the twins in his arms carefully, and he turned slightly, but buried his nose in the brand shirt, snoring sweetly with his nose and parting his lips, drooling on the fabric, which, it seems, did not bother its owner at all. Jungkook took the other twin and carefully walked with Jimin towards his house, trying to get the fucking key with one hand. Finally opening the door, Jungkook silently jerked his head towards the stairs to the second floor, and Jimin, also nodding silently, followed him, easily holding Jesse in his arms.<br/><br/>Carefully undressing the babies and putting them in their beds, including a pleasant calm blue night light, Jungkook smiled as he looked at his sons. They were so exhausted and tired that they fell asleep right in the car, in the arms of a complete stranger, which had never happened before even with the older omegas, no matter how much they exhausted the constantly active kids. How Jimin managed to do this was a mystery to Jungkook.<br/><br/>"Do you want something to drink?" Jungkook asked when he went down to the kitchen to join Jimin, having previously changed his shirt for a spacious T-shirt that hung down to his hips.<br/>"Just some water, thank you," Jimin was sitting on a wicker chair so naturally and at ease, although he did not do anything at all. But something in his aura, in his behavior, said that he fits in perfectly here.<br/>"Thank you for today," putting a tall glass of water on the table next to Jimin, Jungkook sat down in another chair, almost touching his knees with the alpha. He was very, very grateful to Jimin for today completely, for saving his sons, for his attention and care. Although he turned out to be right in guessing who Jimin really was, when alpha said that he had come here just to take a break from the stuff flitting before his eyes, a huge teeming city, glowing billboards, car horns, television, and the press, who literally did not let him step a step, trying to figure out what brand of underpants their object of sighing is wearing. Jimin wanted something calm and quiet where no one would know him, poke his finger, and try to take pictures. He wanted a sense of privacy. But even here he ran into too much attention.<br/>"You're too bright a person for our gray area," Jungkook told him.<br/>Omega also found out that, in addition to wanting to escape, Jimin really wanted to get Min Yoongi as an employee for his company, because he was pleasantly impressed by his talent as a musician. Jungkook only nodded his head but did not tell Jimin that he knew Yoongi. Knows him close enough that a little spark of jealousy has started somewhere inside. And it lit up even more when Jimin told about how he gave an interview to Kim Taehyung, whose employer literally begged Park Jimin to become the main event on the front page. Jungkook immediately remembered that he had smelled the same smell on Taehyung that he had heard from Jimin right now. His sensitive nose could not confuse this smell with anyone else in the world. And Jungkook couldn't figure out why he was so angry. From the possible prospect of sex of this charming alpha with Taehyung, and now showing all signs of attention, like a fucking gentleman, written off from the plot of a snotty novel, to Jungkook. Or from the fact that, despite this suspicious fact, Jungkook wanted this alpha as much as, for sure, any other omega on this damn planet. Because it was simply impossible not to want Jimin. With his stunning looks, manners, communication skills, and courtship, Jungkook just couldn't resist.<br/>"That I should be thanking you. If I hadn't met you at that supermarket, even under such terrible circumstances, my day would have been extremely uninteresting," Jimin smiled out of the corner of his mouth, showing his perfect snow-white teeth. And Jungkook's knees were shaking, despite the fact that he was sitting on his ass at all.<br/>"It was a pleasure to spend time with you. Your boys are wonderful. And you are a very interesting person," Jimin leaned forward slightly, moving his nose, feeling the smell of omega thicken, clearly giving out the pleasant sweetness of the orchid due to embarrassment. The light cheeks were so beautifully filled with blush, like a poured apple, that wanted to try to bite them. Wavy soft curls beckoned to pass them through fingers to make sure of their complaisance and silkiness. Jimin was almost sure that Jungkook was very malleable and sensitive, because he reacted very impulsively to every, even the simplest compliment, but it's nice to shiver.<br/>"Many people would disagree with you," Jungkook again rubbed his neck in embarrassment, smiling stupidly.<br/>"I love children, actually," Jimin took a deep breath and leaned back on the wicker. "But due to lack of time, I can't afford family happiness. Because no omega will wait for me at home after constant meetings and departures. And the children, if any, will grow up without a father with a living relative," Jimin snorted mockingly. And Jungkook has something pinched inside, somewhere in the area of the heart. So much that he wanted to hug alpha, wrap him up with himself, like a soft warm blanket on a cold winter night, and give all his care and love that only remained.