
Deception Unravelled

Things we do determine what will happen in a our life. But what happens when the life of this young man is determined by someone else. Find out from the story of Trevor

Kingsley_Blessing · 奇幻
11 Chs


Trevor was running away from his captors in the woods. Bits of thorns scratched him causing slight but painful injuries. But right now, those injuries were the least of things in his mind. All that he could think of was getting home to his mother. Don't they ever get tired? He thought to himself as he could feel them closing in on him. He knew nothing about the forest he was in so he stopped a few times to make a decision on where he would go thereby, earning his pursuers time to catch up with him. Looking around, he saw a cave "there; I'll hide there". He walked steadily into the cave making sure that no one would see him. He sat tired and trying to catch his breath. He did not notice when a hand came from behind and covered his mouth, the man took out a knife and slit his throat. Trevor wasn't prepared for a fight so he was an easy kill. Right after that, he heard a very familiar voice "Wake up Trevor or your gonna be late for the auction". sweating profusely, he got up more from the dream than from his sister's calling. "Good God it was only a dream" he said to his sister's hearing. "Have you been dreaming again"? "yeah". "What was it about this time"? "it was about me running, thinking of mom, and in the end, dying. "Hmmm. That's strange, mom died over a year ago; and you only dream about the present and about the village". "look let's forget all that. Today's the auction....." "And Isabel's birthday". He was cut by his sister. "Oh my God. Why didn't you tell me"? " I did. Remember?" " How could I forget that? she of all people. Well, what do I do, I mean what do I give her? she's rich, she has everything she needs at her fingertips. She even got me a shop for my business remember?" "that's true but you know how she loves roses" " and she has a lot of them in her garden so....." " yeah but they don't have a white rose; and the last time I checked, white roses are rare in this village and we have a white rose." I don't know what I'd do without you." "yeah yeah now you've got to get going the auction's today." yeah that".

He scrabbled around the small room they had looking for his best pair of pants and shirt. He put them on and threw on a jacket and was about to walk out when his sister called him. Turning around, he saw a new pair of clothes; one of the best ones in the market. " Where did you get the money to buy that?" " Are you crazy? I couldn't even afford this" "then?" he asked becoming worried. Worried that she might have stolen it. "calm down bro I didn't steal it." "well then how did you get it?" she looked at him knowingly. He smiled. " how thoughtful of her". " She gave me yesterday when she found out that the auction was coming up today. she said, and i quote Looking good is good business I do hope that he likes it." " is she kidding!? I love it. She's done alot for me and because of that, I'll give her the biggest white rose we have." " yeah do that." Now you've got to put it on and check if it fits." He tried it and it was exactly his size. "Liza I'll be leaving now" "Wait.... I wanted to give you this." what is it?" " it's my lucky necklace; mom gave it to me." " you know what? I'll probably need all the luck I can get" he said putting it on. After doing that he gave his younger sister a kiss on her cheeks. Now that mom was no more, she was the only family that he had left. Dad had left them on the night of Mom's death. He remembered comforting Liza with no one to comfort him. He remembered that night; how he waited for his dad to come back home and there was no knock on th the door. He remembered that cold feeling he had the day he realized that dad had left them for good. "Trevor, Trevor, Trevor!" "Yes Liza." "Youve got a tear on your cheeks" "Really?" he said wiping it off and forcing a smile. Placing his hands on her cheeks he said " You be good okay? I'll be back before you know it." " I hope not. that'll mean you made no sales." He walked out taking a last look at her little Did he know that that would be the last time in a long time that he would see her.


He mounted his horse and rode to the market square. While on his way, he thought of how the auctioning would be. He would stand for hours increasing, decreasing, and finally stabilizing the price of his goods. He remembered that the last time, he was so fortunate that he sold almost all the items in his store to foreign traders. But the market was like weather. Sometimes it would rain, sometimes it wouldn't. On getting to the market he was met with a battle field. There were masked men wreaking havoc in the market and they wreaking havoc on it they killed some men and some women while others who couldn't protect themselves simply ran. He was still accessing the situation when one of the raiders attacked him. He came down from his horse and was engaged in combat with that man. He killed him without much difficulty. He grabbed hold of his sword and started fighting. He killed them easily and swiftly with a firm grip on the sword, he moved swinging it precisely against his target. Soon he had killed more than ten men. They had reduced in number since there were others fighting alongside Trevor. While still fighting, a horn was blown and as if programmed they all left running. Some on foot and the others on horses. One of them looked back and fired and arrow at Trevor. But he was really quick to dodge it. If they had attacked the market, then he was sure that they would have attacked the main village. Isabel, Liza. They were the main things on his mind.

He rushed down to Isabel's house assuring himself that Liza would be able to defend herself. Afterall, she was probably a better fighter than he was. On getting to the town, he saw that he was completely correct. When he got to the gate of Isabel's house, he saw the 2 guards dead. He rushed into the house and saw Mary the chief Maid struggling for her life. he rushed to her and bent low. He gently lifted her head and placed it on his laps. she was pointing upstairs and trying to say something he couldn't phantom any of it he tried hard and it seemed like it paid off a bit. She said "Ttt Tre trevor sh sh she's up she's upstairs. Hidden, hidden, hidden room. your first kiss." after those words she stopped breathing. He dropped her and ran to the hidden room where he and Isabel had their first kiss. It was dark inside, he had to rely on his hearing. He heard something drop and break. Following the sound, he got into another room and he heard her say "please don't hurt me" "Isabel, isabel is that you?" Trevor ooh my goodness thank you so much for coming..." right after she said those words, he heard her gag. Then he heard footsteps running out of the building. Following it, he found himself outside. The man stood with a knife set to Isabel's throat. He looked around and saw a bow and a quiver with just one arrow. He had his gaze fixed on the man's head. Picking the weapons up he set everything and pulled the bow. Just then, a man passed by with a horse and Liza was on it. He was at a crossroad. Should he shoot the man with Isabel or the man with Liza? Shouting out of anger he shot at the man with Isabel. He looked at Liza who was unconscious and cried out. it was a painful cry. He knew that with this decision, he would probably never see his sister again.