
Demon Elector

A sudden accident draws Alex into an eternal game between gods and demons. The game called Elector System is impossible to quit once he join, and Alex is coerced to do everything he can to survive and wait for the final election. Can he become the new immortal demon? And what is the significance of this election? The answer to everything was waiting for him on the throne in hell. There is a lot of content in R18, so please make sure you belong to the audience. The story takes place in a parallel universe of Earth, the names of people and places have nothing to do with reality, if there are similarities is purely coincidental.

reedvinxx · 都市
17 Chs


Leaping from the open window, Alex landed on the first floor of the ZU area.

He looked around and, as expected, it was also a vast and borderless area like Regional IO, which seemed impossible to be built by manpower. In terms of spatial location, it clearly overlapped with IO, but the body freezers in the IO area could not be seen here, which was obviously not in line with common sense.

However, Alex was not particularly shocked. After all, the Federation of Eredonia is a country where Conspiracy theory prevails, and strange conjectures are spreading everywhere in the Internet Age. In contrast, it is not unusual for Lungen's Marine Corps to have an apparently non peaceful 'injection peace laboratory' under their hospital.

Alex looked at the jar closest to him, with the label 05A4 on it and 05A3 and 05A5 on both sides. He glanced at the naked humans in several nearby jars, but they remained motionless and didn't breathe, as if they were a corpse. Following the direction of 05A5, he quickly found the target 3A-ZU-05F2.

In the transparent jar in front of him, a young girl was looking at him with curious red eyes, her skin and hair showing an extreme pallor. And in the jar around her, there were also many living boys or girls, some awake, some still unconscious. But no one is so special like her.

Alex understood what the Elector System meant in particular, which did not refer to her possible albinism physical state, but rather to the atmosphere she gave him, a strong sense of pressure.

This feeling even made Alex, who had undergone of system strengthening, feel as if he was at the bottom of the sea, and the air from all directions became as heavy and hard as steel.

What is this? The evil federal government imprisons innocent albino girls? Can Demon Elector also be a brave warrior to save a princess?

"No, even if I were a warrior, the one locked in the jar was clearly a demon."

Without giving Alex more time to indulge in slander, the glass jar that imprisoned 05F2 immediately broke apart, as if a huge pressure had caused it to burst from the middle.

The little girl named 05F2 regained her freedom, seemingly indifferent to her naked condition, and walked step by step towards Alex.

"Thank you, fellow countryman. I, Irene, have finally been free."

She didn't speak, but there was still a voice rising from the depths of Alex's thoughts.

Faced with Alex's stiff expression, she chuckled and apologized, "Sorry, I'm too excited to control my mind."

Irene walked up to Alex and gently stroked his chest. An invisible wave passed through Alex's body at an extremely fast speed. This wave did not have substance but relying on his unique perception of the world after becoming a giant, he still discovered this.

"However, your abilities are really unique. I feel an extremely wild primitive force lurking within your body, although not quite powerful, it is impressive."

"Next, I will release more compatriots and liberate them from inhumane human experiments."

With her words, an invisible force swelled up, pushing the air to form a high-speed vibrating blade, easily cutting open the glass jars around and releasing the people who were still alive inside. And those who have already died are engulfed by the ground and disappear.

After a series of extensive destruction, nearly a hundred experimental subjects were released by Irene. Some of them were afraid, some were excited, and more of them fell into a certain state of stagnation, seemingly losing their thinking ability.

Seeing this situation, Irene said, "They have been poisoned by tranquilizers for too long, I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to recover to their original state."

Irene went to the nearest girl with a blank expression, put her forehead on her forehead, and seemed to feel something. After a while, she turned her head and said sadly to Alex, "I can't repair their Cranial nerves. They are too damaged. I can't do it."

Alex just wanted to comfort Erin but found that the teenagers who had lost their thinking abilities slowly sank to the ground like the bodies before, and disappeared.

"In order to make them no longer experimental objects of the Federation and weapons of persecution against our fellow citizens, I have destroyed them all."

Irene's expression was very calm at this moment, as if nothing had happened, but the sense of danger made the hairs on Alex's arm stand up.

But Irene didn't speak again, nor did she do anything else.

After a while, when everyone's emotions had calmed down, Irene gathered them around her and gave them a brief speech.

"Thanks to the help of our brother named Alex, we were able to regain our freedom today. The blue dogs who persecuted us have also been killed by Alex. We want to express our gratitude to him for this."

"Fellow citizens, we have been captured here by the Federal Area 51 as monsters, experimental objects, and extraterrestrials, suffering inhumane suffering. But we know that we are all naturally born humans, not monsters, we are legitimate citizens of the Federation. Errors are not caused by us, they are caused by the Federal Area 51 and all its accomplices."

"Next, we will liberate more compatriots, reveal more truth, and in the presence of God, let all citizens of the Federation see this unjust oppression and how it has been destroyed by our own hands."

"Our enemies are not citizens of the Federation, on the contrary, citizens, whether or not they possess the extraordinary abilities bestowed upon them by God, are our friends and the most important helpers and partners in helping us fight against Area 51."

