
Dead Man's Party

Jade glanced at Alex's direction and nodded as he called him, "Yeah, coming." He then looked at Monroe who's also looking at him."Are you gonna be alright?" He asked." Yeah,yeah I'll be fine.I'm just… just give me a minute." She replied and breathed heavily. He then walked into Alex's direction.

Alex was leaning in a statue when Jade arrived. They both glanced at Monroe's direction while she's walking trying to find Mary Magdalene's grave.

"We are crossing a line into a Vampire territory." Alex reminded Jade.

"That's the point *chuckles*. Come on, Alex,cheer up. It's going to be fun." Jade replied tapping his shoulder and winked at him.

"Damn it, Jade, just….just think this through." He said aggravated." You don't even like this guy. This isn't about the mundane, this is about Monroe." He said looking into Jade's eyes as he stood up properly."What, are you so desperate to get laid that you'll risk killing us?" He added.

Jade looked away for a moment and smirked "Wow! Um,there's so much to that that was wrong. I'll just pretend I didn't hear it." He said frowning and about to turned around to go find Monroe when suddenly, Alex stopped him by holding his arms and said "That's the problem. You're not listening. Not to this or anything else I've said tonight. You don't even know this girl. Why do you trust her?" He exclaimed.

Jade walked closely to Alex in gritted teeth and asked "Is this about her being Marcus's daughter? Haven't we been through this?" He got annoyed and Alex looked away." Alex, look at me. You can trust her or not, I don't care. That's not my business. But if you don't trust me---" He blurted out at him and was not able to finish when Monroe called them on a distance.

"Alex! Jace! I think I found it! Mary Magdalene! She shouted. The two guys glanced at where the voice came from and ran quickly to Monroe's direction.

She was sitting near the tombstone as she read what's written on it. "Beloved servant? Who wants that on a headstone?" She asked the two boys as they went to the edge of the tomb.

"Someone who is in service to a cause greater than themselves" Alex replied as they cleaned the cover of it.

"At least she is now. Abracadabra!" Jade said and chuckled.

"Wait, you people actually say that?" Monroe asked amazed.

"No, Monroe, we don't HAHA" Jade said to Monroe. He then took his stele out of his pocket and draw a rune on the tombstone *shiiiingg*. They have no idea that someone is observing there movements from a far and waited for them to finished their business.

They helped in moving the tomb sideways to open it. They remove the dusk and dirt from the tomb by using their hands and blowing it away. There was only a big chest inside the her tomb. As they opened the chest, Monroe couldn't help herself but to be amazed. There were a seraph blade long ones and short ones, steles and a Mjolnir but a shrink version.

"Whooaa! Where is Mrs. Magdalene?"she amusedly asked and took one seraph blade.

"Don't touch that. You don't know how to use it." Alex reprimanded her.

"What, like in the Pandemonium when I killed that demon?" She replied sarcastically as she looked at him and moved the seraph blade.

"You didn't kill---" Alex did not able to finish what he's about to say and Jade interrupted.

"Alex. I'm gonna show her the right way to use it. Do you see what you need in here?" He said to Alex and glanced at Monroe and his eyes went back to the swords. Monroe smiled at Jade as a thank you for saving her.

"No. There's no bow here. I need one. I have rune some arrows. That's back at the headquarters.I gotta go." Alex said to Jade and turned around.

"Well, how are you gonna get back to the headquarters ?" Jade asked and took a step forward to get closer to Alex.

"Go in the back. They won't bother me if I'm alone." He said facing Jade as if he didn't have any choice.

"Okay, good.Go. I can finish up here." He replied awkwardly and went to the tomb to move back the stone cover. Alex continued walking and stop because he needed to say something to Jade so he walked back to his direction. Monroe stared at both men.

"Hey… I understand what we needed to do.And I trust you, parabatai...but don't ever doubt me. No matter what I said." He reminded Jade.

"It's already forgotten." He smiled and clinched his hand to asked for a fist bump as a sign that they're cool with it. And they both smiled at each other.

"I'll see you at dawn." Jade said to Alex.

"At dawn" he replied and tapped each shoulders. And walked away.

Monroe sighs as a sign of relief upon seeing them. She then put her gazed back to the seraph blade as if she's studying how to use it.

Jade went to her direction.

"Okay, let me show you how to use this thing." He was standing at Monroe's back closer to her."Now, it knows that you are a demonhunter, so it wants to respond." He was talking near her face. It was an inches away, as he talk, Monroe just stared into his lips while he's talking instead of paying attention to the seraph blade.

He was holding her arms guiding her how to move the seraph blade. His voice was deep.

"But you have to be firm with it. Let it know who's the boss." He added. They're on an eye to eye moment and Monroe snap herself and transferred her gaze and pay her attention to the seraph blade as Jade moved his hands at the top of Monroe's hand. *Bling* the seraph blade lit up.His hand moved together with hers and wielded the seraph blade. "There. You make it a part of yourself and it a part of you. Now, the blade never dims." He said and smiled. She looked at him again intensely this time."It's saying you belong together."

"H-how does it know?" She gulped and look away.

"Because, you're part angel, Monroe…like all Demonhunters." He said still staring at her and his voice became deeper.

They both took a step forward as they move the the sword as if stabbing the air. It created a wave out in the air."You understand?"

She's breathing heavily and replied "Not even a little." And lean her head closer to his which made their cheeks touched each other. She could even feel his warmth breathe. Jade just smirked at her.

"You'll get there." They both took a step backwards and Jade released her from his arms."It's not something you understand in your mind. It's something you know because it's pulsing through your body.Its in your blood." She continued wielding the sword and stabbed it on the air that created a wave.

"Could I even do this without you?" She unbelievably asked as she created the wave by herself. Jade crossed his arms and smiled at her "You just did."

"But it...felt like you are still with me." She said without hesitation as she stared thoroughly to the seraph blade and turned her gaze to Jade.

"I am.I will be." He walks closer to Monroe. Eye to eye. He stared at her lips as if he's about to kiss her. After a moment, he clears his throat just lick his own lips."we… we will be...there for you" he stutters and walked away.She just looked away and chuckled softly. She then followed Jade to the tomb.

"How do you know they'll comeback?" She asked him.

"Who? Alex and Izzy?" He clarifies and she nodded. "We were raised together. They're basically my brother and sister." He said confidently.

"You know Alex doesn't like me,right?" She replied.

"Alex doesn't like anybody." He said as he took the stele from the chest at Mrs. Magdalene's tomb.

"Why would he help me?" She asked him again. And like Jade, she also took a long knife and put it inside her jacket at her back.

"Did you hear what he just called me just then? We're parabatai." He replied. She just frowned clearly she's got no idea what that is."There's no human bond that compares to Alex and I have. We're bound together for life.Bound to fight together, protect each other. In battle, our hearts beat as one. If one of us were to die...a part of the other would die inside as well." He explained. She just frowned while listening thoroughly. Her expression went sad hearing the last part. "He'll be here, Monroe."

"Are you ready?" He asked her. As he finished returning Mrs. Magdalene's tomb back to its original form.

"I'm ready." She said confidently.

"You look ready." He said and smiled at her. And they went out of the churchyard.