
solitary cultivation

on getting home lon_ chi immediately went into solitary cultivation he wanted to be as strong as he could before the illusion started am currently lacking strength which is a very big weakness with out a strong foundation and strong body with strength and speed then what the need to cultivate what am lacking now is strength and and I don't have a strong body luckily there is still 2 weeks before the illusion ream is open I could use that time to cultivate hard luckily I don't have to go to the library to get a body strength martial art because i have copied all the books on the first second and third floor now which body strengthing martial art should I pick I need the one that is based on both defence and offence as lon_ chi searched the perfect martial art in him consciousness which his attention was immediately caught by a specific book which was called sky shattering divine punch which is specialized in both defence and offence Humm not bad as he though of the book and all the content appeared in his head what???how could it be this is hard to cultivate and its simply heavenly defiling it's split into four stages the first stage could make the body as hard as steel the second stage could make the body withstand weapon the third stage could make the body even be able to brake through weapon the fourth stage nothing could affect the body Humm all this stage seems simple but if one must cultivate this technic the cultivator must be ready to spend resources and be used to pain Humm no risk no reward if am going to cultivate this i need to buy a lot of body strengthen pills I still have little money i will have to buy at least hundred strength pill as lon _ chi got up and went to the pill shop and brought all the pills he needed and headed home as he immediately went to solitary cultivation,you might be wondering the meaning of solitary cultivation it's when one enter cultivation for a long time with stopping.