
demon's reality (female naruto story)(dropped)

An otaku died and reborn as female naruto uzumaki. But later after an incident he/she realised that the world is not fictional. See how she survive in this fictional world as reality. dropped.

AnimefanfictionInd · 青春言情
21 Chs


note -sorry I don't own Naruto Kishimoto does



Somewhere inside the great mount myoboku,

the elder toad sage opened his eyes.

"Summon Jiraya"...."The prophecy has changed."

In the land of steams, A white haired man with a large scroll on his back, was peeping on women's bath. He is the great toad sage Jiraya of mount myoboku. When suddenly he disappeared with a puff smoke.

"Haa !!!" Jiraya wasn't expecting to be reversed summon in the middle of his research.

"maa,pa why have you summoned me out of nowhere? I was in the middle of my research."

That got him a slap in his face.

"Stop fooling around Jiraya boy, the great elder have summoned you !!!"

With that Jiraya shat up and went to meet the toad elder.

"Who are you again ?" The toad elder asked Jiraya.

"I am Jiraya the toad sage, please great elder don't forget my name again !!!"

"Ooh, yes,Jiraya boy, I have summoned you."

"I believe because some of your past actions, the prophecy has changed."

"What ?" Jiraya wasn't expecting this.

"Yes, I saw in my dreams a girl with golden blondie hair, two jet black wings and a single horn on her forehead. She has unimaginable power power that no one has seen before."

"Listen carefully Jiraya boy, your future actions will decide the future of this world.

You have to guide her in right direction.

She will either unite the shinobi world or destroy it ,creating a new world."

after listening to the great toad elder, Jiraya was worried . According to the elder, his past actions has sent a chain of events, that created this girl. Or will create this girl.

And he has to guide her in right direction.

Or shinobi world will end. But he isn't't able to

deduce who this girl is.

A girl with golden blondie hair, if he forget about wings and horn, he hasn't certainly came across anyone like her. She will born.

Then it clicked. The girl with unimaginable power, blondie haired girl, Minato's daughter, his god daughter, kyuubi jinjuriki.

On his dying breath, Minato wrote a letter using shadow clone, which was addressed to Jiraya.He was about to seal kyuubi in his own newborn baby girl.He knew after the death and destruction the kyuubi has caused, Naruto, his child will never get a normal childhood inside the village. So he had formally requested Jiraya to take away Naruto from the village for first twelve years of her life.

But Jiraya was lost in mourning for his late student and his wife. Naruto reminded him too much of Minato. So he left her in the village telling his old teacher, that she will be safer in this village . Despite Hiruzen's request, Jiraya abandoned his god daughter. But Toad elder told him about unimaginable power, which could be controlling kyuubi chakra, but kyuubi is a fox and Jiraya wasn't sure that Naruto has horns and wings. Maybe some different power that hasn't been seen before.

If Naruto is the child of prophecy, then he might have time to take her towards right path before she can achieve such power and then he might be able to correct his actions bringing back the previous prophecy. He only can hope.

But later all his attempts of getting closer to his god daughter will destroyed by his own foolishness.

And finally his hope ended in the final round of chunin exam when he saw the said girl with golden blondie hair, glowing blue eyes and jet black wings with a rose gold horn

on her forehead hovering over sky of konoha, severing reanimated Madara's susanoo in half with a single swing of Benihime.


Chunin exam is coming soon.

And the energy collection from the sun for Naruto's null void seal is almost completed.

{wise one san, how much time it will take to complete?}

[according to my calculation about three more days time in earth, master]

[but it is recommended that master should work on the sealing after the first round of chunin exam because even with my help it is estimated that it might take about seven days to complete the seal]

{I don't think doing this in earth is a good idea either}

[master's assumption is correct because this will be too much energy for earth to bear so I have already found a deserted planet to complete the seal]

{wait,what ? wise one san even if you find the planet, how I am suppose to go there ?}

[That won't be a problem master, utilising your reserved chakra from your chakra storage seal and individual Kurama's chakra amount of energy required for commencing void shift to the coordinated planet.]

{Haa !!! Kurama gave me his chakra!!!}



{So let's do this between the one month gap between second and final round of chunin exams.}

[as you wish master.]


three days before chunin exams.

Sakura and Naruto were walking in street after shopping new sets of kunai and shuriken for upcoming chunin exams.

After the wave mission Sakura became more friendly towards Naruto. Naruto doesn't know what causes the change in girl's behaviour,but she is not gonna complain about it either.

Then they heard it screaming of a little kid from the next Street.

When they reach there,they witnessed a suna shinobi wearing a cat pajama and a blondie girl with a large fan are bullying some kids.

