
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · 奇幻
62 Chs

Sleepover. (EDITED 6/15)

The dark sky was foggy, it was late at night.. a bright moon shined after only a few minutes ..as the fog slowly faded away along the many other clouds.

It successfully showcased the beautiful bright moon contrasted to the dark sky, I could hear snores of others inhabiting my room.

Urei slept peacefully unbothered, while Ray snored loudly, keeping me awake.

I looked next to me to see Eric, he was neither sleeping peacefully or loudly snoring.

Instead he was equally annoying as I looked at the pool of drool trailing from his mouth to my bedsheets.. which I was going to have to clean up later.

His blonde hair spread through the pillow, not too far for his shorter strands of hair, he showed this graceful expression but it was obstructed by the pool of drool dripping down his chin.

About to leave the room there was a tug on my shirt, I looked back to see Eric, a bit worried looking.

He stopped drooling, but he showed a scared expression as he gripped on my shirt even tighter, sighing I stayed back to hear him mutter something. His eyes were still closed, he was still immobile and asleep..

"Not again.."The male muttered out loud, not loud enough to wake up the others, but loud enough for me to hear.

And that's how I went to school without a wink of sleep. 2 days in a row great. 

The sun was rising already, Eric already stopped muttering a few hours ago, but I couldn't help staying up a bit longer.

My alarm went off as I immediately went to shut them off, right then Ray was awake by hearing only a few seconds of the alarm.

"Good morning.."The green haired demigod muttered as he walked around bumping into furniture, the demigod clearly still half asleep..

Urei was still snoozing peacefully, as Eric continued his pool of drool on my pillow.

Oh Gods.. I'm going to have to get a new pillow, this ones completely soaked..

Tired to even care anymore I walked to the bathroom brushing my teeth as I gazed back at my even more sleep deprived self through the mirror.

I skipped more study days then I ever did, yes I'm very aware that I only missed two days.

That itself is a lot, never had I trail this way off my usual schedule..once I was finished brushing my teeth, I looked back over for Ray and the others.

I was eventually shown an Eric preparing breakfast, a Urei drowsily still trying to wake up sitting at the table, and a Ray still bumping into furniture.


They'll be fine.

I went to shower and was getting ready with a similar set of designated uniforms, finishing getting dressed.

Right in front of me were already prepared classmates, I had no idea how they got ready faster than me, adding that I was in the bathroom all along, locking the door.

But I could careless then want to question it any farther.

"Breakfast is eggs and toast!.."Eric exclaimed as he handed us a delicious meal of eggs and toast with butter.

I took a fork plunging it in the eggs, the egg kind of bursted a little with the yellowish liquids pouring out.

That made it look more unique. I took a bite of the egg as it dripped with yellow liquid.

It was amazing.

Eric obviously got his cooking from his mom, quickly finishing the breakfast.. a more decent start to the morning then I thought.

"This is really good!.."Ray exclaimed with a happy smile, then Urei showed a sleepy but still content smile, a sign of approval.

"It runs in the family."Eric commented with a smile as he ate his own meal, I put the unclean dishes in the sink.

I may be good at studies, sports, and many things, but when it comes to cleaning dishes.

Now you hit my weak spot, I held the dirty dish about to place it in the dishwasher.

"I'll clean it Kylar!.."Eric exclaimed just in time for my need, it's such a great time to have your own personal Eric to do your chores.

Showing a great resemblance of a housewife is what I thought, doing the cooking, cleaning and still has that happy upbeat mood.

Placing the dirty plate in the sink, I saw the other two dishes in the sink. It seems like neither Urei nor Ray were good at cleaning dishes either.

The once empty and secluded 'home' I had, was now this warm and chatty home of mine.

If you could still even call it mine anyways, walking outside of the non conspicuous room, I was met with Urei and Ray.

"Why do you live in such a dark and hidden place?.."Urei asked curiously as she observed the 'dark' and 'hidden' place I lived in.

"The point is that it's hidden."I said so bluntly waiting for Eric to finish whatever chores I unconsciously put him on to.

"You bet. I thought Kylar was cornering me when he led me through here."Ray remarked teasingly as I shot him a glare.

A particular demigod left the entrance, "Right, I'm here!"Eric said with his usual smile.

I walked behind him so I could close the entrance fully, clicking a few buttons quickly with my fingers speeding with every button pressed.

Instead of them going ahead to school like any normal demigod student, they waited for me.

"That's a lot of numbers.."Urei muttered behind me, "It's not just numbers.. there's letters in it too."Ray chimed in.

"Oh!.. it's not that hard actually it's 314-"Eric almost completed until I cut him off with a glare and a sharp nudge in his shoulder. What a himbo.

If this guy knew my passcode, why even bother to ring my doorbell in the first place? Might as well just rob my whole house.

"Let's just go."I led the way. The three of them continued to have conversations as I walked quietly enjoying the peaceful air trying to appreciate the time I have right now.