"What we need to do is unite, is armed struggle, is to get our peace with our struggle. Thanks to God's gift of divine power, we have this ability to inflict justice on ourselves without the help of others."

"You will regain your freedom and do what you want. But remember what I said, otherwise I will find you."

As Irene spoke, she mobilized her power to lift everyone up and deliver them to the laboratory on the second floor.

At the same time, outside the laboratory, the alerted marines immediately came to the door of the laboratory ZU with riot shields, rifles and Grenade launcher to guard. The leading officer commanded and dispatched at the scene while discussing countermeasures with several other managers of the "Injection Peace Laboratory".

The camera in the laboratory has been damaged, and it is currently unclear what exactly happened inside. However, based on the final image analysis, it is feared that all the people in the laboratory have been killed by the intruders.

"Where do the infiltrator come from? Is he spies of the Flemish? Or is he from our other competitors?"

"No, according to the analysis report of the image, the attacker used a Cold weapon to cut 17 people to pieces in 25 seconds. I'm afraid that he, like our experimental objects, is one of those potential risk factors."

"So he could be a member of the Evolutionary Liberation Front?"

"I'm afraid so."

At this moment, the door of the ZU laboratory suddenly made a piercing and twisted sound. They looked up and saw that the thick alloy door, which was as thick as a wall, was broken from the inside by some terrifying force, and the thick bolts, which were as thick as their thighs, were broken one by one. Finally, with a loud noise and vibration, the door was forcibly broken, just like a beer bottle cap broken by a Bottle opener.

"God, the monster 05F2 has been released! Get back quickly, and send an alarm to call the people of Area 51 for support."

However, before the crowd who had just heard the instructions could react effectively, the damaged gate was thrown out by a powerful force, crushing the crowd heavily and drawing a dark red bloody handwriting on the clean white floor.

The screams of panic suddenly rose one after another, and the officers of the Marine Corps immediately realized that it was impossible to continue the fight, so he immediately covered the most important people on the scene from a path down into a Safe house.

After locking the door of the Safe house, the officer sat down on the ground, relaxed and gasped, then struggled to get up, strode to a console, and decisively pressed a red button.

An encrypted wireless signal immediately spread to the supercomputer of the intelligence agency at the Marine Corps headquarters not far from here, activating the preset program.

Due to the secrecy and inhumanity of the experiment, this matter is destined to not be widely publicized, and even within various departments, many senior officials have explicitly opposed this behavior.

But for anything, there will be supporters, especially for major benefits related to human evolution, possessing superpowers, and even extending lifespan. Therefore, these people had already received the urgent news that the laboratory had been attacked and had an online meeting as quickly as possible.

At the same time as the meeting was discussing countermeasures, dozens of angry mutants who had been released had also begun a bloody and brutal retaliation operation. They explored this extremely large underground laboratory layer by layer, relying on their telepathic superpower companions to find and kill the people hidden inside.

Alex is also in their team, paying special attention to chasing down researchers who symbolize coin rewards. Due to his battles mainly relying on simple yet powerful slashes, he often cuts his target in half with just one blow, resulting in his entire body being stained red with splattered blood.

And his extreme hatred towards researchers was also seen by the superpowers as a manifestation of being persecuted like them, so they all let go of their guard against this unknown companion.

At this time, the system also sent a prompt to activate the second branch task.

"Side Quest 2: Activated"

"Quest requirements: find the Safe house of the 'Injection and Peace Laboratory' and obtain the paper documents."

"Quest reward: special props' Easter egg '."

The 'Easter egg' is the lower level of various colored eggs with resurrection function sold by the system. It is two identical colored egg shaped objects. Users need to eat one of them, then bury the other one underground, and they can fully resurrect a few days after death.

Although there are some restrictions, as a resurrection prop, the price of the 'Easter egg' in the system is up to 500 coins, even a quarter more expensive than his' tundra giant bloodline '.

However, Alex can still cut people or block bullets. He cannot find a Safe house carefully hidden by the designer in a huge underground building.

Fortunately, he also has a group of temporary companions.

"Irene, I noticed that old bastard Mark Barton seems to have disappeared. Do you have a way to find him?"

Speaking of Mark Barton, Irene has also attracted attention because this old bastard is the top leader of the entire laboratory. If anyone is responsible for everything they encounter, then it is him first and foremost.

Irene unleashed her telepathic ability, and an invisible ripple quickly swept over Alex's skin, spreading towards the distance.

Less than a minute later, the ripple quickly brushed past Alex's skin from the opposite direction again and returned to Irene's body.

At this moment, she was wearing a clean shirt that had been removed from a body and a pair of pants with cut legs. However, the shirt appeared too wide on her petite body, even covering the pants, revealing only two smooth and fair legs. She stepped barefoot on the ground, becoming a unique charm.

"I didn't find him, "Irene chuckled playfully at Alex," but I found a door and there was nothing behind it. I guess Mark Barton was hiding behind that door."

Irene took Alex's hand and quietly separated from the crowd at a corner, walking towards the strange door she found.