
Chapter 44

"Alright, I'm leaving out today. I'll probably be back in a week or so." Kyoshi said to Rin as he prepared to leave. He wore a casual black outfit along with his sword strapped to his waist with his bag in his left hand.

She nodded her head as she understood Kyoshi had to leave since he was helping look for the Blue Spider Lily. He told her if she wanted to help, that she should go out and on her path of getting stronger, she should scout for information.

Positions on Hashira, recent news between demon slayers, etc. just news in general would be good. It was obvious they were planning something, but it was being covered by these waves of demon slayers.

Kyoshi waved goodbye and left the infinity castle as he appeared in a forest. The sunlight was leaking through the leaves of tall trees and in front of him Blitz was eating a crow.

It was a scouting crow from the DSC which Blitz regularly ate so they don't report any info back to HQ. Seeing that Kyoshi had arrived, Blitz stopped picking its bones out and hovered in the air.

"The usual." Kyoshi said. Blitz flew off in a burst of speed and he was soon gone past the horizon.

Kyoshi took a map from his bag and looked at it. With a red circle, the placed marked was a train station which Kyoshi would be taking across the country. He heard it was popular and instead of running he wanted to see what it was like.

He rolled the map up and started heading towards the Mugen Train Station. It wasn't too far from where he currently was. A few kilometers, but he could get there.

After putting the map away, Kyoshi's body blurred before vanishing. Running around in the sunlight knowingly still felt surreal. When he ran around he'd usually play pranks on people he passed, but nothing crazy.

He also got to experience getting robbed. Well, attempted robbery. He didn't even eat them, he just skewered them on a tree branch and that was actually recent. Who knows, maybe they won't steal when they're reincarnated.

Anyways, he made it there quickly. He passed by some fields, some merchants, ronin, etc. He ate before he left so he wouldn't get hungry on the train and cause a scene.

He was also told that Enmu would be there with Habuki. He hadn't actually talked to them in a while. Well Inmu was kinda creepy to him, but he wanted to talk with Habuki more.

He made it to the train station and felt stares at him. Well, he was carrying a sword and somehow got past security. His clothes were average…for a martial artist.

He wore a black karate outfit with a white belt around his waist. He wore it in case a fight broke out and he didn't want to be constricted because of clothes.

His attention and focus was on the two demons in the very back of the train. Habuki and Inmu. He could feel that they noticed him too and as he saw the train foor closing he ran inside faster than anyone could see.

"…" They both stared at him in silence because one thought came to mind.

They came to this train just last night so they could go to Shinjuku and see what's going on with the mass concentration of demon slayers in that area. But right now it's noon and Kyoshi just got here. How?

"I can walk in the sun." Kyoshi said with a smile he couldn't hold back.

Their eyes widened and Inmu had some giddy smile with a blush on his face. He visibly shivered as he spoke.

"Ah~ Lord Muzan finally found the Blue Spider Lily~. Just what I'd expect from someone so amazing~"

He started hugging himself and feeling on his body with a smile. Habuki got up and covered Kyoshi's eyes as he reprimanded Inmu about keeping it PG.

"Hey…unc he didn't do anything to you right?" Kyoshi asked with a skeptic stare. Habuki choked on his words and stared at Kyoshi with a mixed look of disgust and horror.

"Okay…I'll take that as a no."


Inmu giggle like a girl before speaking.

"Don't worry, I'm not like that~" He said with smile and closed eyes.


The train then began moving and the three demons got back to the topic of Kyoshi and walking in the sun.

"So, you're just able to walk in the sunlight? Maybe I should get some Hashira blood and see what happens." Habuki thought aloud.

"Go for it. We might meet another soon since they're still looking for me. They've got scout crows out 24/7 now so I assume something big is gonna be happening soon." Kyoshi replied.

"Yeah, we were headed to Shinjuku because something's gonna be going on from the looks of it. We get some reports from other demons that, demon slayers were constantly going in and out so we're seeing what's going on."

"I can't wait to destroy whatever project they're working on." Inmu said as he hummed to himself.

"You should probably change how you look. It'll draw too much attention." Kyoshi suggested.

"Maybe, but who cares? Let's just take out the whole prefecture." Inmu replied.

"Nah, you're doing too much. Get in, see what's happening, if it's something crazy do what you have to do, get out, report to gramps."

"Ehhh? That's so boring."

"Regardless, he's right. Besides, it's been a while since I've seek Keiko. I'm getting lonely." Habuki sighed.

"You two are so weird~" Inmu stated.

"Hey, how'd you become a demon?" Kyoshi asked after a bit of silence.

"Me? Lord Muzan killed me and then turned me. I don't know why though." Inmu answered whole giggling.

"Eh? So you weren't anything special as a human?" Kyoshi asked.

"I don't even remember my time as a human. All I Rembrandt is that Muzan was yanking my organs out and eating them and then I woke up a demon. You should've seen his face when…~"

At some point Habuki and Kyoshi just stared at him as he went on about how much he envied and respected muzan. Aling with how much he liked all the times Muzan hurt him and the other demons in front of him.