<br/>Jimin's eyes widened when he realized that Jungkook, perhaps unknowingly, released his own omega pheromones to... support and calm the upset alpha. He smiled again and almost burst into a fist, noticing how the apple shade on his cheeks turns almost into the beetroot.<br/>"You told me you were painting," Jimin decided to dilute the awkward silence so as not to have the prospect of pumping Jungkook out of a heart attack, which he was definitely threatened with if the alpha did not stop his manipulations. "Will you show me your paintings?"<br/>"Now?" round deer eyes began to look like the headlights of an old car, and in the hazel color of the iris, so favorably emphasized by artificial lighting, the fear of uncertainty slipped.<br/>"And why not?" Jimin shrugged and stood up from his chair, extending a miniature palm towards Jungkook. "Of course, if you are not very tired and do not want me to leave. Then…"<br/>"No!" Jungkook cleared his throat because his voice sounded like a squeaky cartoon character. "No," he tried again, hesitantly, but still putting his wet, large palm into someone else's. "It's just that I... I... I don't have any completed works right now. Three paintings are still in the process. I work on each one according to the mood. I gave the rest for sale. So far to no avail."<br/>Jimin just nodded and stretched out his free hand towards the exit from the kitchen, as if asking Jungkook to accompany him.<br/>Jungkook cursed himself because of his own confusion. Well, why hasn't he learned to control himself with people he doesn't know well yet.<br/><br/>Although, on the other hand, today was generally a colossal paradox. Jungkook never allowed himself to get close to someone like that, always shunned new acquaintances and avoided strangers, preferring to stay in his cozy shell of an introvert, from where he got out only in the presence of the closest and dearest people to him. And such behavior for him: to meet and spend the whole day with alien alpha, to invite him into the house, to experience strange but pleasant feelings of emotion and light excitement, was unusual for him. But Jungkook couldn't deny that he liked Jimin. Omega liked the way alpha looked at him, talked to him, touched him. The body, which had never known the alpha's caresses, responded almost instinctively, reacting with violent flashes in those places that were honored with male attention. Even such an unsociable and solitary person as Jungkook sometimes needed someone to talk to, someone else's warmth and care were needed. And what the alpha gave him, these crumbs of attention, could not compare with what he received from his senior omega partners. It wasn't better or worse, just different.<br/><br/>Jimin followed Jungkook into his studio, on the second floor, which was a separate room filled with objects of Jungkook's work, and began to carefully examine the paintings from which omega forcefully pulled off the fabric, as if he was afraid to change his mind. Jimin ran his fingers along with the frame of each painting, traced every line, every stroke, and element with pads, executed with professional precision. Jungkook hesitated nearby, noticeably biting his lip, turning it into a blood-blue mess, and periodically rubbed the back of his neck.<br/>"Please, say something already, otherwise I'll go crazy," Jungkook buried his face in his own palms, feeling like a microscopic bug that is about to be crushed by other's huge foot. But after a second, he felt warmth on his hands. Jimin carefully opened his face, and Jungkook saw a bright smile and a glint of brown eyes.<br/>"That's wonderful, Jungkook. Just amazing!" Jimin turned to the side of the paintings and again began to examine their splendor. He wasn't exaggerating at all, it wasn't even a full compliment. He really found Jungkook's painting abilities very, very professional. Although there were some nuances, but with the right guidance, they could be corrected and bring Jungkook's talent to boundless perfection.<br/>"Who the hell did you give your paintings to, that they are not for sale?! It's just unthinkable… I would have bought them from you myself, without even thinking, just…" Jimin didn't have time to finish because he felt something wet on his cheek. Other's soft lips left a quick, spontaneous, rather on impulse than at will, kiss. The alpha turned around, unable to hide his surprise, and saw how the lips that had just touched his face were bitten by the smooth edge of his teeth, and their owner was tugging at the edge of his T-shirt, burning with shame, filling the whole house, it seemed, with the honey aroma of an orchid, which clogged into the sensitive nostrils of the alpha and sent sweet prickly sparks of excitement, forcing the guttural growl to tear out with natural instinct.<br/>"I'm sorry, I just..." Jungkook tried to explain himself, cursing himself a thousand times for the impulse that came from nowhere. But suddenly he felt the balsamic vegetable musk creeping into the very interior, settling with the remnants of heat. This gave a little bit of calm, however, the heartbeat like a trapped bird when Jungkook realized that Jimin had taken him by the hands, tearing him away from the task of winding a T-shirt on his fingers.