
Demolition King: An OVERGEARED Story

With the basis being the Satisfy world, this story focuses on the more hidden and miscellaneous parts of the Satisfy story, such as corruption of the nobles, hidden bosses, secret classes, and more, seen through our two protagonists' eyes. There may also be more parts in the real world as well. I will try to write it as accurately as possible to the main Overgeared story line, although there may be some small differences here and there. :)

Selphish · 游戏衍生
55 Chs

Chapter 6: The Day After[Edited]


After getting out of the shower, I went ahead and put on a couple-sizes-too-large t-shirt and some briefs. I was also feeling a rumbling downstairs, so I went ahead and ordered some Chicken's Delight delivery. While eating, I went ahead and turned on the TV and flipped through the channels until I inevitably reached the news. Always good to know what was being reported.

And low-and-behold, what was the topic?

"Wow. This game really has taken the world by storm,"" I murmured, before taking another bite from my drumstick. The news channel was obviously talking about Satisfy. In particular, it was talking about the failure of Prince Ren and his attack on Reidan.

[Little did the watchers know, that some news about that certain prince would end up shaking the world even more.]

After finishing up my meal, I went ahead and brushed my teeth, and chose to cut my day short with some sleep.

Finally, morning arrived. I got up [complaining, like usual,] and took a quick[not really] shower. Next, I started getting dressed. First gotta go with the slacks, then the blouse, the blazer, the socks and the heels.

'Now what time is it?' Grabbing my phone, I flicked it on quickly to check the present time. Immediately after, I started running towards the bus stop. By the time I arrived, the doors started closing. It took me banging the doors for them to open the door and let me board.

"Hmph. What an ass."

Getting inside I looked for seat to sit down in and... seeing as there was nowhere else to sit, and I didn't want to risk it standing up/falling in heels, I was forced to sit between two plus-sized men reeking of alcohol and hangovers.

Finally arriving at my work--- a call center--- time began passing by at an incredibly mind-numbing speed, all the way until lunch break. At lunch break, I sat in a corner with some of the girls that I sat close to, and they all talked about what they were going to drink after work.

I didn't bother speaking up much, as I wasn't really concentrating on their little "girl talk." Anyways, after work I would just drink the usual and promptly go home. I'm not comfortable with staying much longer than two or three drinks, as by then the girls would start to get a little frisky, and would start floating off towards the guys in the bar.

Not really much of a fan of flirting or one night stands.

[Maybe cuz she ain't get any.]


Finally, the 16th hour of the day arrived, and back to the bus I went, letting it drive for ten minutes until arriving close to the nearest bar. I disembarked right then and there, and entered the bar.

It wasn't any where super special, but I enjoyed the atmosphere for the little time I was there. I would normally just sit at the counter, watching what was live on the screen. I only spent some twenty minutes drinking.

After having my "fun," back to the bus stop it was, and finally I arrived at my apartment near 5 o'clock.

To be honest, I don't bother cooking in my apartment. I barely have the space to walk through the place, how would you expect me to cook?[Ay, that's completely on you.]

Anyways, I quickly called up the nearest place that delivered and waited on my food. In the meanwhile I surfed through my phone on social media.

*swipe* *swipe* *swipe* "Wow... it's all Satisfy. Or food from someone's dinner," I finally said.

'I didn't realize that the game was this heavy-hitting. No wonder that 'guy' said that it was practically another world. But why is everybody worshiping this game? I just don't see its 'greatness.'

[Rare to the world, Sophia was one of the only people on the planet Earth that considered Satisfy as just another 'game.' She didn't see it as another world, just a place to mess around in with no consequences. She hasn't bothered to really explore what made Satisfy akin to another 'life.']

'Speaking of 'him'... should I... take up his offer today? Even after all that happened yesterday? Hmm...'

'Well... maybe he---' *Ding!*

It seems my delivery was here. I pushed my thoughts off for another time, got off my bed and and went to answer the door.

*Creeeeak* "How's it going, beautiful?" said the delivery boy, leaning on the door frame and throwing me his "sexiest" look.

'How delightful.'

[This wasn't the first time Sophia had met this guy, and it probably won't be the last, unfortunately. The first time Sophia ordered at the nearby pizza place, she didn't expect to see a kid younger than her at her doorstep. And she definitely didn't expect the guy to start hitting on her.]

"... I'm doing fine, thank you," I managed to say though clenched teeth, showing the fakest smile possible. "May I have my order?"

"Of course, mama," was the phrase that came out of the teen's mouth.

'Hurgh.' I tried my best to repress the feeling of throwing up. "Thanks," I was finally able to reply, trading the kid some money for the pizza, and I began to close my door when---

"Whoa there, beautiful. Why in such a hurry? You scared of my handsome face?" asked the brace-face.



Shit. Said that out loud.

"Oh nothing... Yeah, maybe you could say that. It seems that I might have a phobia of your whole body, actually," I answered with another smile, burning the kid medium-well, and trying to pull the door with a bit more strength.

But once again, the little boy stopped my door's progress. "Don't worry; I bet that once you take a ride with me and we start to get to know each other, you won't find me so... scary," he replied, biting his lip.

Don't. Please don't. Ever. Do. That. Again.

"Ride in what? Your Gucci moped? Yeah, I don't think so," I gave my final comment, before completely overpowering the kid's strength and slamming the door shut, while also verbally searing the boy to ashes.

"...Darn... She's stronger than me? That's... kinda hot," said the kid after a couple of seconds.

[On that day, the tween's love for Sophia grew stronger.]


'You should only approach me if your considering on giving me Horse Atelier(Canadian high fashion), kid,' I jested.

Taking my time to finish the pizza, time ran past until the eighteenth hour of the day arrived.

And finally, I came back to my thoughts.

"...Screw it." Giving myself minutes of contemplation, I finally came upon an answer.

"The guy probably didn't even consider what I said and did as disrespectful, seeing as he was the one who apologized. And, anyways, he only offered to help me AFTER what happened, soo.... it should be fine." At least that's all I could say to convince myself.

Oh well.

Finally getting out of my bed and moved to the capsule. Getting as comfortable as I could, I issued the command with a butterflies in my stomach.

"Log in."


"...I should of asked her when she would log on..." murmured Godspeed pathetically. "I've been waiting at this gate for like, a whole day already..."

[Moonshine has logged in.]

This message from the system suddenly appeared in front of Godspeed.


A little bit more insight is shed on Sophia, and the world as a whole, in this chapter. Hope you enjoy it.

^Want to know where the story's heading at the moment? Consider commenting.

^^Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Selphishcreators' thoughts