

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · 奇幻
100 Chs


After some coaxing from Savarus, Bethany finally managed to sit at the edge of the cliff, although she was sitting down, but all her concentration was to make sure she doesn't mistakenly fall off he cliff.

"Savarus, there's been something I have been meaning to ask you, was the story about yourself true, are you really an orphan?" asked Bethany.

"It's true, but you don't have to think about it, it's already in the past and beside it made me who I'm currently am" said Savarus.

"If it's about your past that's making you see life In a different light then please don't, as you said it's already in the past, you have to look at the future ahead of you and not the past" said Bethany.

"Looks like you now have the confidence to move yourself about" said Savarus as he look at Bethany who was now swinging her legs and doesn't look afraid anymore.

"I guess you are right, this really is a great view" said Bethany.

"Do you believe there is something call immortality?" asked Savarus out of the blue.

"I don't understand you that much, when you speak of immortality, are you referring to someone who doesn't die?" asked Bethany.

"Well something like that" replied Savarus.

"Why do you like asking weird questions, what I do know is that no human is immortal except a god in human form" said Bethany.

The moment Savarus heard the words of Bethany, he burst out in laughter.

"So you do believe there is a being called a God, it's funny how much people believe in gods they haven't seen once, what I do know is that there are no such thing as gods" said Savarus.

"What kind of a person are you, if you say there is no such thing as gods, then explain to me how we humans came into existence?" asked Bethany.

"I don't know, but I do know there's are no gods" said Savarus.

"We were all created by a god called the god of life and we should be grateful for it" said Bethany.

"If you so much believe there are gods, then where are they and how do you know they exist?" asked Savarus.

"They aren't call gods for nothing, of cause we mortal won't be able to see them, because they are not to be seen but worship" said Bethany.

"Does that make any sense to you, how can you believe something exist when you can't see it, is your thinking really that low?" asked Savarus while laughing.

"My thinking is an hundred times better than yours" replied Bethany.

"I think that's enough for the moment, let's just enjoy the view and forget about the matter" said Savarus.

'A god in human form, is that really something?' asked Savarus to himself. 'If only such a thing was real then I would have seek it, so I can get rid of this curse called gift, but reality is just too different from imagination'.

Bethany didn't say anything because even she was finding the topic a little bit annoying, having someone telling her that what she has grow to believe since she was a child was not real, wasn't something she was okay with.

"What do you think will happen to a person if he fall from this height?" asked Savarus.

"What's there to think about, the person will die of course, if luck is on his side, then he will be crippled for ever" said Bethany.

"Have you ever experienced a feeling called love?" asked Savarus as he look at the river underneath them.

"If you are referring to family love, then I have and still currently experiencing it, but if it's about love for a soul mate then I haven't or perhaps I actually don't know the type of feeling" said Bethany.

"You are really something Bethany, so you do believe there is something called a soul mate?" asked Savarus.

"Yes I do, I do know we all have someone we are destined to be with" said Bethany.

"Okay then, let me ask you this question, how will you know if the person is your soul mate when you come across him?" asked Savarus while looking at her in an amusing way.

"You will know if he person is your soul mate when you start getting the urge to give up everything just to be with the person, to protect the person and always want to see the person happy in another level" said Bethany.

"Do you feel like that around me?" asked Savarus, although he doesn't believe in soul mate, but was intrigued to know what she was going to say.

"I don't know, why will you ask me that" said Bethany as she hid her face.

The moment Savarus heard this words, an evil grin found his way up to his face as a stupid idea popped up in his head and he let himself slipped off from the mountain.

The moment Bethany saw this, she tried to hold Savarus even though he has already fallen some inches away from her, her heart stopped breathing as she saw Savarus going down.

A loud scream was what followed next as she manage to come out of the shock, the fact that Savarus fell off the cliff right in front of her made almost all her sense dull.

On looking down the cliff, she couldn't see him again as her heart sank into emptiness, she didn't even know when tears started rolling down her eyes uncontrollably.

"Why!!, didn't you promise to protect me, so why throw away your life like if it's nothing, even if you were tired of living, can't you continue living for my sake, please come back to me, please" shouted Bethany as more tears kept on rolling down her cheek.

"I can't believe after I finally saw someone I like, this is how he left me, Savarus please come back to me, I lied, I do feel like that around you" said Bethany as she continues sobbing endlessly.

Thanks for reading, please introduce this novel to your friends and families so I can be able to write more.

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