The cat pajama boy was holding a boy, who Naruto recognised as Konohamaru.

So without wasting time Naruto Picked up a pebble and threw at cat boy's arm freeing Konohamaru.

Without wasting any moment Konohamaru ran towards Naruto screaming o nechan .

"You know, picking on the grandson of current hokage doesn't scream friendly relationship toward the village and it seems you are going to handle a certain angry tanuki." Naruto told them cooly looking towards the tree near them.

With that both suna nins started to sweat .

From the tree Sasuke jumped towards Naruto and Sakura while garra appears in between suna nins with a swirl of sand.

"kankuro, you are an embarrassment for our village."

"Ga-ga-gara they started it."

"Shut up or I will kill you."

"Ara ara, that's not how you should talk to your teammates ichi kun."

with that gara's eyes widened.

"who are you ?" Gara asked with killing intent.

"me, well I am kyu ofcourse."

but then sensing four people from coming behind them, Naruto turned. She was surprised to see the people coming towards them. They were four kumo nins.

"Ara ara is this a sibling's reunion ?" Naruto asked with a sweet tone.

"Hello Ni , hello hachi."

Their stood Jinjuriki of hachibi and jinjuriki of nibi."

"WELL hello hey is fine

but are you miss nine ?

fool ya fool ."

"yes, but If I am not wrong then you all here for chunin exams right ? But pardon us we are getting late for our team meeting. So till we meet next time,bye ."

With that Naruto and team left the place.

As expected Kakashi gave them chunin exam entrance forms that afternoon.

The first part of chunin exam is pretty uneventful which ended with 32 teams passing despite Morino Ibiki's mind games.

In the second part of chunin exam, team seven faced an enemy, the pedophile,snake sanin Orochimaru.

Naruto has planned for this beforehand.

After an hour of discussion with "wise one" Naruto came to the conclusion that she will let snake sanin gave Sasuke his curse seal.

She is only a step away from her goals.

And attracting pedophile's attention is not worth it.

Besides she can remove the curse seal after it stabilize in Sasuke's body .

She will fight ofcourse but not to the point where hebi sanin get intrest in her.

She isn't afraid of Orochimaru but better be safe than sorry.

When Orochimaru blast her away from her teammates with a wind jutsu, Naruto created two shadow clones sending them in search for scrolls.

After finishing off the snake summon, she went for her teammates with medium pace.

By the time, she reached, Orochimaru had given Sasuke his curse seal.

Then Naruto attacked him with her SEVERANCE, trying to make him retreat. But Orochimaru wasn't expecting her to cut off his arm. He was intrigued. He wanted her if not as a vessel then atleast as a subordinate.

"Kukuku well who is it, blue eyes, blondie hair with some red streaks, if it isn't Naruto Uzumaki, daughter of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki .

Naruto eyed the snake sanin.

"kukuku you aren't surprised. May be you knew ? well then how is your beloved god father doing ?"

Getting a confused look from Naruto, Orochimaru grinned.

"Oh you don't know, you see while sealing the nine tails inside you, Minato knew what might happen to you so he formally requested Jiraya to take care of you. But even after Sandaime's pleading, he abandoned you. " ...."But don't worry if you join me I can give you many things that this village can't.Ofcourse you don't have to decide now. see you around Naruto chan." with that the snake sanin disappeared leaving them behind.

After stabilizing Sasuke's condition, She teleported directly to the tower, where her shadow clones were waiting for them with a heaven and a earth scroll. After settling down, Naruto sealed away Sasuke's curse seal with four trigram seal.

At the end of the second exam, there are eight teams remaining.

So hokage declared that there will be a preliminary round .

Match -1

Hyuga Neji vs Hyuga Hinata.

This match was breadth taking.

Neji and Hinata were exactly matched.

but Neji is a little faster.

So hinata decided to end the match with a water ninjutsu. Neji wasn't expecting the clan heiress to use ninjutsu. Because hyuga prided their gentlefist and it is forbidden to use other ninjutsu between the battle of hyuga.

match -2

Naruto Uzumaki vs Omoi

The match was anticlimactic It started and ended within 3 seconds.

Naruto was in no mood of playing games.

The moment match started, she used SEVERANCE to cut Omoi's blade into pieces.

And used her ademantite chakra strings to restrain Omoi, ending the match pretty quickly.

Naruto was in a bad mood after coming from forest so she left instantly after end of her match to her rest room.

After finishing all the matches, the proctor called all the winners to draw lots for final round.

Uchiha Sasuke vs Neji hyuga

Shino Aburame vs kankuro

Shikamaru Nara vs Temari

Kiba inuzuka vs Karui

Nii Yugito vs Uzumaki Naruto

Rock Lee vs Gaara
