
Demon Slayer : Becoming A Demon From The Start

Quinn, a regular 19-year-old guy, was leading a normal life until one day when he met Truck-Kun—an infamous vehicle that sent him straight into the afterlife. Opening his eyes, he found himself face to face with a stunning goddess who gifted him a golden finger before pushed him away into the world of demon slayers. Little did Quinn know that his rebirth would come with a twist. After all, he never expected that he will meet a demon just as he opened his eyes. ========================

Reddust · 漫画同人
8 Chs


The couple shivered in fear as they caught the sound of the voice they desperately wished to never hear.

Kenji Hayashi, his hand firmly gripped the axe, positioned himself protectively before his wife, Akiko Hayashi.

As the couple heard the voice they tried to find the abomination's location, at the same time, the baby cradled in Akiko's arms suddenly opened his eyes, as he eagerly started exploring the shadowy surroundings.

"I can hear your heart beats, are you both afraid of death?"

The cave was illuminated in a few places by the moonlight that seeped through the holes of the cave's ceiling, and suddenly a demon materialized out of thin air atop a rock, startling the couple.

The demon possessed flowing white hair and his face was beautiful as a white moon, He wear a crimson turtleneck t-shirt, with a scarlet robes over it.

Quinn, the baby in Akiko's arms, widened his eyes in disbelief as he recognized the individual before him.

It was none other than Doma, the second-ranked demon from the popular "Demon Slayer" anime. He never thought he would be reincarnated in this world, let alone thinking about facing a demon at the start.

Kenji, Quinn's father in his current life, tightened his grip on the axe, overcoming his fear with a surge of adrenaline. He sprinted towards the demon, unleashing a resounding roar.

"Akiko, Run! AAAAAA

Yet, how could an ordinary human not feel the weighty presence of an Upper Moon? Akiko found herself utterly immobilized, her attempts to move proved futile. Her body turned to stone as her senses overwhelmed by dread.

As the human charged towards him, Doma remained motionless and only gestured with a slashing motion of his hand. And, that's it, In an instant, Kenji was halted, his body cleaving into two distinct halves from head to toe.


Witnessing this gruesome sight, Akiko's throat grew dry, and her eyes welled up with tears. Quinn, on the other hand, remained without any visible emotions on his face, calmly observing as the tide of blood slowly streamed down.

Doma didn't even spare a glance at the lifeless body on the ground, his gaze fixated upon the baby.

Today was his day of fun, he came out to destroy a few villages and eat some flesh. However, in the middle of the destruction of the last one, he stumbled upon this couple.

They held no particular interest for him, it was the baby who piqued his interest.

Initially he thought that the baby possessed a unique blood called as Marechi blood. This particular blood held an extraordinary powers - it was capable of intoxicating demons and shattering their rationality to crave the blood, if they are too low level.

Even the formidable Upper Moons were not immune to its effects, with the sole exception of Muzan.

However, as Doma laid his eyes on the baby, he quickly reached a conclusion—it wasn't a matter of possessing any special blood. Yet, he couldn't quite pinpoint what it was about the child that intrigued him.

"Ha ha, this will be quite entertaining." With a sudden flick of his hand, a scratch suddenly appeared on the baby's forehead.

Tears welled up in the infants eyes, his cries echoing in the air. The demon's movements were so fast that Akiko failed to catch even a glimpse.

Now, its time for Akiko to experience a surge of adrenaline. Without hesitation, she placed her hand upon the baby's forehead and speedily made her escape from the confines of the cave.

Doma just observed the women running with a smirk, he was not going to chase them. After all, he knew, even if the baby eventually turn into a demon, he could never escape from muzan's control.

"What an interesting child." Doma pondered as he rose from his rock. "With the blood of that man injected into you, I wonder will he survive and turn into a demon or just die. Will he became a formidable demon?"

It was a well-known fact that the Upper Moons possessed the blood of Muzan within their veins, enabling them to turn ordinary individuals into demons.

However, muzans permission was needed for this transformation, this blood was given to those who possess unique abilities among the humans.

Among the six upper moons, Doma was the most carefree and playful individual, never taking things too seriously.

Much like his sudden encounter with Gyutaro and Daki, turning them into demons just so he could, but now he had seen someone truly special. Even in this moment, he did not take it seriously and all he wanted was to engage in playful antics with the mother and child.

"Hmm, he suddenly felt something in his blood, I must depart. It's a pity I can't see the child becoming a demon and killing his mother." He exclaimed before vanishing from the cave.

However, he did not know the gravity of his playful nature and the magnitude of the mistake he made this day, but it would become evident to him in the future as he will face consequences of his actions.


As Akiko continued her frantic escape, she felt the baby struggling within her grasp. Despite this, she disregarded it and continued with her relentless running.

Meanwhile, Quinn was experiencing an intense burning sensation like being fried in the boiling oil, his infant body couldn't take it.

'Damn it! Is this what you call a suprise, you damn goddess!' He roared in his mind. He know that the demon injected blood inside in him when he made that scratch, and he also know that a baby's body can never endure that power, which made him believe that he was going to die.

However, just as he believed his death was imminent, a sudden voice resounded within his mind.

[Ding! System Activated]


[Host's life is in danger!]

[Host's current condition prevents decision-making by his own accorde.]

[System selects a life-saving bonus gift from its storage.]

[Results: Blood Cure Syringe, capable of halting the damage caused by Muzan's blood.]

[Injecting the Blood Cure Syringe.]

Despite Quinn's helplessness, he could still hear the system's words. A sense of relief washed over him, but suddenly drowsiness took over, which eventually made him fall into sleep.

Meanwhile, Akiko continued her desperate sprint, completely unaware of the events happening to her son.


16 Years Later


Atop a snow-covered peak, a young man seems to be assumed a meditative position. He faced towards the east, where the sunrise will paint the horizons.

He slowly took deep breaths before than released it slowly, he kept repeating this motion.

He have a strikingly handsome and gentle face, the young man possessed obsidian black hair that bore little tinges of green at their tips.

As the sun gradually ascended from the horizons, a breathtaking view unfolded before the young man's eyes.

However, As the sun rays fell on the mountaintop, they also fell on the young man's body. In an instant, his skin started turning reddish hue, and a few burn marks appeared on the well-defined abdominal muscles of his stomach.

But, the peculiar phenomenon didn't last long as his skin swiftly returned to its natural state, surprisingly the burn marks are also nowhere to be seen on his body.

He opened his eyes slowly as he raised his arm shielding his eyes from the sun's rays.

"System, display my profile."

[Ding! Host's command has been accepted]

[Host's Profile]

[Name : Horishi Hayashi, (Quinn sterling)]

[Age : 16 Years old]

[Race : Human (Currently)]

[Level : 25th level]

[Strength : 245]

[Agility : 250]

[Vitality : 230]
