
The Demon Hunters

Monroe thinks carefully and heard voices in her head.

"Roe, we have to go!" Simon said in a hurry and in a convincing voice.

"Simon, I think Jade can help us." She replied and breathes heavily.

"What?" Simon couldn't believe that she choose Jade over him.

"Come on." She then forced Simon to go inside the church.

Simon keeps on talking while they are on their way inside. He keeps asking questions about Jade. You could tell on his face that he doesn't like Jade and so as Jade to him.


"I don't see the mortal cup!" Marcus's voice echoed as he shouted angrily to his men.

"We search. It's not in the loft." A guy answered who looks really scared to Marcus.

"Just because you couldn't find it doesn't mean it is not there!" He exclaimed.

"T-there's… there's a daughter. It looks just exactly as Jocelyn." The guy answered stammering. Marcus stop from that thought.

"Jocelyn has a daughter?" He inhales and continues "well, in that case, I'd like to speak to Jocelyn's daughter." He then flashed a devilish smile.


Going back to the situation at the headquarters. As the three entered the church. Simon was confused since all he's seeing is a messy room, dirt and dust everywhere, broken chairs and a spiderweb on the ceiling.

Jade sighs and draw a rune in his arm. He gasps in pain the moment he draw it using the stele. It would burn your skin the moment you used or draw it on your body.

Simon gazed at Monroe's direction with questioning eyes. Simon was surprised when Jade suddenly holds his hand tightly. "Clasps"

"Woah!Woah! Buddy, what's going on,man?" He then stared at their holding hands and glanced back at Jade's face. "I'm not your type, man. I don't even…" He did not finish his talking when he realized the place is moving magically.

The place lit up and he could see the features inside the place. He was shocked seeing people walking around busy with their own business.

There were also people in front of the hologram, Izzy and Alex.

"Wh-where a-are we? What the hell." He ask stammering while looking at the whole place very amazed.

Jade just smirked at him.

"Roe,is there a war going on that I don't know about?" Simon ask Monroe without looking at her and still continue looking around.

"There is now." Jade replied to Simon's question and walks inside with gritted teeth.

"I think my mother's at the center of it all." She just continued while staring at the people in front of them and she walk following Jade.

Simon was left there with mouth hanging.

"Are you coming?" Jade ask him.

"Y-yeah." He just said and ran after them. "What is this place?" He asked again.

"There's a lot of gear in here. What'd they do,rob a tech shop?" Simon added a question.

They're walking into the hologram computer. Jade just swipe the hologram screen to check their cctv camera outside the headquarters. There was a man standing at the door on his way inside. And Simon talks AGAIN.

"So this cold-blooded killer is gonna help us?" He face Monroe and asked her.Who's also staring at the screen.

"He's not a killer. He's protecting us." She looked at him and said.

"Specifically,you. It is sort of our thing." Jade replied referring to Monroe and winked at both of them.

"Your thing? You guys have a thing?" Simon irritably ask to Monroe.

"He means a demonhunter thing.That's what they do, protecting humans from demons." She sigh and explained to him.

"DEMONS.Right that makes perfect sense. Cause there are demons running all around New York City." He slightly laugh wouldn't want to believe everything she just said.

"THAT is the first correct thing you've said all day." Jade said sarcastically still focus on the screen. And he locates a situation. The computer beeps.


The NYPD also known as New York Police District. Was outside the church thinking there is someone inside since someone reported a dead body outside the church.

"Won't they find us?" Monroe worriedly asked directly to Jade.

"No. Our wards will deter them." He answered calmly. "And the NYPD will do their typical mundie thing for a few hours and then the area will clear." He added referring to the police who went inside the church checking every place.

Suddenly, Alex arrived and he quickly asked Jade why there's a mundane inside the headquarters. Phrasing the word MUNDANE as he stared at both Monroe and Simon. Jade sighs and explains to him that a circle member followed Simon to get to Monroe.

"A circle rune. Just like the guys that took my mother." Monroe interrupted.

"What exactly is a circle member and why are they trying to kill us?" Simon asked with curiosity.

"All we know is… a long time ago the circle led a revolt. A lot of demonhunters got killed... including my father." Jade glance at them while explaining what happened.

"And since the revolt, we've been forbidden to even hear about the circle." Alex added.

