
Demon Slayer: Rivers of Blood

A boy born from humble origins, Agares. A different name than others but still goes down a different path. No one knows if that path is either a good one or something entirely different. Using a sword that is lethal to all, no matter their race. Be it demon, human, or something else entirely. He will cut them down with Rivers of Blood.

AirHeadMan · 漫画同人
6 Chs

Demon Slayers

The villagers brought Agares into the clinic stationed in their village but unfortunately, the doctor in charge of the clinic had his throat ripped out.

"What are we going to do? He is going to bleed out at this rate!" A villager exclaimed.

"We don't have a doctor; we don't know how to do anything!"

"Does matter?! We need to save this boy! He saved us and now we need to save him!"


"I agree!"

All 8 villagers agreed as they immediately worked to save Agares despite their lack of knowledge in the medical arts.

Hours later, the sun has risen and the night was over. Agares was on a wooden table with his whole body bandaged up.

The villagers around him were sleeping on chairs or the floor were woken up by the young voice of Agares.

He slowly opened his eye and groggily said, "What a shitty dream, man."

"He's awake!" Someone shouted with happiness.

The eight villagers ran up to him and asked how he felt and if he felt okay.

'What the hell happened after I passed out?'

After a couple of minutes, the villagers settled down and stayed quiet.

"So, everything wasn't a dream?" Agares sighed and lamented internally.

"We wish it was. We used to have about 500 people, but more than half ran away, some stayed to fight and died, just like most of us that stayed. Only eight remain in the village, nine if we include you.

"Oh. Sorry for your loss." Despite the good and bad treatment, he has gotten from the villagers, he doesn't have much feeling for them. It's like hearing about a stranger's death.

None of the villagers commented on this reaction and simply nodded their heads.

Agares got up from the table and tried to stand up.

"W-what are you doing? Lay down, your wounds were very severe." The old villager said with worry.

"Where is my sword?"

"Hold on a second." The villager went to get the sword that was wrapped up in a fur coat. He walked back and handed it to Agares.

He unwrapped it and held the katana, "How are you?"

The sword vibrated with the happiness of having its owner hold it again.

Agares gave a smile that finally seemed suitable for a child his age. He got up with difficulty and used the sword as a crutch. Unlike what you would think, the sword wasn't mad about its owner doing it but happy that it could be useful for something.

The villagers felt Agares was about to say something, so they listened attentively.

"I need to go to the bathroom."

"Oh." The villagers felt embarrassed and went with the flow.

"Let me show you." One of them gestured.

After going to the bathroom, Agares went outside and saw the village dyed red.

"I'm sorry, we didn't have time to pick up their... parts." The villager apologized and looked away from the sight.

'Why are they acting like I'm in charge of their life and death? Just leave me alone as you have always done. That's what I would like to say but it doesn't seem appropriate for this situation.'

"I'll help."

"N-No. Please. You should be resting right now." The old villager.

Agares ignored him as he felt a pang of guilt, 'Why do I feel guilty? There is no point. I couldn't have saved them. That's right, I can't save everyone. I just need to save myself then I will be able to save other people.'

'I want to live.'

He picked up each of the body parts and put them in a pile. The villagers also helped and collected the body parts, however, most of them ended up collapsing out of sorrow.

Agares didn't look at them as he felt he would feel that sadness they are experiencing and cry. After they piled up all the bodies, the old villager threw a torch into the huge mountain of bodies, and we watch them all burn.

Agares had a feeling though and it wasn't a good one. It was the feeling that he would have more experiences like these.

'I'll stay strong no matter what to not end up in those piles of bodies.' He said with conviction.

After the pyre, Agares decided to leave and find the noble who would pay a lot for the crystal he was wearing.

The old villager came up to Agares and said quietly, "There is a rumor that I heard. I believe that it will be very important to you."

Agares' ears perked up and he listen attentively.

"This is certainly not the first time a demon has appeared and massacred innocent people. This has been going on for centuries."

Agares could come up with the same idea but what doesn't make sense is who is killing these demons. The demon before was weak and he risked his life and almost died. He couldn't imagine the stronger demons raising chaos.

"The people that fight them are called Demon Slayers! They fight the demons in the night and save many people."

"Oh!" Agares was astonished at such a cool name.

"But here is the most important information for you I believe, the demon slayers have a special ability that allows them to kill demons. I heard from a surviving villager many years back that a man wielded flames on his blade and killed a demon with one swing of his sword."

"Another was a demon slayer who used water! He swung his sword and water danced around! Demon slayers can also heal fast! I heard one get knocked across two buildings and came back to fight perfectly fine!"


'Special abilities? Fire? Water? Healing? How?' Agares had more questions to ask but the villager told him he knew no more, and he told him everything he has learned.

'I need to learn more. I don't believe that this will be my last encounter with a demon with my bad luck. The only good luck in my life was this katana.

"Where are you guys going to do now?"

"We will go to another village and hope they will take us after they learned what happened here. I just hope you will be safe. I know we haven't treated you well and I truly regret it and I just want to tell you that I'm sorry. I know it doesn't make up for it but I will use the rest of my life begging for forgiveness."

All of the villagers bowed in apology and thanks.

Taking aback by this excessive gesture, Agares awkwardly smiles but is reluctant to say anything. Even when his mother was alive, he wasn't treated very well and it got worse after she died but he never hateed the villagers.

Now they are all bowing down to him because he saved them from a bloodthirsty demon.

Agares smiled and looked up to the sky.

"Mom, are you proud of me?"