
Chapter 41: Tiffany, Part 2

"I take it by your silence you're starting to wonder the same thing."

"Yeah. Yeah, I am. But how will I know for sure?"

She laughs lightly, but I don't feel like it's at me. At least I hope not. "Early labor is really hard to detect. Once you're in hard labor, you will absolutely know. Somehow I don't think you're going to get off with an easy delivery."

"Not with the way things have been going," I mutter.

"You have had a rough go of it," she agrees. "I think the other symptoms showing up today combined with the back pain may mean things are starting to happen."

"God, I hope so," I huff out. "I don't know how much more I can take."

"Oh honey, you're going to find out you can take so much more than you realize. Welcome to motherhood."

I grunt my thanks, noncommittally, just before Caleb jumps up from his chair, cheering for a third strike out, moving this game right back into the grasp of his beloved team at the top of the tenth.