"But how is that even possible? It's your h-history." Monroe asked both Jade and Alex with curiosity.

*Scoffs*" Says the girl who doesn't even know she's a demonhunter?" Jade said and smirked then walked away with Alex.

"Yeah. Yeah, right. And now, the only person who knows the truth is missing. So I don't care about your rules or what's forbidden… there's got to be someone out there who could tell us." Monroe said determined to know the truth.

"There is." Jade replied and walks straight to the training room floor."You coming?" Referring to Monroe. When he notice that Simon is coming, "No,no,no not you." He stopped him using his hand and put it into Simon's chest.

"Hey! We're a package deal." She exclaimed.

"There are runes all over the training room floor. It could kill your mundie boyfie." Jade said and pointed out the room.

"He's not my---" "I'm not, her---" both Monroe and Simon said in motion. Simon look at her and continue to talk "We're,uh, just friends." Said Simon. "Best friends." Monroe clarified.

"Yeah. And I'm tough. I can handle runes. So bring on the runes." Simon said jokingly and punched Jade's shoulder harder than he thought. But Jade got a broad shoulder so in the end, Simon hurt his hand. Jade *scoffs*.

"Uuuhh… what exactly are runes?" He asked Monroe embarrass.

Alex and Izzy was behind them smiling clearly Izzy is having fun seeing the way Simon acted.

"They give Demonhunters our demon-fighting powers." Izzy interrupted them with her sweet voice. Simon immediately glances at his back and saw Izzy activating her rune in her arm wearing her signature look, black leather crop-top paired with black leather jeans and black leather boots and a red lipstick.

"So hot." Simon said with mouth open and gulp.

Jade as a possessive brother clears throat *Ehemm*eheem* and give Simon a sharp look.

Simon also cleared his throat feeling ashamed.

Izzy chuckles, "Don't worry, Monroe. I'll watch over the best friend. In fact, I was about to make breakfast." Izzy said in a seductive tone of voice together with her killer look.

[Jade inhales] "On the second thought, the runes might be less lethal." Jade said crossing his arms while looking at Monroe the moment he determined that Izzy is trying to flirt with Simon.

"I pretend I didn't hear that." Izzy said smiling at Simon and continued, "please excuse my brother's lack of manners" frown.

"This is my brother Alex and I'm Isabelle." She pointed Alex behind her and reaches her hands to Simon in a form that she was expecting Simon to kiss the back of her hands. But…

*Stutters* "Lewis. Simon Lewis." Simon said nervously and reach her hand for a shake hands opposite to what Izzy wanted him to do. Izzy giggled.

"See? Your best friend is safe and sound here." Jade told Monroe looking at Simon and Izzy.

"Jade if anything happens to him…" Monroe said to Jade worrying about her best friend.

"Go on. I'll be fine. I think.*chuckles*" Simon interrupted her without looking at her. Simon was clearly captured by Izzy's charm.

*oh,oh,oh Simon...tsk.tsk*

Before Monroe and Jade went inside the training room Jade whispered into Simon's ears. "Hey,uh… don't eat the food. Dangerous." He said and shake his head. Izzy just look at him seductively and pulled him with her.

Meanwhile, at the parking lot a young boy with a horn of a goat was followed by a fierce looking woman. He noticed that he's been followed so he keeps glancing at his back. As he continued walking, the woman grabs him aggressively from behind and asked.

"Where is steven!" And flashed an angry smirked.

Joe suddenly arrived and helped the young boy. With his quick move, he grab the woman away from the young boy and said, "keep moving warlock." And he nods his head as a sign to run.

He then laid the forcedly on the car while holding her hands behind cornering her. *Boogsh* the woman grunts and pants.

"Now, what were you gonna do with that warlock? Human, now warlock,huh?" He asked furiously to the woman.

"You are nothing but a traitor.A disgrace to the circle." She chuckles in between her heavy breathing.

Joe got more angry and dragged the woman forcedly into the wall. The car alarms at the parking lot keeps on beeping as the woman fought back she carried a seraph blade and about to kill Joe. But Joe's eyes turn into green as a sign of him turning into a wolf and killed the woman.

P.s I'm sorry for the grammatical errors I will try to edit it out soon:) I hope you understand. And you can also leave a comment or suggestions. Thank you! ;)