This story will base on the event that occured way before the original story, during the sengoku era(the golden era of demon slayers) This story will touch topics on the warring state era of the ancient clans and the creation of breath techniques, The strongest demon slayer, the first breath user, the first hashiras the secret behind the marks and so many more ––––––– Young Akira Shoujo later to be known as Tatsuya Uzui a staunch anime fan was just involved in a plane crash which led to his reincarnation to a world he doesn't know anything about yet Please do note that Vol 1: Introduction/ Build up Vol 2 Story Begins
Tatsuya and Takahiro are facing each other face to face.
Takahiro a boy of 13 years old, he has long blond hair and blond eye brows, his eyes were so calm and pure that mainly looking at him you will hold no grudge against him and that's the reason why Tatsuya somewhat hates him, he had white pale skin and a slime body
Takahiro points to his katana to his face and says
"Tatsuya sama, I know this must be sudden but I sincerely admire you, the Demon child, devils child and many more, you do know that you go by many names right"
Takahiro asks Tatsuya
"That's non of my concern"
Tatsuya says
'Hmmm, this guy is sure fishy, the aura around him is so suspicious it makes me uneasy'
Tatsuya grips his katana firmly and focuses on Takahiro's body movement rather than what he was saying
"Tatsuya sama do I make you uncomfortable, you seem to be on max guard, please i just want to have a little chat before we start"
Takahiro says and drops his katana on the floor and slowly raised his hands up signaling that he was totally unarmed and just wanted a little chat.
Tatsuya relaxes a bit and was now open minded to what he had to say
"So what did you want to chat about, Takahiro san"
Tatsuya asks
"Well, I'm sorry to say this, but I performed a deep research on you and your background, how you were a son of a..."
Takahiro stops at his speech as he notices the huge amount of bloodlust emitting from Tatsuya.
*cough *cough
"Well you were sentenced to manual labor and so, all I want to say is that..."
Takahiro kneels down and bends his head touching the floor
"....I'm so sorry and also sad and grieved that you have to pass through, all those torments"
Takahiro says and stands ups, dusting his clothes. Tatsuya was confused and still trying to figure out his plots
"So where are you getting at?"
Tatsuya asks
"I want you to teach me, Tatsuya sama, I want to be more like you, brave, kind, selfless, many might see your action as theft, arrogance, disrespect, but I see it as a saviors action"
Now Tatsuya was utterly surprised, he doesn't actually know what's was so iconic in his actions, was it when he stole food to feed himself and his sick mother, or was it when he stole medicine for his mother, he can't rap his head around anything that's been going on since he enrolled in the academy.
"I refuse"
Tatsuya firmly said and grips his katana attaining his battle stance. Takahiro sighs, picks up his katana, packages his long hair with a rubber band and enters battle mode
"If you can't take me in as your disciple, then I'll show you my talent and skill then make you accept me, Just so you know I won't go easy on you"
Takahiro says and dash towards Tatsuya, swinging his katana skillfully, but on the other hand Tatsuya dodged all of them with no much effort, Takahiro saw that non of his attacks were working and leaps back to take a breath
"As expected of you Tatsuya sama, in that case..."
Takahiro attains a different fighting stance, and inhales deeply and held his katana differently
"Be like the air, move like water, attack the earth and rage like fire"
Takahiro made this chant and steadied his breath and moved, and just like that Takahiro disappears from the sight of the common men
Tatsuya didn't panic he stood there concentrated and calm waiting Takahiro to make a strike
'He is skilled, I should not underestimate him'
Tatsuya instinct rang rapidly that he shouldn't relaxes for a second
At the VIP Chambers
"That technique..."
Mikoto looks at the jumping figure of Takahiro, he was leaping from place to place, he was fast quite fast but for the common people alone
"Futile efforts"
Mikoto remarks
"Why do you say so, I'm sure that Tatsuya can't even see him, he can easily win Tatsuya with that technique"
Satoshi says. Mikoto smiles a little has he looked at Tatsuya. He doesn't need to see him in action to know the progress Tatsuya has made throughout the time they weren't in touch
"Its been so long, I want to spa with you Tatsuya, you've grown"
Mikoto said to himself, and turns to Satoshi
"You don't need the eyes during a battle Satoshi kun"
Mikoto says and smiles
"Ugh, see at how ugly you look with that smile"
Satoshi curses,
"Ayumi chan is that true?"
Mikoto says while pointing too his face
"Pretty much, yes"
Ayumi says. Mikoto relaxes on his chair and grabs his chin
"Ehhh, but all the girls fall for me in the village"
Meanwhile on the arena
Tatsuya was receiving cuts after cuts by Takahiro's katana, Tatsuya was able to dodge a few of them but not completely all of them
'Deep concentration around my surroundings, focus on waves, sound, noise, air movements. That's right just like in the prison, I sensed everything, both that of living things and non living things'
Tatsuya focused deep
Tatsuya dashed towards thing air changed to the back of the Katana and swing, hitting Takahiro on his shoulder knocking him out.
