
Descendants of Maoshan

A scroll of silk found in the belly of an ancient corpse turned out to be a treasure map of the Later Jin Dynasty that the Ming Dynasty ancestor Zhu Di had not been able to glimpse with the power of the Ming court; And China's heirloom ?? The Heshi Bi National Seal is actually in the treasure! Zhang Guozhong, a descendant of Maoshan Road, embarked on a treasure hunt by chance, and a weird and bizarre web of suspense began! Can the royal families of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties use the power of the imperial court to see the true national treasure seal, and can it be seen again after a thousand years of dust? Can mysterious puzzles of the ages be solved? In the face of all kinds of ancient evil spells that cause death, can the omnipotent Maoshan Dao Art show its full strength? Birth-and-death experiences, suffocating plots, interlocking suspense; "Descendants of Maoshan" will lead you to get close to the profound Maoshan Taoism, a gripping puzzle treasure hunt, about to start around you!

DaoistSzLNI7 · 玄幻
60 Chs

A Thousand Shots

Zhang Guozhong inserted a large circle on the ground with incense, took out a large handful of "chicken throat" from the bag, that is, raw chicken bones, and placed it on the ground with sixteen raw talismans, one on each raw talisman, which is also Zhang Guozhong in a hurry to create a formation created by Shengzhi, Zhang Guozhong gave this formation a name called "Qunyang Array", which is a formation that combines Maoshan's existing formation "Tyranny Yang Array" and "Fengyin Array" into one, "Tyranny Yang Array" is mainly a practice of relying on raw talismans and chicken throats to bluff, mainly for dealing with livestock, "Tyranny Yang Array" came out, The yang qi of the spellcaster will be divided into sixteen parts evenly by sixteen "birth talismans", and it is difficult for animals to distinguish which is the caster and which is the birth talisman, so it will blindly attack a qi, but thinking that the opponent is not a beast but a living person with thinking, so Zhang Guozhong added a layer of "yin array" on the basis of the "yang array", which is a formation of "invite the jun into the urn, close the door and release the dog", this formation uses thirty-six pillars of soul incense to create a false appearance of an exceptionally powerful aura in front of evil ghosts or animals, but deliberately wants to sell to the other party a flaw, Once the opponent enters, he can't get out unless he knocks the caster down, but this is also a test of the caster's own ability, in most cases, the "Fengyin Array" is a formation that the caster determines that the opponent is not an opponent to prevent the opponent from escaping.

After setting up the "Qunyang Array", Zhang Guozhong walked into the house again, took Qin Ge out, took out the compass, and placed a "lock heart talisman" in each of the eight directions of the house: "Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Geng, and Dui" ("Lock Heart Talisman" is also known as "roadblock talisman", and evil spirits or animals will turn and walk when they see it.

), and then all the way to the "ghost charm" (a kind of "yin talisman", depicted with a material belonging to yin, with the effect of attracting the soul), straight back to the gate of the Liao family's ancestral home, straight to the "gap" in the front of the "Qunyang Array", after doing these work, Zhang Guozhong returned to the formation, pierced the seven veins, inserted the dagger into the ground with a bang, and put up the "Yang Fury Array" again, but this time the material of the small seven levels changed from copper money to "chicken throat".

After Xiao Qiguan finished arguing, Zhang Guozhong took out the acupuncture plug from his arms and inserted it behind his ear.

"Your mother's! Want to go head-to-head with Lao Tzu...? Zhang Guozhong muttered while thinking, theoretically speaking, no matter how many drops are cast in the building at the same time, it is Zhao Kuncheng's strength alone, and every time he casts, the descending master will hurt his vitality, and it takes a long time to cultivate to surrender again, and this time, in just one day, Zhao Kuncheng has performed three descent techniques, and two successes, according to Zhang Guozhong's estimate, this Zhao Kuncheng should have nothing to do at the moment, and according to the seventh uncle, Zhao Kuncheng is already a person who is almost fifty years old, according to the harm of the head lowering he has cast, Folding the life should also be folded, now it is just a negative stubborn resistance, sixteen living talismans, enough to fool sixteen times, Zhang Guozhong did not believe that this Zhao Kuncheng could cast sixteen more times at the same time in such a short time, "His mother, lift your ancestor Zhao Sange out of the grave, Laozi also has to let him die again today!" Driven by fear and anger, Zhang Guozhong was already red at the moment.

Since there is danger in the house, simply lead to the outside of the house to solve, the fundamental principle of the lowering technique is to convert the power of people into a yin qi similar to animals and attach it to a certain material, such as ashes, corpses, evil things, etc., after the attachment, this yin qi itself does not have human intelligence, so with Zhang Guozhong roared, a huge sound echoed in the wilderness around the villa.

(This time, Zhang Guozhong was full of wine and full of energy, plus the "borrowing needle" behind his ears, the sound was much louder than the sound in the treasure cave like a bicycle burst, but this time Zhang Guozhong did not exert his full strength, only exerted four percent of his strength, in order to attract enough attention.)

