
Demonically Infected

A girl made to pay for a father debt to a demon lord, the ultimate sacrifice or a slim chance to survive. Where will her choices lead her? Can she make it back or forever walk the tightrope till she falls into hell.

Vawn_Mobbs · 奇幻言情
21 Chs

First demon seal down

Soon another arrow joined the first pinning the minion to the wall again so it couldnt get away. It screamed and tryed to yank itself free of the arrows and normally it would have done so easily. However these were demonic powered arrows, ones designed specifically for killing demons and were only used by high warriors during war time.

They could only be used by a demonic being with immense soul power and were reserved to be used by fallen angels when fighting for their Lords. How this bow and arrows came into being in the earthly realm would never be discovered but Rose would unlock many more powers but that's for later.

Rose transformed her bow into its slicing form and sprung forward to finish the job, but Dingo snagged her with his large arms. He held me close and tryed to calm me but still was barely able to hold me. Finally his rumbling voice got through to me saying we needed to wait. Wait for the others because demons were know to have self destruct or demonic forms of magic that could easily kill all who were stupid to be close by.

We need to wear him down, bleed him out and hit and damage from a distance or We could all die here and now. Normally a group of mages and ranged magic weapons would be used to whittle its power down. Even a small one like this could easily kill a whole village without thinking twice. I'm not even sure how you managed to pin it down with just a few arrows.

I could hear the others approaching in the distance the trail would be easy enough to follow what with the fight with its mount. In addition, the demon continued to scream in demonic langauge, saying unspeakably things. I turned to it and replyed in its own language with something equally evil to its ear the Lord's prayer. It's screamed and started to throw up blood, my laughter rang out in glee.

I shifted my bow once again and started to turn it into a pin cushion, for some reason I couldn't stop laughing. Dingo must have figured I was hysterical and just stepped back and left me to wear it down. With my last arrow flying the team all arrived. All three flinched to see the small demon pierced through by all thirty arrows.

It's most useable parts had not been spared eyes, nose, mouth, ears, throat, heart, lungs, hands, shoulders, legs, feet, and especially its genital region which had been largely torn off. It's black blood gushed outward in rivers across its body. A body which seemed to now be held upright only due to the same arrows that pierced him.

Castle asked Cinder to cast shield on them and then requested Wendy to determine its remaining power range. Her evaluation would help him figure out it we even had the power to finish it off. He and Dingo would have to dismember it and Wendy would have to destroy it core last with the Lord's prayer or it would return after rematerializing in the demon world.

Windy was so shocked by her scan she had to do it three times, the demons strength was down to 8 percent and still decreasing. Usually even small demons like this would start to auto heal even while taking damage from numerous enemies until finally dying from dismemberment. That's why it took a army to kill them or a huge group of high levels adventurers to finish them off before they returned to their demonic world.

The attacks Rose had done by anyone else would have resulted in little but insult with little injury. Normally leaving the two attackers with loss of their own life. Demons were known to bite off torn or pierced down parts without batting a eye simply by growing a new one in seconds. Allowing them to attack and kill any stupid enough to chase them down especially if in small groups or without magic.

This smaller one might need to take a little longer to grow back a large or important part but still it wasn't even trying. When scanned it felt as if it had been cut off form its source of demonic powers, the demonic world itself. Thus healing, strength, magic even its curses had to rely only on it innate inner powers or ones it had been born with.

Her last scan said it's strength was down to six percent and still dropping, more then enough hopefully for them to finish it off. She relayed the news to them but still cautioned them because this situation was just to weird. Rose tryed to attack once again but Dingo restrained her with just a low grunt.

Cinder cast several high level shields and even set a small formation at the feet of the demon to prevent self destruct from being achieved and still the small figure didn't fight back. It near scared her to death just being this close to one. She just wished this day would end.

Slowly Castle and Dingo approached it and then Dingo launched his strongest move and sliced its head clean off. He almost fell as it pierced through with little resistance feeling as if he had beheaded a large bony demon beast instead of a true demon. Dingo had heard it took many cuts to behead even the smallest of demons what was going on.

Cinder immediately covered its head in a illusion spell so it could not counter attack with curses. Strangely the head stayed silent and didn't even move, several arrows still stuck out of its mouth and eyes maybe that was why. Castle and Dingo quickly began its dismemberment looking for its core for Wendy.

If they could actually final kill this demon their names would go down in history, they knew of only a few who had managed to do so before. Finally they manage to find it, and surprisingly it was held immobile by Rose's first three arrows. Maybe that was why it could not free itself.

Cutting the flesh free around it Wendy finally cast the Lord's prayer and they jumped back as the demon body parts spontaneously combusted with a flash of blue light. Not even ashes remained only the burnt out empty core remained. Rose's arrows sparked and then returned to their quiver clean as the day she got them.

How had they survived was any ones quests, when they looked up at Roses face again they saw her start to fall as if all her energy was gone. Dingo stride took him to her side while the others also sat down only now truly understanding what they had done. Only Dingo noticed one of the small marks start to loss its color.

The burnt out core was stored by Castle in order for them to get both recognition and. a rather healthy reward. It would probably be large enough to support one of them happy for. life or the group in money for close to twenty years. He shuddered just thinking of it death and still couldn't believe it.