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Mel_goddess123 · 奇幻
97 Chs


Lothaire sat at the dining room waiting for Larisa while she went to call her friend. Larisa barged into her room to see her friend standing in front of the mirror, looking all dolled up or rather sexy. Anne was busy straightening her blonde hair to let it fall to her sides when Larisa barged in.

Anne was wearing a black tight top over black mini skirt that exposed her beautiful legs, her face was free of make up as she was already beautiful but she applied more gloss to her red lips to make it look more luscious.

"Who on earth are you getting ready for?" Larisa asked with a teasing smile on her lips and she saw a blush creep to Anne's cheeks and she wondered who made her blush because the Anne she knew would never blush for a man.

"I met..." Anne trailed off as she stared at the roof, trying to remember the name of the silver haired man Larisa had told her about.

"You don't have to remember the name, just describe, so who did you meet?" Larisa asked quickly with burning curiosity to know who it was. She saw a shy smile tear through Anne's lips as she spoke.

"He's so tall, even taller than me and with his clothes on, he still looked so muscular and he had wide shoulders but he was kinda serious, at first he was like 'who are you?' and then he was like 'goodnight'" Anne said pouting her lips sadly.

"I hope you're really not dressing up for Avian or Darius cause you'll regret it, trust me." Larisa said and Anne's brows creased itself in confusion.

"No, I'm not so sure it was either of them, the one I met has silver hair but I don't remember his name." Anne explained and Larisa's mouth turned to an o shape.

"That was Zion, good for you, he's totally good but he's not really that serious, I guess after Onyx died it really affected him, I should talk to him sometime." Larisa said with a pained expression and Anne pressed her lips in a thin line.

"He seemed like a gentleman, he was actually being kinda respectful like a kid who was raised in the right way but sadly I'm not so I couldn't help but tell Zion we should have sex, he was so tempting..." Anne said with a nervous smile and Larisa fluttered her eyelashes with widened eyes as she flew her hands to her mouth in bewilderment.

"Oh my God! You're a total psycho! Zion is a charming gentleman and when you do things like that, it'll make him stay away from you instead, I think he prefers a girl who acts like a proper lady and not a crazy one, at least I know that much." Larisa said in an alarming tone and Anne's lips twisted mischievously.

"Well, I can't help it, I'm not a charming lady and I won't be one anytime soon, so he'll just have to deal with it." Anne said as she continued to straighten her hair and Larisa just sighed in frustration, if Anne was putting this much effort on him, then she would just stay silent until Zion ran away from her roughness.

"Yeah, whatever, when you're done, you know where the dining room is or you can tell a maid to show you." Larisa said with an uninterested tone and was about to leave when Anne reflexively grabbed her by the arm.

"Let's go together I'm done." She said with a grin on her face as she followed Larisa to the dining room where Lothaire, the Emperials and Darius were seated around the long rectangular table.

Anne walked with a high chin, twisting her body seductively to pique a specific silver haired attention. Larisa sat beside Lothaire as always while Anne sat opposite Zion who was struggling from keeping his grey eyes away from her.

Adina's eyes squinted as a frown etched on her face, seeing the human girl.

"Lothaire, why did you bring a human to Empire D, to live in the castle and she's not even a citizen?" Adina shot her question to Lothaire immediately the girl was seated and Lothaire shot her a silent glare, telling her to shut up.

"It's Larisa's friend." Zion's voice rang as he glanced at Anne and he caught her staring, their eyes locked for a brief second and he immediately averted his gaze while clearing his throat awkwardly.

Adina wasn't happy to hear the news and the frown on her face deepened even more. Larisa pressed her lips in a thin line, she didn't think bringing Anne to stay with them would be such a big issue but when she looked at Lothaire's face, it was calm but it wasn't unexpected, he was the devil's son and he didn't follow the rules, he could do whatever he wanted and no one could do anything about it.

"Lothaire, you know it's against the rules, no outsider is allowed into Empire D, only Larisa was exempted because you got married to her." Adina said, carefully choosing her words to prevent the human girl having knowledge about their kind but she was already aware.

"I already know about the Empire's secrets and don't worry, I'm not a threat, unless you want me to be." Anne said with a mischievous smile playing on her lips and Zion stifled a laughter but immediately composed himself as the air was getting tense.

Darius hadn't reacted or said a word since the conversation began but when the human girl spoke, he looked up at the girl with narrowed eyes and then stopping his gaze at Lothaire.

"Lothaire, you can do whatever you want but don't you think it's too much, telling a human about our secrets and then bringing her to Empire D?" Darius questioned with a firm voice.

"Stop pestering me with your boring conversations, if she tries to do anything, I'll personally get rid of her." He said with a calm but dangerous voice as he locked his gaze with her which made her skin tingle. Adina was satisfied with his response and so was Darius but Zion suddenly felt protective.

"I'm definitely not that stupid..." She said with a low voice as she chuckled nervously.

"Where's Avian?" Lothaire queried Darius as he ignored Anne.

"I don't know but I saw him leave around midnight." Darius said with a straight face as he replied and Lothaire didn't say anymore.

"Do any of you have the slightest idea of what Avian is scheming along with Laverna?" Lothaire asked with a lazy deep voice but the danger could be heard. Zion maintained an oblivious look on his face as well as Adina and Darius, he couldn't read their minds so there was no way he would find out they knew.

"Avian and Laverna? In a scheme?" Darius repeated after him with creased brows as if he was unaware. Their reactions were believable but Lothaire's instincts made him not quite fully believe it.

"Yes, they're scheming something and I have a hunch that you guys might know something about it." Lothaire said firmly while Larisa and Anne watched with confusion.

"We don't know anything about it but I remembered he said something about having a plan but it's not a threat in anyway." Adina said with a serious expression and he averted his gaze to Zion.

"What about you boy? Is there something to spill?" Lothaire didn't release his intimidating golden eyes away from the lad as he spoke with a low, dangerous voice.

Zion maintained a straight face as he gave a short reply.


Lothaire gave a dangerous smirk at his reply, he couldn't trust them even though their replies seemed genuine, he was too cunning and devilish to trust anyone.

"If Onyx's death could make you this calm, I wonder what your breed mate's death will do to you?" Lothaire said tearing his gaze from the boy and stealing a short glance at Anne with a sly smile on his face.

No one was aware of what he meant but Zion gulped hard knowing what he was getting at. He was at denial with himself, why did Lothaire think Anne was his mate? He couldn't believe it himself, most vampires only found their mates after they reached a hundred years and above but he was only forty two but still, he feared Lothaire might be right, he could feel it, the strange and unfamiliar feeling he felt when his eyes met her blue ones and he got her scent the other night, it was very strong, he had never got a scent as strong as hers and it was mind invading and tantalizing, she stirred something strange inside of him, so what if Lothaire was right? What if Anne was his breed mate?

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