

Feng Hei Lang checked every corner of the room, trying to see if there was any way out. The white room was completely messing with her senses. It was quite hard to keep note of where she was going because it was completely covered with such a bright white color.

She used a hand to feel a corner of the room. It was hard and sturdy. Feng Hei Lang frowned. 'They wouldn't create a room with no way out. Surely, I can find a different passage out.'

She slammed her fist against the wall, accidentally hurting herself.

[-2 HP]

"Ouch!" Feng Hei Lang quickly healed her hand with [Lesser Healing]. Some of her blood dripped down the white wall, trickling slowly.

Once her blood touched the ground, a crackling sound could be heard. Feng Hei Lang instantly went on guard. 'What's happening? Is there another array here?'

She watched as one of the white walls opened up in front of her. There was a dark passageway in front of her, lined with torches. Activating [Presence Concealment] and [Camouflage], she started walking down it.

Feng Hei Lang shifted back into her fox form, since it was smaller. Some voices could be heard down the hallway. She peeked around a corner to see multiple people sitting at a table. From the aura and killing intent they were emitting, they were probably around core formation realm.

She watched them as they talked. A man with white hair slammed his fist down onto the wooden table. "Why isn't the assassin back yet, Elder Yang Lin? You promised to them that we would have their head! If we don't, we'll get blamed, not you!"

A man with long black hair held up a hand. "Calm down, Brother Hui Tang. Cha Li is an experienced assassin at Spiritual Qi Realm. She also knows some arrays. Do not worry."

Suddenly, coming from the opposite side of Feng Hei Lang, a young boy rushed into the room, sweating. "M-Master Yang Lin. This disciple greets you! C-Cha Li has been disposed of a-and there is s-something guarding one of the targets! The other t-target in the white room is gone!"

Hui Tang slammed his fist down on the table again, breaking it. "WHAT?! ELDER YANG LIN, YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULD GET THEIR HEADS! THEY ARE GOING TO KILL ME!"

Yang Lin held up a hand again and walked to his disciple. "They weren't gone for long. They are probably nearby. We'll find the thieves at once."

Feng Hei Lang decided that this was her cue to leave. 'They're after Kang Lei and Kirei. Xing is still guarding Kang Lei, I have to get back to them! But who is the "they" that they were talking about? It seems like someone ordered them to do this.'

She activated [Dash] and started running down the hallways, trying not to get caught by anyone walking around. Feng Hei Lang noticed a trapdoor at the end of one of the tunnels and ran there.

She quickly shifted to human form for a second, just to push it open. When Feng Hei Lang poked her head up, she was back in the warehouse.

She quickly shifted back to fox form and tried to call for Xing. "Xing! Can you hear me?"

A faint sound floated back to her. 'Mommy! Help! People trying to steal Kang Lei!'

Feng Hei Lang quickly ran towards the source, getting closer and closer. As she was behind an aisle, she could see Xing using [Shadow Claw] towards a group of disciples. They were all around Qi Formation and Condensation Realm.

Xing was currently disguised as a cat once more to avoid attention. Feng Hei Lang flicked a few spare daggers from her cloak and activated [Flying Daggers].

A few hit directly through a vital point, while some merely scratched the disciples. Some shouting started. "Daggers! They have backup!"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

Feng Hei Lang quickly ran towards Xing as the group ran away. She picked up Kang Lei on her shoulder and Xing leapt on her other shoulder. "We're getting out of here." Her stomach rumbled as starvation started getting to her. Her adrenaline was wearing off, and she could now tell how tired she was.

She flopped down onto the ground as her strength rushed out of her. Feng Hei Lang gritted her teeth and tried to push herself up. 'I need to get out of this warehouse first! But I'm so tired...'

She turned to the few dead disciples next to her. Shifting back to fox form, she used [Chomp] to take a bite from their arm. Feng Hei Lang shifted back to human form as she felt her strength returning. "My apologies..."

[Blood Consumed! EXP Gained!]

[Flesh Consumed! EXP Gained!]

Feng Hei Lang picked up Kang Lei and Xing once more before running towards the wooden door in which she entered.

She quickly jumped through the hole in the door then landed in the dirty sewage water once more. Feng Hei Lang climbed up a ladder, leading the way out of the sewage. She felt the sun shine on her once more as she pushed the grate open.

She placed Kang Lei down and removed Kirei from her shadow as she sighed. Feng Hei Lang quickly used [Lesser Healing] on them. They were in the back of an abandoned alleyway. She shifted back into fox form, curling into a ball next to them.

She murmured to Xing, "Watch over us...I'm going to take a nap..." With that, Feng Hei Lang fell into a deep sleep.