Inmu was just a lost cause.

The train continued till it was night and they finally made it to Shinjuku Station. Getting from one end of the country to the next was obviously tedious along with the constant stop for coal, overheating problems, picking up more passengers, etc.

It obviously took some time, but they got there.

They got out of the train from the back and quickly ran past the entry point of the city. Inmu straightened up his looks after some "pressuring" from Kyoshi.

He basically looked the same, but without the markings on his face.

"So where's this meeting area you guys were talking about?" Kyoshi asked. He went with them because while he was supposed to be out looking for the Blue Spider Lily, there's no reason he can't help the other's with their missions.

"From what we gathered, it's at a bar called Yakitori Ramen and Alcohol. Don't worry though, there's demons all around this place and they'll be 'guiding' us to the place." Habuki said.

Kyoshi nodded and as they walked, he noticed Habuki was right. Demons dressed in costumes and shapeshifted to look like humans were giving them slick signals on where to go.

Soon they came across the bar and from the sound of it, the place really was packed. It was bright from the lanterns lit up and in big letters the shops name was on it.

"Well, there are a few demon slayers in there, but they all seem drunk as fuck. What's supposed to be suspicious about this bar?" Kyoshi asked.

"The amount of demon slayers that come in and out aren't adding up. I think it's a demon and Inmu thinks some demon slayers came together to work on some underground project." Habuki said.

"So what're we gonna do?"

"Does it matter~ Lord Muzan will be happy if we brought in a demon and even happier if we destroyed whatever they're working on~"

"Why don't you just stop talking for a bit." Kyoshi said bluntly as he looked at Inmu with lifeless eyes. The second hand embarrassment was horrible.

Finally, they decided to go into the bar the placed seemed normal. Drunk bastards either cheering and having fun or mopping over the fact their wife cheated on them or got a divorce.

"A bunch of sad saps." Kyoshi muttered as he looked around. He had already changed his face and height to look slightly older than what he was.

His bag was still in his hand and the sword on his waist gained some attention. A lot of people looked at him and thought he was a ronin. The two with him seemed like a butler and a fighter although Habuki didn't show his marks either.

"I guess we'll sit there and wait for the place to thin out a bit." Habuki said as he looked over at a booth area.

They sat down and watched the place silently while each keeping count of the demon slayers that come in and out of the place.

They noticed some people knew about a secret menu which allowed them to eat in an area away from the riff raff if they wished.

Kyoshi then started looked at the characteristics of the ones that knew of the menu and watched them looking for things they had in common, any gestures they did, words they said, and facial features.

As he was watching the next customer, he felt somebody coming towards him from behind and glanced at them. It was a drunk guy with an average physique. Nothing special.

"Hey, that a real sword?" The guy as with a flushed face. He wore business clothes, so he most likely worked for a large job.

It wouldn't be a bad job considering how fast Japan was becoming modern and more advanced during this period.

"Yeah, old relic one of my uncles gave to me." Kyoshi said as he grabbed it by the hilt and showed the man.

He got ready to out it away believing that the man's curiosity was satisfied and he'd go away, but he put his hand on Kyoshi's shoulder and leaned in with a smile.

"Can I hold it? I never thought people actually still carried these. I always wanted to be something like a samurai going wachaa and.."

"Nah, it's important to me, do I don't like other people messing with it." Kyoshi said as he interrupted the man.

"Huh? But…" The man started getting teary eyes as he nose started running. Kyoshi and the rest of the customers looked at him weirdly as he began to cry.

"But…it's my birthday!! My job fired me because I was a few minutes late on a report. My wife cheated on me with three other guys last week and then got divorced.

She took the kids, my dog, and almost all my money. My family disowned me from shame, and I lost my house so I have to crash with my friends!! Please let me hold the sword!!

It's the last thing that could make me happy!!"

The man basically let out all his stress and frustration in the middle of crying loudly. Even Inmu was quite surprised although he still had a smile on his face.

"My guy, get up wipe your face and stop crying for a minute." Kyoshi said as he helped the man to his feet. When Kyoshi told him to wipe his face, he grabbed Kyoshi's sleeve and wiped his nose with it.

"Alright, that's absolutely disgusting, but I'll let it slide." Kyoshi said as he took his shirt off and sat it on the table.

"Hold the sword for a while and that's it." Kyoshi said as he turned to Habuki and Inmu.

'We have to leave.' He implied with the look from his eyes.

As he was turned around, he noticed a strong aura a few miles away. It was definitely a Hashira and without thinking, Kyoshi grinned and pulled his sword away from the man just as he was about to grab it.

"Ehhh?!?!" The man yelled he dropped to his knees.

"Yo, let's go. I found something!!" He called out to Habuki and Inmu.

"You'll be fine. Here, money for the red light district." Habuki said with a grin and a thumbs up after giving the man nearly 3 thousand yen and left.

Inmu laughed as he started singing about making Muzan proud and they left the bar customers both confused, saddened by the man crying his eyes out on the floor, and don't know curious about who they were.