
Demon Slayer : Becoming A Demon From The Start

Quinn, a regular 19-year-old guy, was leading a normal life until one day when he met Truck-Kun—an infamous vehicle that sent him straight into the afterlife. Opening his eyes, he found himself face to face with a stunning goddess who gifted him a golden finger before pushed him away into the world of demon slayers. Little did Quinn know that his rebirth would come with a twist. After all, he never expected that he will meet a demon just as he opened his eyes. ========================

Reddust · 漫画同人
8 Chs

It Was No Accident

Quinn, a 19-year-old young man, he was studying in his first year of college. Having recently moved into a nearby rental house that was situated conveniently close to his academic institution, he was doing shopping for his daily supplies.

He stepped out from the local grocery store clutching two hefty bags in his grasp.

"Sigh, it was already 9 PM."

Quinn let out a weary sigh as he saw the time was 9 PM in his mobile, he cursed himself for deciding to by grouseries at this late.

Nevertheless, he noticed his stomach was roaring, indicating that he need to return promptly and satisfy his hunger. He strolled towards the road as he observed the heavy traffic flow, he stopped on the side while patiently waiting for the red signal

As minutes ticked by, an increasing number of individuals gathered around Quinn, causing a slight unease in his Heart. Yet, he endured it and stood there as he fixated his gaze upon the arrival of the crimson signal.

However, suddenly, he felt an abrupt push on his back, resulting him to stumble forward onto the bustling road.

"Who the fuck-"

Curses started coming from Quinn's lips as he swiftly turned to confront the person responsible for his stumble.

However, much to his astonishment, he found his attention abruptly seized by a colossal Truck hurtling towards him. Caught off guard, he realized he had no time to ran away, he was still in the midst of turning motion.

"Oh, Hi, Truck-Kun."

He could only utter those words before the truck loomed ominously before his very eyes.

'Damn it! am I seriously going to die in such a pathetic manner? And what's the deal with this truck? Did it travel all the way from Japan just to take my life?' As the truck drew nearer, a torrent of memories from his past flooded his mind.

Within the fleeting moments of one or two seconds, a vivid reel of his precious moments unfolded before his very eyes. Images of his parents, his newfound classmates at college, and his best friends in life danced through his mind, each memory more precious than the last.

The truck ran past the spot where Quinn had stood, hurtling forward at an astonishing pace. His fragile body was sent flying through the air like a toy, while the unyielding force of the truck's momentum ensured his chances of survival to be abysmal.


Quinn found himself thrown onto the ground through a portal. He was drenched in sweat, he casted his gaze upon his surroundings. His heart pounded erratically within his chest, as he remembered the truck.

He surveyed his surroundings, founding out that he seems to be in a palace, his eyes noticed the huge chandeliers hanging down from the cealing, as his gaze romed around, he noticed a huge throne which embedded a few meters infront of him.

His eyes widened as he spotted a lady sitting on the throne, she had flowing purple hair that falls gracefully down her back. Her beauty is ethereal, almost otherworldly, with high cheekbones, a straight nose, and full lips that curve into a mysterious smile.

Her attire is ornate and intricate. She was wearing a flowing gown made of shimmering fabric that seems to change colors every second, adorned with gold embroidery and precious jewels.

"Ara Ara, you possess quite the mental strength for a human, your didn't fall unconscious even after experiencing your death. Tell me, what is your name." The woman's voice resonated with a mischievous tone, brimming with intrigue.

Quinn, despite being suprised, remained calm and stood up.

"Damn, my head hurts." He stood up slowly While complaining.

"My name is Quinn, Now, please don't tell me your a goddess and will give me a mission before sending me into a anime world." He quickly added, silently praying that it would be not that case.

"Hehe, the responses of those who come here, particularly the earthlings, never fail to amuse me." The women chuckled mischievously, watching in the stark contrast between their reactions and those coming from other worlds.

"As for your inquiry, I'm afraid your intuition is spot-on. I am the goddess of the eternal destiny, Isabella." The goddess responded, her voice carrying a gentle tone as she keenly observed the subtle shifts in Quinn's expression.

Quinn, a loyal follower of anime and manga, he had been greatly influenced by them, the moment he arrived here, he had already anticipated this situation.

Despite his composed demeanor, their is part of him that still thinks that he might be experiencing a dream and he might awaken at any moment, safe and sound in the confines of his own bed.

"Hmm, throughout my encounters with countless earthlings, a significant portion have expressed gratitude for being granted the chance to indulge in their fantasies, while others have been irked by the separation from their loved ones. Judging by your demeanor, you appear to fall into the latter category, am I correct?" The goddess inquired, rising from her celestial throne and gracefully making her way toward Quinn.

"I don't know that stuff, but honestly, I was living a decent life. Now you want me to dive headfirst into some fantasy realm, risking my life? No way in hell, lady. I want my cozy and carefree life back." He said, almost as if he genuinely expected the goddess to accept and send him back to his own world.

With an elegant walk, the goddess closed the distance between them.

"Hehe, I must say, your character is quite unique. But unfortunately you are already dead in your former world. However, I will give a second chance, your soul will be reborn into a new world with your memories intact." She revealed, as a mischievous glint appeared in her eyes.

Suddenly, Quinn found himself routed to the ground, he can't move any part of his body excluding his mouth. The goddess put her mouth near his ears.

"Wanna hear a little secret? Well, I'll tell you anyway. That push you felt on your back before your death? It was no accident. Someone intentionally give you a one-way ticket to the afterlife."

"What on earth are you talking about?" Quinn couldn't believe it, he had no enemies, who was so angry at him that they wanted him dead?

The goddess gently rested her hand on Quinn's head, she soothingly caressed his hair, a silver-hued energy began to course through her hand into his body.

"If you want to go back that badly, become strong. Become strong enough to cross worlds by your own strength in this humongous Omniverse. My job ends here, don't think someone will save you if you ever face a near death situation in your next life, if you die you die." She said before pushing him back forcefully, suddenly a portal appeared behind him.

"Oh, I forgot to mention, you have a suprise waiting for you on the other end of the portal."

"Damn it, at least tell me which world are you going to send me to!" Quinn didn't get a answer before the portal swallowed him.


Within the depths of the dark forest, in a creepy night, a man and a woman, dressed in ordinary clothes, could be seen running through the dense bushes as though they are running away from something.

The man was vigilantly scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger, his grip tightly clenched around a sturdy woodcutting axe. Meanwhile, the woman was crying as her tears fell on ground. She was carring a small baby in her arms.

They both stumbled upon a huge cave, they casted wary glances in every direction before cautiously entering inside its depths.

"Honey, are you alright? Did that abomination stop chasing us?" Akiko, the women's voice trembled as she voiced her concern.

But the man, Kenji, seems to be thinking something.

"That monster demon, it razed our village to the ground in mere moments. I fear there will be no escaping from its clutches." The man grimly admitted, his voice tinged with a mixture of resignation and determination. "Akiko, if the demon arrives, you must flee with our child. Even if I can buy us a single precious second, you must run for your life."

Though Akiko's heart quivered with trepidation upon hearing her husband's words, she remained silent, aware that their child's safety outweighed all else, even if it meant sacrificing her own life in the process.

In the midst of their heavy breaths, a chillingly serene voice echoed through the cave, disrupting the tense atmosphere.

"Well, well, isn't this fascinating? You believe you can stop me for a second? How utterly amusing." A voice filled with amusement suddenly sounded in their ears.