Natasha opened a portal for Monroe. While the men in black who have swords are fast approaching. Jocelyn brought her near the portal and said.
"Everything I've done,every mistake I've made was because I love you more than words." She said crying.
"Mom,what are you doing." She asked her mom nervously.
"Joe will explain everything to you. He'll hide you!" Her mom stated.
"Hide me?" Monroe asked her again frowning.
"From the circle.He's the only one you can trust.Where is Joe now!?" Jocelyn asked her shouting.
Monroe immediately replied " At the police station." And her mother pushed her to the portal. The portal brought her to the police station.
(Energy pulsating)
"Ow!" She yelped as she fell to the ground panting.
One police saw her and asked her what she's doing at the police station when it's already 2:00am.So she lied and said that Joe will drive her home.
The police said that he's in a middle of an interview and it could take a while to finish.
"Cool. Ahmm… I'll just wa-wait for him in the cafeteria." She replied stammering and walk her way to the cafeteria.
"Hey,uh… is there some sort of a problem?" The police called her and asked worried seeing Monroe's frowning face. "Guy problem ?" She added shrugs her shoulders.
" Yeah, sure.Guy trouble… something like that." Monroe replied and smiled a little. The police just nod seemed convinced to Monroe's answer. And they both walk to the opposite directions.
However, the demons went inside their house carrying their swords. Natasha was hiding in the dark and noticed that the guys are getting closer. She stepped out and raised her hand a little and controlled the vase using her powers and throw it to the guy. But the guy managed to block and break it.
She then ran quickly up stairs to escape from the guys. Two guys followed her and the other one took all the cup in the cabinet thinking it's the cup that they were looking for.
She ran and keep glancing at her back without knowing that someone was waiting for her as she looked in front her, the guy pushed her hard causing her to fall from the window into the ground. Seemed dead.
Jocelyn, on the other hand, is at Monroe's room activates her rune in her palm using the stele.
"I won't let them find you." She said to herself determined. The rune in her palm created a fire inside the room. Everything in the room was on fire. She slowly walked outside looking around holding her sword and her other hand was the bottle that Natasha gave to her awhile ago.
She saw the two guys walk aggressively into her direction and they fought as soon they're able to reach each other.
Jocelyn fiercely stabbed the guy behind without looking. The other guys was challenged so they ran to Jocelyn together.
"This could all be over if you just turn over the mortal cup." The guy yelled.
"That's not gonna happen. After all this years you're still after it." She said with gritted teeth.
The guy scoffs " It's not for us, It's for him." And smirked.
"Marcus's still alive?" She asked in shock.
"He'll be pretty surprised to see that you are, too." Staring at her from head to toe.
"I won't let him create an army." She said angrily.
" You once believed in him." The other guy reacted.
"I believe in protecting humankind!" She said and looked into the room because she heard something blown up. She immediately open the bottle Natasha gave her and said, "You'll never get the cup." and took one sip in the bottle and she fainted.
"Nooooo!" The guy hurried to her direction to catch her and everything went black.
At the police station…
As Joe was discussing with a woman and a guy, Monroe sneaked inside the room and listened to their conversation.
"The moment we found out that Jocelyn was alive, you were easy to track." The guy said to Joe. "Turns out that you and Jocelyn were never that far apart.The circle has her now, and it's just a matter of time until we catch the daughter." He added.
"You can have them both if you give up the mortal cup." The woman calmly said to Joe.
" I don't care either of them. They mean nothing to me.Kill them both if you like." He replied.
Monroe gasps hearing what Joe said to them and tears fall down to her face.
"My people want the cup. Why do you think I'm hanging around her all these years?Now, when I find the cup, I'm gonna keep it." He stood up and look both of them." And you can tell Marcus and the circle that." He said fiercely.
"No one mentioned Marcus." Said the girl who looked scared.
The guy stood up and replied aggressively " Listen to me." Pointing out Joe.
"No! You, listen to me. Now get out of my office." Pointed out the door with gritted teeth. The woman and the guy glared at him and walk away.
Monroe hides back so that Joe won't see her. But Joe knew it all along that she was there listening to their conversation. He glanced at Monroe's direction and sighs.
Monroe remembered her mom and got out of the room while running and crying under the rain.
The guys who took Jocelyn arrived from the teleport to Marcus's hideout. Marcus sigh the moment he saw Jocelyn sleeping.
" You've returned. I'm so sorry it had to be this way, Jocelyn." He said and breathed deeply while holding her." I told you to bring her back unharmed.What happened?" He added and stared at his men.
"A potion. She must have been under the protection of a warlock." One man replied.
"She was in league with the downwolders, hiding amongst the mundane. Coward." The other guy added.
"Jocelyn was able to hide from the circle for 18 years. Do you think a coward is capable of something like that ?" Marcus said in an angry voice and stared at the guy who said those words.
"The only thing she's capable of is smelling like a mundane." The guy smirked. Marcus look straight to the guy aggressively and said, "I'm sorry?" He didn't like the guy mocking Jocelyn like that.
"She betrayed the circle. She doesn't deserve our respect." The guy walked closely to Marcus reminding him what she did before.
Marcus furiously stabbed the guy with a syringe in his neck and his flesh searing and he groaned in pain and slowly melted into the air screaming.
Monroe arrived at their house soaking wet running quickly as she could. She called her mom but she got scared when she saw blood on the ground.
She cried the moment she entered the house seeing all their things are broken and ruined.
She keeps on calling her mom sobbing and kneeled on the floor breathing heavily. Her make up was ruined.
She went upstairs and brought an axe with her thinking there might be someone there. She saw Natasha standing in the dark seems like she came from hiding.
"Nat," she walked closer to Natasha and cried so hard and throw the axe away.
"They took Jocelyn." Natasha said with a weak voice.
"Who took her." Monroe said in between her sobs.
"Rogue Shadowhunters searching for the mortal cup." Natasha replied.
"What the hell are you talking about?" She exclaimed.
"Think, Monroe. Did your mother ever talk to you about the cup? A very important cup. It's.. it's gold." Natasha said stuttering while walking closer to her. Trying to get information out of her.
"No! No… I don't know anything about a cup, Natasha." Her voice cracked and cried. "Isn't it one of the antique downstairs?" She added stammering.
"No!no,no… not those." inhales deeply and talked again, "Think, Monroe. This could save your mother."
"I can't think! Someone kidnapped my mother!" She said aloud.
"You know more than you think, Monroe." Natasha said angrily and some tentacles went out of her mouth and screams.
Monroe quickly stabbed Natasha and fell on the floor and slowly changing her into her real form a scary creature glancing at Monroe.
The tentacled creature went closer to Monroe growling and scratching her neck with its tentacles.
As the creature is about to eat her. Jade arrived and immediately stabbed the shapeshifter and evaporates into the air.
Monroe just stared at Jade gasping,scared and crying.
"What no "thank you" for saving your life?" Jade said to Monroe looking directly to her eyes."Careful that demon got the piece of you." And he caressed her face.
"Demon?" She asked while shaking because of fear.
"Yeah. What do you think that miserable, disgusting thing was ?" He smirked as he check her neck.
"I… I thought it was Natasha." She said with a soft voice feeling ashamed.
Jade keeps on talking while Monroe felt dizzy and didn't understand everything he said. She only heard the echoing of his voice and the room is swirling.
"Demon venom." He casually replied.
And everything went black for Monroe.