
Demigod System: The gods want to make me a saint but I'm a scum!

"I think I'd rather destroy the world than save it!" (The gods will pay you in gold!) "Maybe I might save the world afterall." Justin, having his every action controlled by a system he was unwillingly paired with, lived life much easier than he used to, excluding all the unnecessary attention and fame. He was known as the scum of the slums and daily necessities didn't come easy. He became the chosen one, the hero and all other adoring names all of a sudden and was being controlled by the gods to rid the world of the impending evil and train him in order to be able to go against Chaos. The evil god of disaster. The gods held Justin's past a secret and did not disclose to him that this was his second life. His first life... He was a disaster to all living things, including the gods themselves

louis_sammy · 奇幻
47 Chs

Chapter 16: We didn't steal anything!

Justin went to the weapon's store and as soon as he stepped foot in the store, he heard a loud wail.

"Damn! What the hell is that?" He covered his ear but it didn't stop.

"Hello, what can I get you?" The store owner asked from the front desk.

"First you need to turn that thing off!" He said but the store owner looked at him in confusion.

"Pardon me? Turn what off?" He asked.

"That damn wailing. Don't you hear it?" The store owner looked at Justin like he was crazy. 'Am I hallucinating?' he thought and traced the wailing to an ordinary looking sword hanging with other exquisite weapons. "Way to set the obvious."

"If you're looking for a sword, I will recommend that. Although it looks ordinary, it's actually a great and powerful sword."

The store owner started his advertisement but Justin couldn't care less. All he wanted was to stop that nuisance of a wail.

He picked up the sword and immediately, the wailing stopped but the last bizarre thing happened.

"What the… ?"

In front of him was a fox spirit. A gorgeous red haired fox.

Justin blinked in astonishment. He looked at the store owner but it didn't seem like he was seeing what he was seeing so he decided to ignore it and put the sword back.

"Please, can you hear me?" The fox asked but he simply ignored it.

"I'm gonna put this back." He said.

"You don't like it?" The store owner asked.

"I just feel that this sword is ominous, that's all."

"Please, don't put me back." She wailed but he kept ignoring her.

"You know, there's a tale concerning this sword."

"Oh yeah?" Justin clearly looked uninterested but he didn't put the sword back yet.

"It's said that there's a beautiful fox spirit trapped in the sword." He said and Justin flinched but he didn't dare look in her direction. "It's said if you can see the spirit, then you're the chosen one."

Justin couldn't make sense out of all this as the fox girl kept circling around him in mid air and it was such a distraction.

'I don't want to get involved,' he thought. "Then, can I not buy this sword? Sorry but I'm not a fan of tales and such." He said and was just about to put it down when the system interrupted.

(That's a really nice sword.)

'Don't start!'

(The spirit in the sword is quite strong. It can do well in battle.)

'I don't understand a word you just said but I'm guessing you're referring to the ghost that's about to make me blind.' he subconsciously made eye contact with her but immediately looked away. 'She'll literally make me blind.'

(Don't you want to at least hear her out?)

Justin thought about it. He really didn't want to be involved but the expression on the fox's face, he couldn't just ignore it. Maybe a lot of people ignored her cry for help the way he was planning to and the thought of being abandoned in a hopeless situation, it was suffocating.

He clenched the sword, hoping he wouldn't regret it.

"Alright! I'll take it." The store owner's face lit up and so did the fox. "How much is it?"

"Two gold!" He paid and walked out.

As soon as he got out, he felt her hugging him and he just couldn't stay quiet anymore.

"Alright! You can stop doing that!" He said and her eyes shot open.

"You can see me?" She asked in excitement. Her eyes twinkled.

"Of course, and it's been distracting. What's your take anyway? Why are you stuck in a sword? Are you dead?" His questions kept flying but all she could think about what's the fact that someone could finally see her and she was excited.

"Finally! No one has been able to see me and it's very lonely and sad and and… "

"Don't get all chatty with me now." He said. "I need to get back to the girls so don't talk for now." He said and though reluctant, she nodded.

Then, he spotted a commotion up front but he didn't want to care.

"Where are they?"

Then he heard a loud scream. It was Alexia and it was coming from the crowd.

He quickly rushed there and found a big seller holding onto Alicia's collar roughly. Her face was bruised and there was another who held onto Alexia's arm.

"Leave her be, you big baddie!" Alexia yelled.

"You little thieves! You're those beggar kids from the slums, aren't ya? I recognized you the moment I saw you. Give me what you stole."

"We didn't steal anything!" Alicia plainly said but they didn't want to believe them.

"That's impossible. There's no way you got such nice clothes from the skies. You stole them, didn't you?"

"What's it to you if we indeed stole them? They're not yours anyway!" Alicia said and got hit again.

"Argh, leave her. Brother got us these clothes. He'll be here any moment from now so leave us." Alexia yelled but the sellers were adamant that they stole.

Justin watched this with boiling blood. And what were the people around doing? Why were they just staring at these big guys bullying two little kids?

This was why he hated people! They were all the same and now, the girls were being treated like beggars when they didn't even do anything.

"I'm gonna teach you a lesson before handing you over to the guards!" The seller raised his hand in an attempt to hit Alicia once more but Justin grabbed his hand, midair and squeezed tightly.

"Who's gonna teach who a lesson?" He asked with his face down and the girls felt hopeful.

"Brother!" They both chorused.

"Hey, who are you? Can't you see I'm educating two little brats?" The seller claimed and this angered Justin the more.

"I think you need the education more than they do." He tightened his grip. "Let go!"

"What do you mean? You're the one holding onto me. You let go!" The seller said and Justin looked up.

"No, I mean, let go of my sister, you bastard!"

Now this is okay.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

louis_sammycreators' thoughts