With this sound, the chicken throat inserted in the ground next to Zhang Guozhong trembled a few times, but still maintained its original position, Zhang Guozhong only felt that the cool breeze was blowing, and the whizzing cold wind blew from the main entrance of the Liao family's ancestral home to himself, bang, a stick of incense was actually broken, the sound was as big as a wooden stick with a thick arm broken, at this time, I saw the raw talisman on the ground fixed with the chicken throat trembling, the wind on the opposite side was not strong, but the silk pulling sound of the raw talisman was very exaggerated.

At this moment, the surrounding circle of soul-attracting smoke has undergone strange changes, although the wild wind is very small, but it is more than enough to blow away the smoke, but strangely, these smoke actually revolve around this "group of suns", not only does not disperse, but more and more gather, if you don't see it with your own eyes, this kind of spectacle is really hard to believe.

Just as Zhang Guozhong was preoccupied, a chicken throat next to him flew with a swoop, and Sheng Fu was about to fly.

"Fix me!!" Zhang Guozhong shouted, a dagger was inserted on the talisman, in order to facilitate the wolf into the room, the flaw of the "Qunyang Array" was facing the main entrance of this Liao ancestral mansion, and if there was something to enter the formation, it directly collided with Zhang Guozhong.

At this time, the role of the "borrowing needle" played a role, the strength of human yang qi is closely related to the strength of the body's life characteristics, this borrowing needle at this time stimulated the maximum potential of Zhang Guozhong's body, I saw Zhang Guozhong take out another chicken throat from his arms instead of a dagger and insert it into the talisman, stand up again, close his eyes, open his eyes, only to feel a wisp of gray mist continuously.

At this time, there were several bangs, and the thirty-six incense sticks were folded seventeen or eight at once, and five or six of the talismans on the ground were all pulled into confetti.

"Want to get out? Not so easy! Zhang Guozhong roared, and in his eyes, a huge black qi rushed towards him, "This is it!" Zhang Guozhong raised the dagger, qi pulse movement heart technique, bit the tip of the tongue, a mouthful of yang blood spit on the dagger, full of vigorous roar, I saw the chicken throat of the small seven passes and the insertion talisman next to him snapped a few times and shattered into two, swish a few times flew more than ten meters away, the thirty-six soul-attracting incense around all broke, all the talismans were shattered into confetti, with this roar, the "borrowing needle" inserted behind Zhang Guozhong's ear was smashed out of the acupuncture point with two swishes, and it was at this time that only heard a loud bang, and the "landing platform" in Bashan at that time At the same time, the glass of a room on the first floor of the ancestral residence of the Liao family was all shattered, this is real bulletproof glass, it is difficult to break with an iron hammer... According to Zhang Guozhong's plan, this can be regarded as the best result of going head-to-head with Zhao Kuncheng, as long as you keep your life, it is a victory, although the "Yang Fury Array" is a formation without lethality, but if it is applied in the middle of the "Yang Array", its power can not be underestimated, although the other party is powerful, but after all, it is also a person, his power is trapped in the "Yang Array", and the huge Yang Qi that bursts out instantly in the "Yang Fury Array" is enough to disperse these Yin Qi.

This time the "Yang Fury Array", Zhang Guozhong really overworked his head, even the "borrowing needle" behind his ears collapsed, if this overdraft practice fails, the consequences are very serious, because at this moment, even a three-year-old child can cure Zhang Guozhong to death.

"He... Fuck... Sure enough... There..." Zhang Guozhong only felt that he had a ringing in his ears, his hands and feet were as soft as a puddle of mud, and although his consciousness was very clear, he lay on the ground and couldn't move at all.

"He... Mother... Target... Qin... Mr. " Zhang Guozhong shouted weakly, what he hoped most at the moment was that Qin Ge could wake up, because according to Zhang Guozhong's estimate, Zhao Kuncheng is not finished at this moment, it is estimated that he is a virtue with himself, Zhao Kuncheng is dead is nothing, but his own half-dead virtue, if he really lies on this wild land until dawn, it is enough to drink a pot by himself.

I don't know that after more than half a day, I suddenly heard a stumbling walk, Zhang Guozhong barely opened his eyes, and then in the moonlight, I saw a white-haired old man stumbling out of the door.

"Qin... Mr. Qin? As time passed, Zhang Guozhong found that his vision became more and more blurred, and the person who came over on the other side had silver hair like Qin Ge, but he looked as if he was not Qin Ge.

"Zhao... Zhao..."You don't need to guess to know that this person must be Zhao Kuncheng, but Zhang Guozhong can't figure it out, listening to the description of the seventh uncle, this person should be a middle-aged man with a good look, how did he become an old man?" Could it be that the so-called life reduction is to accelerate aging? Zhao Kuncheng walked in front of Zhang Guozhong and slowly squatted, looking not much stronger than Zhang Guozhong, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"Young man, I guessed well, I'm Zhao Kuncheng... There is an old Chinese saying that Xiang'an has nothing to do, and mediocrity disturbs himself..." At this time, Zhao Kuncheng broke Zhang Guozhong's weak hand and snatched the dagger over, "If you are still a person in the next life, remember not to be nosy..."

