
The cute mini dino girl

It was like playing against alpha zero, the infamous chess AI. The moves she made may seem stupid at first, but they would corner Ruby later. No matter how many moves ahead he could think, with only one move, she would crush him. They played ten games in 3-4 hours with rest included, and he lost all ten games. When she was getting ready to leave the room, Ruby asked, when can they start learning magic?

But according to the queen, Ruby needs to train his brain to make fast, accurate decisions before learning magic. The butler took the queen's place after she left. This routine continued for a week where Ruby would play chess with the butler for 6 hours, then learn reading and writing from Aysel and the queen, then a brisk walk for 30 mins.

Aysel Ruby's mother was teaching him the universal language, similar to how most people on earth know English and the local language of the Belle kingdom. Once he knew how to read, he can start visiting the library to learn more about the history and culture of this world.

After a week passed, butler bought her granddaughter along with him. Butler wouldn't partake in any leisure activities with me during game time. When he bought her granddaughter with him, it was quite a surprise to say the least.

The always stern-looking butler was fawning over her round, chubby, and cute granddaughter. She was so cute I just wanted to pull her cheeks which looked like freshly made steam dumplings. She was sipping on some soda and looked 2-3 years older than me.

During the past week, me and butler could only play 2-3 games in those 6 hours, which I unremarkably lost. My goal was to drag one game for a whole day. After that, I could think of winning.

Eris Butler's grand daughter shouted.

"Grandpa, is this the new younger brother you wanted me to meet?"

Butler replied

"Yes, he is Ruby. Ruby **c*k****r*, and this is my daughter Eris, Eris Adamanti. I hope you two can get along well, and Eris, don't be rough with Ruby. He is a kind and hardworking boy. I wish you can learn something from him ."

Eris was embarassed.

"Urghhh!! Grandpa, leave me alone."

Butler knew her granddaughter very well.

"You can forget about watching ten cute apostles reincarnated with cheat powers."

Eris's face lost all color

"Sorry, you can stay for as long as you can."

At this point, Ruby noticed Eris's huge tail swinging left to right, causing gusts of wind to blow in the room.

After that, the butler left the room, leaving Ruby, Eris, and a Chess table between them.

Ruby gazed at her tail which was swinging left to right.

"If she hits me with her tail, I would be lucky to come out alive"

He decided not to anger her for now. Completely different from what her appearance would suggest, she played pawn to E4 shyly. I was taken aback by how shy she was being. I mistook her to be the loudmouth redhead that would beat others at every chance she got. Prejudice is bad. I shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

"Can I call you little brother?" Eris asked with flashing bright eyes and a wide grin.

"How old are you?" Ruby asked he can't just make her his big sister out of nowhere.

"I am 4 years old." She said with the same expression as before while wagging her tail.

Ruby was surprised, as Eris was a whole head taller than him, so he assumed she was older, but it seems they were the same age.

"But grandpa told me that you are little brother." She said with a serious expression

"If grandpa told you to call me master, would you call me master?" Ruby replied

"Grandpa will never tell me to call you master." Eris said while pouting.

She was fuming. Eris thought Ruby berated her grandpa. Her tail was wagging furiously now.

Ruby thought in his mind

"If I won't let her call me little brother, I won't get out of this situation in one peace."

A girl one head taller than you, pouting, wagging her tail furiously, whilst staring at you may sound cute, but all the hairs on Ruby's arms were standing as he felt current running through his spine.

"Yes, yes, you are my big sister from now on. A big sister doesn't beat his younger brother. So calm down."

At the corner of Ruby's eye, he saw Thomas with his tail tucked between his legs, coming out to introduce himself.

"This is Thomas, my best friend. Thomas Handshake"

He gave me his paw. After seeing the handshake, she calmed down. Intimidating aura of a second ago was nowhere to be seen. At that point, the game of chess didn't matter. She left her seat and came to Ruby's side, trying to replicate Ruby's handshake with Thomas. The moment she came close, Thomas ran away.

Ruby couldn't blame him. This girl was far from being emotionally stable. What if she swings her tail at your head after having a mood swing. Ruby wouldn't want to be on the receiving side of her wrath, so he let her play chase Thomas. Thomas would give Ruby side glances, filled with disdain from time to time.

After 5 minutes or so Thomas was suppressed, at the mercy of this cute dragon girl. Eris was violating Thomas's body from head to toe, but Ruby felt like this unfilial dog of his was enjoying this attention.

"You better know I am the leader of this pack."

The sight of a dog breathing heavily, shaking its paws with a cute dragon girl, was very calming. Ruby also started patting Thomas and the day passed just like that. In the evening, Aysel came and woke the kids up frp, their deep slumber. Ruby was expecting a battering, but nothing like that came. Aysel was all smiles. Ruby thought something was wrong, but the happiness of avoiding an hour-long lecture overshadowed tiny worries bubbling at the back of Ruby's mind. Aysel, Ruby, and Thomas went back to their house, had dinner, Ruby heard today's story, and then slept. Ruby wished he could spend all his days like that day.