
Defying The Goddess

_Belphegor_ · 奇幻
4 Chs

House and...

he knocked at the door and it was unlocked "hello? anyone home?" he opened it slightly

«???? lv27» {Danger lv2} ‹status=Wounded› «174/490» {Death 20%}

"!?(status appeared..." shocked he did not know what to do, "(its hp...)" he slams the door open, a wounded elf family, a Dead female elf on the floor with the male crying, a female young elf ran and tried to stab him before he realized what happened, he only got a cut and was knocked down on the floor «84-82» "argh!?" the young girl was frightened and a was in tears "GET AWAY FROM MAMA AND PAPA" she shouted while pointing the dagger at him "Calm down i won-" "GET AWAY" holding tight to the dagger with tears while looking down she hesitate to kill him "OI!" a deep voice shouted "Move adventurer we will handle this" he knocked her down with the back end of his blade disarming her "AAah" "ALMA YOU BASTERDS!!" speechless he got up "are you alright?" the knight asked, looking around there was 2 dead body's a Knight and the female elf "what did they do..." "there pure evil beings, we knights purge them have you not seen an elf lad?" "WHAT NONSENSE argh-" "PaPa" the knight smiled no grind while the young girl hold tight to dear life to her father with tears falling down "papa.. papa..."

«174-92» ‹status=Wounded,Bleeding,Dying›

"!!" "well then lets end your misery" he walk closer and closer to them "...Im..sorry.. pls...forgive.. me*sob*" in tears he begged forgiveness to his dead wife? and his child "HaHaHaHa you should see your face, well then, off with your head" he was ready to swing "PAPA".