<br/>Jungkook raised his head, and his cheeks flushed, and his eyes widened like a frightened deer from the headlights of a car rushing at him, when the alpha brought his palms to his sinful lips, continuing to drill omega with his gaze, and gently, weightlessly began to shower butterfly-kisses. First the phalanges, then the knuckles, then the skin of the outside of the palms, deeply inhaling the smell of Jungkook.<br/>Jungkook lost count of how many times he was embarrassed like a boy today. He was an adult self-sufficient young man, he raised two sons, had a prestigious job, but was embarrassed, like a puberty teenager who had never had intimacy, as soon as the alpha showed interest in him. And now his cheeks were burning with fire, which was slowly turning into the scorching flame of an eternal bonfire, ready to burn omega, and after that, the devils, inciting him to recklessness, would dance a jig on his charred bones. This flame touched the skin of his hands, covered with horse goosebumps when Jimin left weightless, but such noticeable kisses on it. Inside, everything was trembling and singing praises, appealing to the omega essence, which had never had intimacy with the alpha. The head refused to think, driving the voice of reason into the very depths, so distant and now hoarse, which tried to shout that Jungkook was doing wrong, that he did not know this person, that he was an alpha who could hurt him, use him, take him by force, and Jungkook could not do anything, although he was quite developed and large for his gender. But Jimin didn't do anything, just continued to trace his knuckles with his lips and look-look-look, without taking his saturated, almost black now, if it didn't seem to Jungkook, gaze, from omega, who literally drugged him with his sweet smell of incipient excitement.<br/>Jimin could clearly feel the trembling in the omega's body. He didn't want to scare him, but he couldn't help himself. The fluttering of the eyelashes was like the delicate fragile wings of a butterfly, casting shadows on the lower eyelid. His nostrils quivered from how deeply and for a long time, Jungkook inhaled the life-saving oxygen, his brown eyes filled with a black iris almost to the brim, reminding Jimin of the impenetrable abyss that he felt inside omega as clearly as the goosebumps under his lips. Jungkook tried to hide his desire under the mask of politeness and awkwardness, but a storm was literally raging inside him, which had been contained for a long time, ready to break out and sweep everything in its path. Jungkook resembled an atomic bomb, ready to explode if only Jimin pressed the cherished red button with his small index finger. And he did it. He reached forward to the omega, who immediately held his breath, and touched with his lips the other's lips, such plump and inviting, now red from being constantly in captivity of their own teeth.<br/>Jungkook forgot how to breathe. The kiss was not intrusive or assertive, just a light touch of the lips, as if Jimin was asking for his permission. But the alpha's lips were so sweet, so pleasant to the touch, that Jungkook just couldn't resist tasting them a little more. Just a little bit. To understand what it's like to kiss an alpha who wants not to rape in the heat of his own natural essence, but to take care and give what he never knew. A sense of desirability. Jungkook was sure that his older omegas loved him like no one else, but in this case, he felt completely different. And this "different" was alien to him, scary, but so alluring and captivating that he wanted to go further. He really wanted to get to know Jimin completely. To be in his arms and realize that he would never, ever hurt him. Because a man like Park Jimin is simply not capable of it.<br/>"Jungkook..." Jimin broke the captivating kiss with difficulty, feeling the salt on his lips. Jungkook was crying and didn't even seem to notice it himself. Jimin looked at the young and so serene face carefully and cautiously, about to retreat, because, it seems, he still scared Jungkook. But in the eyes opposite the alpha saw such a strong desire. And it was a desire not sexual, more confidential. Jungkook wanted Jimin to take care of him, wanted to trust someone, wanted to be loved just as he gave his love and gratitude to everyone around him.<br/>The alpha carefully placed his cool palms on the snow-white cheeks, immediately feeling the contrast of the heat of the omega's skin, and approached his ear, simultaneously inhaling the rich smell of the orchid.<br/>"I won't do anything you don't want me to do, Jungkook. You can trust me. I can take care of you. You'll be safe with me. Do you trust me?" running his nose along the line of the neck, Jimin pulled back again and looked into the slightly frightened eyes.<br/>"Yes..." Jungkook's voice betrayed him, sounding hoarse, torn from the accumulated tears and the lump in his throat that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, blocking access to the trachea, not allowing him to speak. "I trust you."<br/>"Come with me," Jimin held out his hand to the omega and tightly intertwined his fingers with others' when Jungkook took his palm more confidently in his own.