The crowd were stunned, absolute silence filled the air
The crowd generated a huge applause for Tatsuya
"That's my Tatsuya, he is just like water"
Mikoto remarks with a grin on his face
"Water you say??"
Aymui questioned
Mikoto grins
"Yes just like water, Water is formless, is had no shape, but that doesn't mean it can't attain a certain shape. You put water in a cup it turns into the cup, you put it in a bowl it turns into the bowl, that Tatsuya's greatest feat. Adaptation, that urge to break through, to survive, that's what makes him different and unique"
Mikoto says and laughs heartily. Ayumi looks at Tatsuya from the VIP chambers
"You've have taken quite the liking to this boy"
Ayumi says
"Sure after all I personally trained him. well enough of all this time to end this event"
Mikoto says and stands up and head to the balcony to address the crowd. With a hand gesture the crowd fell in silence
Mikoto clears his throat with a slight cough
"To be honest, I'm surprised at what was displayed today, it was great in every essence, resolution, drive, conviction, I saw all of it, and i hope it will continue in the same vain. Without beating around the bush and going straight to the point, congratulations to those that passed the first phase, those who didn't pass, don't worry you all will participate in the next phase but after that you will be held a year before you are assigned into any squad"
Mikoto pause to take a breath
"The next phase will be held in 2 months, it's a phase of only survival, I'm not meant to say this but I'll say it anyway, the percentage of people here who will pass is... five percent "
Ayumi whispers
"If care is not taken, all of you might die, so all I have to say is, work hard and think smart, it's all about survival and nothing else, with that being said, enjoy your two months, Dismissed"
Mikoto leaves the balcony and heads out of the arena, following him was Ayumi and Satoshi
"Why did you lie?"
Ayumi asks Mikoto but Mikoto just kept quite and move on
In the arena
"Wait a minute isn't that Mikoto sama of the first squad"
"This is the first time I've ever seen him in person"
"His he a god, he was so godlike"
The crowd erupted with a noise everywhere, most Shinobis don't the opportunity to see Mikoto in person, he was a mystery up until the last examination, for no reason he made an appeal to go for the examination with the first three captains
Already posted at the generated noise Tatsuya turns to Ineyo and Katsumichi and said
"I guess that's it for today, let's head to the infirmary to meet up with Minagawa and Sakono"
The group responds and they moved with out waiting much time
At the infirmary
Sakono and Minagawa were sitting on the bed patiently chatting and most likely waiting for the rest to come and meetup
*knock *knock
A knock was heard in the room door and with a creaking sound the door opened and Tatsuya and the rest came in
"Ohh, you guy are already awake"
Tatsuya sat on the floor crossed legged and Ineyo and Katsumichi did the same
"Are you guys feeling better"
Katsumichi questions with a serious look on his face
Minagawa touched some body parts and gave an affirmation with a nod
"Yeah I guess"
"That's a relief"
Tatsuya sighs. The room became awkward. Minagawa grabs his cloth in annoyance and asks
"Did we lose??"
"Yes, we lost"
Tatsuya answers with no hesitation
"I see..."
Minagawa bends his face
"But that doesn't mean we won't take the next phase, we will take it and we will pass it and be assigned to our squads"
Tatsuya reassures Minagawa. Minagawa and the rest eased up a bit and smile appears on their faces
"So about the next 2 months, any ideas to what you guys are up to"
Minagawa asks
The group began to think
"Well I'll be going back to Mikoto san Mansion"
Tatsuya responded, group went silent, Tatsuya fell a chills in his spine
"Hey Tatsuya kun, you never mentioned anything to us about you staying in Mikoto sama Mansion"
Katsumichi grabs Tatsuya collar
"Ehhhh, seriously?, well it never crossed my mind"
Tatsuya scratch his cheek
"then why dont guys come over even if it's for a night"
Tatsuya suggested, the group contemplated for a while, before coming to a conclusion
"Alright, but firstly I need to meet up with Mikoto san, it's been long, maybe 3 or 4 years since we last met"
Tatsuya rubs his chin
"Alright with everything alright we should get moving"
Sakono suggested and the group prefers to leave
The creaking sound of the door opening was heard
"Ano, excuse me"
A feminine voice rings out through the room
"I'm looking for Tatsuya kun"
A short cute girl, with long blue hair and blue eyes comes into the room
"Ara ara, it's you onii chan"
"Onii chan!!!!"
Everyone shouts
A/N: I hope you guys love this chapter, I really tried my best here, and just as you notice Tatsuya is able to use spatial sense, he can sense any thing be it living or non living thing, he can sense all things around him, but it isn't developed yet