
Demon King IFRIT Chapter 2

ssanimations · 奇幻
17 Chs

Demon King Ifrit Chapter 2 Page 3

{ Scene Changes}

ATR193 : Hello Hamiel.

Hamiel : What do you want from me you filthy Spirit.

ATR193 : I have some information...that i think you're going to be interested in.

Hamiel : Well it better be so...Or else I'll erase you on this spot.

ATR193 : I found a way to Kill Ifrit

< ATR193 Smiles>

Hamiel : you said what now...he's literally immortal in every aspect...there is no way to kill him.

ATR193 : All although that is true, But there is 1 way to do so.

Hamiel: Tell Me Now! Or else you're dead.

ATR193 : I see you really are interested.

< ATR193 Laughs>

Hamiel : Of course i am... that is the reason you came to me...Because you know that I want to avenge my race, Ifrit has killed every single one of them.

ATR193 : That Is true, I know what he did to you and your race.. and that is the reason i am here to tell you, that the only way to kill Ifrit is with The So called the eraser of the author.

Hamiel: What Is that?

ATR193 : the eraser of the author was put into this world, by the author of this story, and that eraser basically erases anyone in any story they're in, nothing in this type of world can withstand the erasure.

Hamiel : I have some questions, The first one is...You keep saying story what do you mean by that?

ATR193 : All Of us In this world are written by a author... We are contained in a book, in which our story is recorded.

Hamiel : So We are fictional beings? But How is thay possible, If i write a book i control everything that the beings do in the book, But i do not feel bounded by anyone, And I am Me no-one else.

ATR193 : All of the beings in this world have free will, that is why you do not feel bounded.

Hamiel : And How do you know all of this?

ATR193 : i have spoken to the Author...He told me everything.

Hamiel : Okay, And what do you mean by this type of world? And where do we find the author's eraser

ATR193 : By Saying this type of world i mean Fictional world, and The author told me where to find the eraser, it is located in an realm of infinity..

Hamiel : What? The realm of infinity? But it's literally a void of nothingness, there is nothing there.

ATR193 : I know, But the author told me that as soon as we go in the realm the eraser will appear.

Hamiel : Okay, But How do we get there? And i heard that anything that goes in the realm get's instantly erased.

ATR193 : That is true, The Author told me that it is so because that's an unwritten page of the book, and due to the page being unwritten, nothing written can get in there without being instantly erased.

Hamiel : Okay, So how do we get in there then?

ATR193 : the author granted me an ability that starts writing a story as soon as i step in an page that does not have it's own story...

Hamiel : Okay, But It takes millennium's To get to the realm door, I am the fastest being in the existence after Ifrit, My speed is far beyond instantaneous, and time itself.. And even so it would take me exactly 174 Millenniums To get there..

ATR193 : I know, That's why the author gave me scissors that cut through realm's, and allow me to enter the realm far quicker, but even so, it would take us 2 full days to get there.

Hamiel : Okay, well come on, don't waste time, open the realm door.

ATR193 : well alright

< ATR193 open's an Realm door>

< Both Go in the realm>

< Scene Changes>

( 1 Day Later )

Azathoth : My Lord... I Have bad news.

IFRIT : Well hello there... and what's the news? What happened.

Azathoth : I heard rumours...that some spirit with a name ATR193 and A angel of strength Hamiel found a way to kill you.

IFRIT : What ever way they found to kill me will not work.. i am simply unkillable...

Azathoth : I understand that you're confident in your power, but don't you think that could turn on you? your confidence.

Ifrit: No...I literally cannot be killed... As Long as the real world exists, I won't be killed, but even if that world gets destroyed, i will still exist, since there is absolutely nothing that can kill me

Azathoth : What do you mean real world?

Ifrit: Oh yeah..i forgot that you do not know.. let me explain... there is this world that we exist in, it is fictional world... we are being written in a book by a author,But we are not bounded by his story, we have free will, we do whatever we want and choose our own path of our story, and the world the author exists in is far above this world, Nobody in our type of world can interact with The type of world the author's exists in , and as long as the author's world exists, ill always live and be unkillable and indestructible..

Azathoth : Oh My...So i am not real? i am just mere fiction?

IFRIT : No you are real.. just in this world.. you are you and i am me.. we have free will, The author does not control us.. you should be grateful, because alot of beings in other story's dont have the will.

Azathoth : well it's just hard to comprehend...this is just too much..

IFRIT : that's okay, you'll have time to think about this.

( ATR193 & Hamiel appear in front of IFRIT & Azathoth)

Azathoth : Well i guess not...stay back sir... ill try stopping them myself

< Azathoth Attacks ATR193 & Hamiel>

<Hamiel Swings his hand>

<Azathoth vanishes>

IFRIT: No!! You bastard, what did you do to him!

you know it doesn't even matter, I'll destroy BOTH OF YOU!

Hamiel : Well you see... i absorbed the Author's eraser into myself... And Now...I can erase anyone or anything on any page and story in general.

<IFRIT Laughs>

Ifrit: Well... I guess come on, erase me

<Hamiel and ATR193 confused>

Hamiel : Oh aren't you going to try to stop me?

Ifrit : well its the author's eraser right? No matter what i do, i'll lose, so Just do it.

< Ifrit Smiles>

Hamiel : well Alright, your choice.

< Hamiel swings his hand >

Hamiel: What? why isn't it working?!

Ifrit: Did you really think even the Author's Eraser was enough to actually erase me?

< Evil Laugh>

Hamiel & ATR193 : What?!? How is that possible?! We tested the power of The Author's Eraser on other beings before, it always worked.. We have traveled into multiple other storylines and completely erased them without a single drop of sweat..But with you... it seems to have zero effect...What Kind of Monster Are you!!

IFRIT : it doesn't matter how it is possible... You'll pay for what you did to Azathoth

< Blinks>

< ATR193 & Hamiel Vanish into Ifrit's hell dimension>

IFRIT : Both of you will suffer for eternity with no escape possible way to escape.

~ To Be continued ~

DATA : When characters mention " Story" and "storylines" It means a story of a book etc