<br/><br/>Descending from the second floor into the living room, going to the sofa laid out for sleeping, Jimin turned to Jungkook and put his hands on his waist, weightlessly stroking his thumbs. Omega trembled again, his lips parted, glistening in the lamplight, and his eyelids fluttered, hiding behind a fluffy line of eyelashes.<br/>Jimin knelt down and ran his palms under the omega's T-shirt, thereby lifting it higher, exposing his taut elastic stomach. The tongue slid into the pit of the navel, moistening the ring with saliva, and omega trembled again, clinging tightly to the shoulders of the young man. Opening his eyes, Jungkook lowered his head and was ready to groan with delight. Jimin was kneeling in front of him and licking his stomach so gently, but at the same time sensually, that his knees gave way. Electrical impulses were piercing the whole body from the heels to the top of the head, and omega could not do anything about it. And didn't want to at all. His room was filled with the thick velvety sweet scent of warm wood, mixed with his own honey. And it hit the sensitive nose so hard that Jungkook could not restrain himself and let out the first, weightless, barely audible moan. But as soon as he did this, the grip on his thighs became more noticeable, the tongue dug into the skin harder, leaving wet paths blown by a non-existent wind, and from somewhere below a deep animal growl was heard. At first, Jungkook was scared, but as soon as he realized that this evil sound belonged to the excited alpha kneeling in front of him, he immediately choked on air, which seemed to have been missing quite recently.<br/>Alpha ran his tongue next to the edge of his jeans and ran his fingers inside, stroking the edge of his boxers.<br/>"Can I take them off?" Jimin asked, raising his head, looking at the omega's damn seductive face right now. And Jungkook was so fucked. Hearing the excited, hoarse, almost bestial voice of the alpha, who literally begged him on his knees, Jungkook whimpered and madly nodded his head, forgetting about all his fears, driving them into the most remote corners of his consciousness.<br/>Unbuttoning the button and zipper, taking off his jeans, Jimin carefully ran his hand over the already fully prepared nature of omega, loudly and for a long time inhaling the smell of omega with his nose. After freeing other's cock from excess tissue, lifting his T-shirt higher so that Jungkook held it with his hand, Jimin ran a wide swab of his tongue from the balls to the very head, feeling how omega almost settles to the floor, immediately grabbing him firmly by the hips to keep him in place.<br/>In a measured and even rhythm, the alpha absorbed the neat trunk, which completely fit in his throat, rolling his eyes from the scent of orchids saturating his lungs, moans that were now coming from above in a stormy stream, and trembling all over his body. Jungkook was afraid that he could pull the alpha right into his mouth, because his persistent movements, the way he sucked in his cheeks and stroked all sensitive areas with the tip of his tongue, contributed only to such a finale. Therefore, he gently tapped Jimin on the shoulder, fearing that his voice would fail him again, and pulled on his shoulders, digging into his now red, as it turned out, greedy mouth with his own, pushing his tongue possessive and without hesitation.<br/>Jimin laid Jungkook on the bed and hovered over him, looking at his beautiful face again.<br/>"You are so beautiful, omega," the alpha ran his palm over his cheek, touched his reddened lips with his finger, circled the eyebrow line, and again looked at this with his gaze, blackening like the abyss of hell.<br/>Jungkook was embarrassed by the praise again. But he couldn't deny that it warmed him better than any fluffy soft sweater he sometimes liked to wear. Recently, he has become more confident in sex with his partners, such vulgar and dirty obscenity could come out of his mouth that any porn star could envy, Jungkook could easily put Yoongi on the shoulder blades or compete for the championship with Taehyung. But not now. Now he wanted to burn with both shame and desire, feeling the lubricant flowing down the inside of his thighs.<br/>After getting rid of the remaining clothes, Jimin spread the omega's legs with his knee and bent down to his ear.<br/>"Relax, Jungkook. I won't hurt you."<br/>Jungkook nodded, biting his lip, feeling fear again. After all, in sex with alpha, the only time he experienced, he knew only pain and humiliation. But Jimin looked at him so kindly, with such gentleness and awe. Jimin admired him, idolized him, wanted him. And Jungkook felt like he was being filled from the inside with something that he couldn't explain to himself. He wanted to belong to alpha, he wanted to give himself to him, he wanted to appropriate him to himself, mark him with his scent and leave alpha on every part of his body and this fucking house, so that he would always remember what happened tonight.<br/>Jimin lowered his hand and slid his finger into omega's wet anus, feeling him shrink from penetration, absorbing the phalanx into his hot interior.<br/>Jungkook arched in the small of his back when the second finger was already inside and easily found the prostate, stroking it persistently. The body literally sang, glowed from within with small lights, ready to explode from overflowing feelings.