
Chapter 5

Abram P.O.V

Time went by quickly and I got caught up with meeting and greeting everyone, whom I never even knew or seen before.

I got so caught up that the thought of Alex and his tempting daughter slipped away from my mind, but when I saw Alex rushing out towards the exit with his wife and daughter following close behind him, I couldn't help but smirk as I strode forwards, following them only to annoy and to give out clue to Alex about my upcoming plans.

Just as I was a foot near them, Sebestian grabbed my arm, stopping me.

I looked at him, utterly confused when he pointed towards Alex's men with his eyes that were watching me closely at all corners of the colossal hall, ready to pounce at me at any moment.

"Be careful" Sebestian mouthed following behind me close enough, while sending a signal at our men to take positions in case a fight broke out. I didn't make this guy to be my right-hand man for no reason and to say, I am very satisfied with my decision as he's the most sensible one compared to Nicholas and Zach, but that doesn't mean that those two are lacking.

"Leaving already, Mr. Rossi?" I questioned, making him halt. Shock took over him, but he was good at concealing it, his eyes frantically moved from side to side, sending a silent signal to his men to be ready as he replied with a small yes.

His wife's face paled as she stared at me with her eyes wide open.

"Leaving already without even introducing your precious gem to us" I added, making him stiffened instantly, as I targeted his weakness.

My gaze fell towards the petite figure standing behind him, hiding from our views.

"Why don't you and your family stay a bit longer so that we can do a little catching up?" suggested Zach with a smirk plastered on his face, enjoying Alex's terrified face when a small sneezing sound erupted behind Alex.

"Are you hiding her from us?" I questioned him despite knowing the answer all too well.

Alex closed his eyes and let out a small sigh as he moved aside revealing her.

My breath hitched down at my throat as I watched her long, wavy black hair that looked shinier at a closer distance and her light pink colored dress with a slit at the side showcasing her pale skin that looked tempting to run my fingers down and feel the smoothness of her arms. Her petite figure was not even reaching my chest despite her heels on.

With her head bowed down, my hand itched to pull her face up so that I could see her eyes that were cast down at the tiled floor.

As she lifted her eyes up, her light grey eyes fell upon me making her gasp in surprise.

Her cheeks dusted with light freckles soon colored with red taint as I caught her checking me out.

"Mr. Valentino, this is my daughter, Evangeline, and Eva, this is Mr. Valentino" Alex spoke, almost catching me off guard.

"Introducing me as Abram would be fine, Alex" I replied slightly irritated. What's the need to be so formal when we have got a long history together behind us?

I extended my hand to shake hers but she looked at it hesitating and she looked innocently to her mother. And when her mother nodded her head yes that's when she extended back her small hand.

Her cold hand was slightly shaking as I held it firm against mine, staring directly into her light eyes that were so captivating.

She looks innocent like an angel but there's something deep down me not being able to believe it. What if she's like her father?

Alex cleared his throat making me drop her hand instantly as if her touch burned me.

"I think we should get going" he stated when Nicholas spoke up.

"What about us?" he questioned jokingly, making her smile at his silliness and also breaking the tension that started to surround us.

After she got introduced to the boys, her father again spoke up. "We're getting late, plus you have work early in the morning right?" he asked her, making her eyes lit up upon hearing his words.

He's allowing her to work? And why does she look so happy about it? I questioned myself as I studied her face that is now making her look more breathtaking with her smile and two deep dimples on both cheeks.

For a moment, I couldn't help but think, what if she's not from that family would there be a chance with her?

Shaking the thoughts away, I leaned in closer to her to place a kiss on her soft cheek as a goodbye and walked away immediately as I instantly regretted it.

Don't let that look trap you. Abram. Remember she's his daughter. The daughter of the man who wrecked your happiness.

Don't let it fool you again. I said to myself.

But what else would I lose when he already took everything away from me?