
Demon lord of Zero (Fanfic version)

What happens when the "zero" Louise Valleriè summons the "sorcerer of destruction" Demon Lord Diablo and his soon to be wives? (This is my first ever fanfiction and my first ever time writing so go easy on me. I'll try not to do OC and mainly follow the Canon of the familiar of zero, the events would take place after vol 12 of the novel of how not to summon a Demon Lord.) Also this was supposed to be fanfic but for some reason it won't let me change it to fanfic

K_G_4335 · 漫画同人
36 Chs

Chapter 18 Home is where you make it

Later that day

Rem and Shera had stuck with Louise for the most part of that day and Diablo left off to meet with Siesta, he was waiting in the courtyard where he usually picks her up at.

"Hi my lord Diablo." Siesta said walking up to Diablo

Diablo noticed she had a suitcase with her, and what she was weearing was a orange dress

Noticing Diablo's gaze Siesta said "It's my vacation, I'm going to my home village to visit my parents."

Just then by coincidence Kirche was coming from the building with Tabitha, and Guiche was approaching the opposite side

Kirche stopped Tabitha and Guiche to eavesdrop on Diablo and Siesta's conversation

"Why is he talking to another tramp." Kirche

( A/N This BITCH dares insult a Waifu...)

Getting an idea Siesta asked " Will you come with me and meet my parents Diablo ?"

"Hmmm... Yes, I'll meet them." Diablo

"Oh...Also would you like to try and find my great grandfather's treasure ? " Siesta

"Treasure ?" Diablo

"It's said to have been the remains of the dragon my great grandfather used to fly to this world, though I've never seen it." Siesta said looking up thinking

"Lets go" Diablo said

" I want to go treasure hunting too." Kirche said while still eavesdropping

Scene change

Siesta and Diablo had just dropped out of the sky into the forest in a clearing.

Diablo carried her, but Siesta could have flew on her own with the wind spell "flight", but a commoner using magic would bring unnecessary problems for her and her family

"Alright...I think we should go see this treasure first and then go visit my family." Siesta

Just then Diablo seen a shadow over his head, they both looked up to see Tabitha on her dragon, a big red lizard approached them from the left and a mole came through the ground on their right

"Found you darling." Kirche said walking from behind the lizard

Diablo looked in the direction of the mole and saw Guiche

"Hello there Diablo, fancy meeting you here hahaha..." Guiche laughed

Tabitha's dragon also landed

"Why are you guys here ?" Siesta

"To keep you from having alone time with my darling and to also look for the treasure with you." Kirche

"Guiche...." Diablo

"What...Oh, I'm here to bring back proof to my Momorency that my adventure on that mission wasn't just a excuse to go try to pick up girls." Guiche said shaking his head

"Considering your normal hobbies can you blame her for accusing you ? " Kirche said

At the same time as Kirches Eavesdropping

Louise, Rem, and Shera were looking for Diablo

"He's probably with Siesta."Shera said cheerfully

The three looked for the maid and Demon all over campus until they arrived at the kitchen and Louise asked have they seen the pair

"Ahh...I did see Siesta earlier she said she was visiting her home village Tomp." Chef

"Tomp...where have I heard that name before ?" Louise said out loud thinking

Scene change present

"We finally found it. We could have found it much sooner if I had knew exactly where it was sorry Diablo." Siesta

"Hmp...That isn't something you need to apologize for." Diablo said walking in

When they got further into the cave it got dark so Kirche used a flame spell as a light

They started to hear footsteps

"Did you hear that." Kirche said her voice shaking because she was scared

"Someone is here with us." Guiche said almost shouting

"Diablo...?" Siesta said looking at Diablo only to find him making the same expression he always wore

"Calm yourself." Diablo simply said

Diablo and Tabitha were both acting unusually calm, because they could both use the wind spell "Detection" to find life presences

And what Diablo felt is four people, three of which he automatically knew

"You are trespassing, on private property !" Someone shouted somewhere ahead of them

"Who was that !?"Guiche exclaimed starting to freak out

" I wont warn you again to turn around and leave !" The voice and he fired off a spell

that landed on the wall behind Diablo's group

"Shera, Rem, Louise come out." Diablo called

Those three came from ahead, around a corner with..."COLBERT !" Guiche, Kirche, and Siesta exclaimed

"What are you doing here ?"Louise

"Rem, Shera..." Diablo

"We were worried about you, you seemed.... different today." Shera

"Don't ignore me !" Louise shouted

Diablo looked at Colbert

"What ?" Colbert

"What are you doing here Mr.Colbert" Guiche spoke up

"Oh... I'm investigating the rumor of the legendary dragon. What about you five ?" Colbert asked