<br/>The third finger sank into the omega's anus, becoming covered with a sticky, sweet lubricant that continuously flowed over the knuckles and hand, soaking the bed. Jimin defiantly licked it off, which made Jungkook greedily follow him and pull him for a now not at all innocent kiss, absorbing his own taste, collecting it from the inner walls of others' mucosa.<br/>"Jimin, please..." Jungkook whined.<br/>The alpha slowly and carefully entered the omega for a trial, feeling how the supple walls still squeeze his large alpha cock. Omega squeezed his eyes shut and bit his lip. Jimin's cock was much larger than his omega partners because a slight burning sensation was not spared. However, the preliminary stretching and slow, unhurried movements did everything as well as possible, and soon Jungkook was choking in his own convulsive moans, feeling the trunk of Jimin entirely in itself.<br/>Jimin didn't stop talking about how beautiful Jungkook is, malleable, sensitive, how good he feels with omega, how wonderful he smells and accepts him. The words poured like tart molasses into the ears, making one suffocate from such necessary praise and measured, careful, but deep thrusts mixed with soft affectionate touches of either hands or tongue, without missing a single piece of Jungkook's body. Omega had no idea how Jimin did it, but he could feel alpha literally everywhere. His hands intertwined with Jungkook's blond hair, caressing the scalp to creaking goosebumps, lips fluttered over his cheeks, cheekbones, neck, dangerously close to the fragrant gland, leaving wet marks and burning flames, fingers caressed sensitive nipples, turning them into darkened swollen peas, counted ribs, leading them up and down, forcing all organs to twist with a tourniquet in the dangerous prospect of dying from internal hemorrhage, nails clung the trembling navel, leaving light pink traces that will come off in the morning, but an ephemeral feeling will warm the scattered brain for a long time, the cock burned from the inside, coming out completely, wet and shiny from lubrication, and plunged to the root, ramming the prostate so that small aftershocks ran through the veins and vessels like a current through wires.<br/>"Jimin... Jimin..." like a mantra, Jungkook echoed other's name, taking thrusts, waving his hips, listening to a deep, low animal growl right above his ear.<br/>"Jungkook-ah, you are the most wonderful omega. The most beautiful. Such a good one for me," Jimin whispered in the omega's ear, feeling how he poured out a whitish seed on his stomach after several movements of the palm ring on his cock.<br/>The alpha inhaled the thick, rich omega smell and moved faster, catching up with his own orgasm, which had been biting his ass for several minutes, long before the omega spread out under him in a shapeless puddle.<br/>The sperm gushed into the hot and still pliable interior, and the walls instinctively shrank, trying to keep it inside so that not a single drop was spilled in vain. The knot that began to form scared omega, expanding his anus for a natural coupling, and Jimin immediately bent over the wet, panting, still with a clouded look, Jungkook and whispered right into his sugar lips, "Jungkook-ah, it's okay. Everything will be fine. Just relax and try to let me in."<br/>Jungkook clung to the alpha's hair so hard that he was about to be uprooted. But Jimin only bowed his head lower, allowing himself to be used the way omega needed.<br/>The knot didn't hurt Jungkook as much as he remembered from the last time. A slight pain pierced the sensitive edges of the anus, but that was all. It immediately retreated into the background, while the alpha whispered the glory of consolation and praise to Jungkook in his ear, gently caressing the lobe with his lips.<br/>Jungkook didn't want to think about anything. He was so warm and cozy. So nice and calm. Jimin was completely filling it and wasn't going to leave or quit. He'll take care of him. He will be a good alpha for Jungkook's omega. The junior literally felt it with his heart, which was still beating in the same way as the heart of Jimin, who was leaning over him, holding his weight in his arms in a very uncomfortable position for himself, thinking only about the comfort of Jungkook.<br/>"It's okay, little omega. Close your beautiful eyes and try to rest. I'll be here when you wake up."<br/>And to the sound of this honey voice, very uncharacteristic of a strong, dominant, by all accounts used to suppress, alpha personality, Jungkook fell asleep in the calmest and serene sleep imaginable.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>Lucifer was lying next to a sleeping man on the bed and caught himself on a completely stupid and absurd thought. He didn't want to leave. Just like the first time. Just like the second one. Lucifer literally felt like some threads were connecting him with these young men hands and feet. And that would be just fine because now these omegas were carrying his heirs, and such a connection would be appropriate. But that's not the point at all. This fucking connection gradually glowed and took its poisonous roots long before Lucifer even descended to Earth to the very first omega. And he didn't like it at all. He shouldn't have been blowing snot like a sinful human soul. Lucifer didn't have the ability to feel anything other than anger at all. lust or desire. But now he felt, as he looked at the light-skinned, so innocent and beautiful omega, and this realization drove him out of himself.