Zhang Guozhong closed his eyes, this was the second time he felt this way since he was grabbed by the "Yan Ghost" in the treasure cave, "Er Ya, let's continue the marriage in the next life...", I already knew that this Zhao Kuncheng still had strength, and he also had some strength just now.

At this moment, only listening to a crisp gunshot, Zhao Kuncheng's shoulder was bloody.

"Who!?" Zhao Kuncheng turned his head sharply, only to see a figure behind, stumbling towards him with a gun, Zhao Kuncheng did not do anything, and flew towards the figure with a knife.

This figure is Qin Ge, but at this time, Qin Ge is also weak and weak, and when he sees a cold light and goes straight to him, it is too late to hide, try to tilt his body, and the dagger pounced and plunged into it from an inch below the right collarbone, and the back saw the tip of the knife.

"Ah" with a scream, Qin Ge landed on the ground with his pistol, covered his wound and lay on the ground staring at Zhao Kuncheng viciously.

"Qin Ge?" Zhao Kuncheng smiled, "Your next turn... Don't worry..." As he spoke, he walked towards Qin Ge and lowered his head to pick up Qin Ge's pistol.

"This gun is good..." Zhao Kuncheng weighed the pistol and came to Zhang Guozhong again, for him, Qin Ge was not afraid, but this young man in front of him must cut the grass and remove the roots, he didn't expect that there were people in this world who could let themselves be so badly injured, he had endured under Liao Qi for so many years, and only to get to this step today, if this person in front of him is not eliminated, it is likely to make his years of hard work go to waste.

"Little brother, let's reincarnate in the next life and go to Africa..." He was about to pull the trigger, but at this moment, he found a cold light straight to his chest.

"Hey!" Zhao Kuncheng dodged the dagger with a golden steel plate bridge, Zhang Guozhong was surprised and delighted, surprised that he did not expect that this Zhao Kuncheng still had such a big spiritual head, and the joy was glad that the savior had arrived.

When there was a clatter, the dagger landed more than ten meters away, followed by a crisp submachine gunshot.

"Stop!!" Zhang Guozhong's heart was put down, this was Ah Kuang's voice.

At this time, I saw Zhao Kuncheng sneaking in three and two times to more than ten meters away, similar to a squirrel, took it out of his pocket and didn't know what it was, threw it into the air, and saw a strong light, several times brighter than the flare, and everyone was dazzled.

It took about ten seconds to open his eyes, and Zhao Kuncheng was gone.

"Fuck, what about people?" This is the voice of the old Liu Tou..."Guozhong! National Loyalty!! "I pressed my wrist, and fortunately, I didn't die... When Zhang Guozhong woke up, he found himself lying in a super large ** jar with infusion, next to a Southeast Asian woman who was about to fall asleep.

"Excuse me..." Zhang Guozhong recovered a lot of physical strength, feeling that he could almost get off the ground.

As he spoke, the Southeast Asian woman's eyes suddenly widened, "Oh!! "How is Mr. Qin?" Before Zhang Guozhong finished speaking, he saw that this woman immediately ran out of the house while shouting, and within three minutes, a room of people immediately entered, in addition to the seventh uncle, Old Liu Tou and A Guang, there were several nurses and a foreign doctor.

"I'm already fine..." Zhang Guozhong wanted to get out of bed, but this foreign doctor couldn't help but say, pressing Zhang Guozhong on the **, picking his pupils again, and the stethoscope was busy.

"What a miracle!" It seems that Doctor Yang's Chinese is not bad, "I thought it would take him at least three days to wake up!" "Guozhong, the surname Qin is dead, you also have to worry about it, take care of your wounds, huh?" Old Liu Tou said.

"Dead!?" Zhang Guozhong pulled off the infusion jar and was about to go to the ground.

Old Liu Tou hurriedly held him down, "Oh, lie to you, not dead, not dead, the next room is a corpse, you recuperate well, hey... Doctor, please plug this in again..." Old Liu Tou handed the infusion needle to the nurse next to him.

Several doctors left the house, and Seventh Uncle and Old Liu Tou remained in the house.

"Seventh Uncle, your son's previous room, there must be something!" Zhang Guozhong was categorical.

"You mean, the title deed will be in that room?" Seventh Uncle said, "Mr. Zhang, I really thank you this time, thanks to Mr. Liu, I am like a god, and I have even affected you..." "Seventh Uncle, you can rest assured, your ancestral mansion will no longer be haunted, that Zhao Kuncheng has also suffered internal injuries, and there will be no more trouble in the short term, I hope that before I recover, you send some people to guard that room well!" Zhang Guozhong thought for a moment again, "Seventh Uncle, is your son's relic still there?" "Well, in! At! I'll have someone get it for you now! As soon as the seventh uncle waved his hand, he babbled a string of English, a maid bowed, turned his head and went out, and after a while, a large box was obtained, opened the box, and there was a mess of everything.

"What is it?" Zhang Guozhong took a book and opened it, "It turned out to be a diary..." Zhang Guozhong muttered...