
Chapter 2: Mal Celia Candy Scarlet Audrey Queen Jasmine & Brandy

Hey Brandy and Candy

Oh hi godmother Mal

Hi Mal it's so good to hear from you

Hi girls

Hey aunt Celia

Hi aunt Celia are you coming over now

Well it will be another two hours& 30 mins

Okay we can wait

Girls what is going on

Well I know you heard about Candy

And my man Arthur falling out again

Yes those wedding invites

Yeah well can I not invite them

No remember Mal's mom wasn't invited

Oh yeah speaking of Audrey's mom

Is she there with you

Yes Audrey Scarlet and Queen Jasmine

What put them on

Hello girls

Hi girls

Hey girls what's up

Did you know about the fall out

Yes we did know about it

What why didn't you tell me

Mal Candy didn't want everyone to know

But she is my goddaughter you know

We know you tell us all the time

Let's hope her mother does not find out

Yeah Lil Ursula is really scary

I don't know you guys

Yeah maybe we should tell her

I mean after all that is Candy's mother right

Are you guys crazy we can't do that

And why not it will be good

Or turn out for the worse

Even her grandmother would hate that

Then we need to come up with a plan

To do what Queen Jasmine

To make sure they don't know

What do you have in mind

I will tell you later

Okay bye you guys see you soon

Bye girl

Bye best friend

Bye Queen Mal

Bye bye girls

Bye everyone be safe

Have a great day everyone bye bye

End Conversation