<br/><br/>"Abaddon!" Lucifer went out into the street, calling out to his guard, who has recently completely gotten out of hands.<br/>"I'm here," the demon appeared right in front of Lucifer a few steps away, sweating, heaving, breathing heavily, with dark bloodstains on his light robe.<br/>"What the fuck are you doing?" Lucifer, without understanding, unleashed a wave of all the anger accumulated inside on a close friend in the form of a shock wave of energy that immediately knocked the unsuspecting demon off his feet. He flew across the road, landing deafeningly with his back on other's lawn, leaving behind gaping deep furrows on the ground that would be very difficult to explain to curious neighbors the next morning.<br/>Abaddon knew that such an outcome was to be expected. He disappeared for several days without saying anything to his surveillance objects, and most importantly, did not inform his Master. Just disappeared. Evaporated. Of course, if something serious had happened, he would have found out about it immediately. But Lucifer, apparently, was of a different opinion.<br/>"I had to think," the demon replied deafly, getting to his feet, disgustedly shaking off the asphalt dirt, although his entire snow-white suit was almost covered from head to toe with human blood, and caked cinnabar was already dark on his fingers.<br/>"You had clear orders to keep an eye on my omegas. They carry my heirs in their wombs. You disobeyed your Master. You've lost all your skills and you want me to replace you with a more suitable candidate? Or is that how you decided to challenge me?!" Lucifer fixed his eyes, as black as his entire Kingdom, on the unnaturally calm face opposite.<br/>"No," Abaddon calmly approached his King and knelt down on one knee, but he did not lower his head in the usual gesture of submission, but on the contrary, raised it, looking into the blackening eyes, feeling the condensed aura of his Master's anger. "I just needed to remember who I really am. And I remembered."<br/>Abaddon thought for a long time about what had happened to him. How humane and soft-hearted he became in the last years of his stay on Earth next to his wards. And when he found himself where he rightfully belonged, among the highest walls of corpses, rivers of blood, and insane heart-rending screams, he realized that he was still the same ruthless and invincible demon that he had always been. But, as soon as he was next to one of the omegas appointed under his strict control by the Ruler of hell himself, he immediately turned into a kind and gentle guy, but ready to tear the throat of anyone who dares to touch what is dear to him. At first, it scared Abaddon terribly. After all, being a demon, he could not and should not have experienced such desires and feelings. But then the demon realized that he had always experienced them. To his friend, to his brother, his Leader, King, Patron. And he didn't see anything wrong with it. Therefore, he realized that he was still the same evil and bloodthirsty demon, but ready to protect and kill for what he considers his own.<br/>"And what about you?"<br/>The impertinent question knocked Lucifer out of his rut, and he even stepped back, unconsciously pacifying his anger, which was growing in clouds of vibrating energy.<br/>"What?"<br/>"Do you remember who you are?" serious eyes looked into other's, and thin lips twitched in a grin. "I advise you to remember if you have forgotten, my dear friend. Because, believe me, it's harder than it might seem."<br/>And, bowing almost to the ground, Abaddon disappeared, leaving Lucifer to digest the shit that he left behind. The King of the Underworld did not even have time to be outraged that the demon left him without permission, although he called him to shake him by the collar and remind him not to dare to leave unattended what belongs to his Master. However, the words of a friend were deeply embedded in Lucifer's head, and it fell ill with such force that at the time the brains tried to flow out through the ears in a shapeless mess and smeared on the highway from the tires of the first car in the early morning.<br/>Lucifer knew exactly what Abaddon was talking about. And that's why he got very angry again, also realizing that he absolutely does not have the slightest fucking answer to the question expressed by the demon. But as soon as Lucifer reentered the house, previously snapping his fingers to clean up the mess he had made on the street, he felt the mixed smells of two entities and saw a cute sniffling man in bed, blindly trying to find other's body with his hand, curling up from loneliness in a big bed, and all the thoughts the Ruler of hell faded into the background. Lucifer smiled and shook his head, settling down on the bed, immediately wrapped in a ring of tenacious male hands.<br/>He will be able to do gnawing and eat his own brains later.</p>