"Were looking for treasure." Kirche said

"Hmnn...Lets go together, by the way Diablo mwhat was that spell you used earlier to pin us all to the ground ?" Colbert asked Diablo

"Dark press" Diablo

"It was a wind spell right ? But I never heard of that one is it possibly from your world ?" Colbert asked interested

(Wouldn't you like to know !?) Diablo thought in his mind

"Yes it's from my world." Diablo

"I see... and it's a wind spell ?" Colbert

"No...It's a Demon King spell, now lets go." Diablo said tired of being questioned

Scene Change

The nine went through the cave and reached an open field with a door at the end of the field

Colbert leading the way they came to the door and saw a regular lock on it

"Good, this can be opened easily."

Just then Diablo looked to his right and saw a tombstone

He walked up to it and read what looked like Japanese language

"Navy hensen Takio kasake rest here in another world."

"You can read that." Rem asked

"Yes...this is one of the many languages of my original world." Diablo said with his head down

"This thing is a dragon ?" Guiche asked looking at what was inside the door

Diablo got up to look at what was the ado about

"Interesting...they used preservation magic to keep the dragon remains in good condition." Colbert

"No...this is no dragon..." Diablo said looking at it

He touched the surface, looked at the fan blades in the front

"This is a fighter Jet." DIablo said although to the crowd he didn't sound amazed in any way, within his head he thought

(Holy shit, how did this get here, Siesta's Great grandpa really got isekaid ! ) Diablo thought to himself

"You have knowledge about this thing Diablo ?" Rem asked

"Yes...this thing is from my original world." Diablo said, and turned around to see everyone's faces dropped Shera and Rem's

"I see... so Diablo's world is really advanced" Rem said with a thoughtful expression

"Diablo's world has everything !" Shera

"Siesta...It's possible me and your Great grandfather came from the same world." Diablo said

"Wait...I have been this close to a descendant of Gandalfer this long without knowing ! Imagine how may experiments I could do." Colbert said excitedly

Siesta hurried up and said "That's just a rumor."

"If you want your bald head to remain on your shoulders, I advise you to never say Siesta's name and experiment in the same sentence again." Diablo said getting into the jet

When Diablo touched the throttle the marking on his hand glowed and he automatically knew how to use it

"It's like the knowledge on this thing just popped inside of my mind." Diablo said

"Of course, the mark of Gandalfer lets you automatically master all weapons." Derflinger

"This is actually the second one of these, the first one returned to it's original world during the eclipse." Colbert explained

"So why didn't Gandelfer return to his original world on this one ?" Rem asked

"I believe it was a timing problem, because a solar eclipse is really short it's possible for him to had missed the eclipse." Colbert

Shera was wearing a sad face tearing up, Diablo knew what she was thinking about

Rem also knew the answer to the worry in her heart, but wanted to hear it from Diablo himself

"Diablo....would you ever-" Rem cut Diablo off

"No Rem, I do not wish to return to my original world, there is no one and nothing there for me. So don't dare cry Shera." Diablo said honestly

Shera's worry immediately left her, and she said

"Yes Diablo." Shera said with her usual smile

Scene Change Tristain Royal Castle

" It all ended disaster." Princess Henrietta told the woman, who was wearing a royal purple dress, that woman also had mahogney colored hair and blue eyes like Henrietta's

"I know, the king of Galia also called off the engagement..."Said the woman

"I'm sorry...If I had just left things alone...Mother I'll accept any punishment you give me." Henrietta

"I think you have been punished enough with the death of your lover haven't you...Henrietta ?" Queen of Tristain

Henrietta dropped down and begun to cry again

Henrietta's mom came and hugged her and started to console her when a messenger ran into the room

"Your majesty, there is a disaster ! Albion has declared war on us."

In Albion

The blond noble with the purple gem ring is now the king of Albion with Fouqet and Wardes at his side in front of a crowd at the Albion royal castle, finishing his speech

"Now that we finally got that blasted old royal family out of the kingdom, we shall now rename this country to "Reconquista" and invade Tristain

Scene change

In a dark room, a meeting was being held between The King of Reconquista, Wardes, and Fouqet

"We shall invade Tristain when will Albion be closest to Tristain ?" Blonde king

(A/N If you seen the show, remember that Albion is a country that literally flies in the sky)

"Three days." Fouqet said