
Debauchery Life Of A Reincarnator!

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT R18] After late night celebration of graduation and getting wasted, our protagonist wakes up to find himself in another world with unique circumstances.. Join Jin in his path and how he navigates the unique world of Terra with a newfound reality and a good measure of debauchery.. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Do read Auxiliary chapters before starting!

MILF_Is_Life · 奇幻
25 Chs

Chapter 20 Interlude

[Pov ?]

Life took an interesting turn for her. She was supposed to die, to be sacrificed for the survival of humanity that was going to be wiped out by some alien that showed up out of nowhere one day and started to massacre people left and right.

From when she was a child, barely able to to know left from right, she was trained, like other girls of her age, orphans specifically, in an organisation that takes any and all kind of contracts from rich people or people from the higher ladder of society, from doing anything from killing, assassination, to pleasure the excuse of a people in human skin.

The children like them were taught from assassination skills to seduction to do the job well done. Children who didn't have anyone to protect them in the world. To the organisation they were just tools. A weapon with no face that can be thrown away without much consideration. A means to an end.

It was a secret organisation, created with amalgamation of different illegal highly trained group of contractors, to establish a dominance from shadows in the world. To the organisation, there's no better choice then some left over street children that can be easily brainwashed to do their bidding. Girls specially because why not?

The count of successful business man or politicians are mostly male oriented, only a few females are inbetween, hence the obvious choice of highly trained honey traps. No doubt there were females in their hit list sometimes, but the job can done without much of a hassle.

Man has one inherent weakness. That's woman, doesn't matter in what form, an aged mother, a helpless sister, or a dutiful wife. If you play the card right, anything is possible.

A man can shoulder through if his dad died, because he needs to be stronger to take care of his mom, be the one to guide his sister. But when a mom dies, that breaks the knot that tied the family together, her husband devastated, her son missing his light, her father losing his smile. They can still get it together, but it takes time, time that can be taken advantage of by others.

And that's where we came in, trained to be in any persona in any situation for any target listed. Our bodies were trained to be efficient, to be useful for others, and to be discarded when our uses reached it's limits.

Women were often overlooked, taken for granted. That's why they could slip easily through a man's defenses. Easily getting the work done.

The girls chosen for the organisation were put through strenuous daily training, including hand-to-hand combat training, acrobatics, weapons training, tactical skills and seduction when they reached the minimum age or body requirements.

Occasionally, two girls were chosen to violently spar against each other; weakness was not tolerated and the loser was to be sent to the mistress for her other uses instead of combat drills.

They were monitored 24*7. So that no unwanted accidents happen, like escaping from there or rebelling. In the organisation, where they were trained, where she was raised, they had a graduation ceremony where they sterilize you. It was efficient. One less thing to worry about. The one thing that might matter more than a mission. It makes everything easier. Even killing.

When the organisation was destroyed and they were rescued, they thought it's the end of their hell, they can be free, oh how wrong they were, how wrong she was. It didn't take more than a week for them to break. They couldn't be integrated into a normal society with their skills, their now faulty outlook. Most of the girls chose the option to just die and be done with it. Others were taken into various other organisation approved by government to do their dirty work, like her.

She spent her life like that, by becoming an useful weapon for others to draw. But even then, sometimes watching a normal family happy with their life, with kids playing around, her heart broke. She can never be like them. Her womb destroyed. Her body was only for pigs in human skin to use. But she shouldered through her disgusts, did her job as ordered because she had nothing else to do.

Then came the doomsday, alien invasion, people doing magic to save the day. Doesn't matter what happened in the world, mankind still survived. Government destroyed and recreated but her job was still the same.

So when the opportunity came, she volunteered to be the one of the sacrifices where magic people did some mumbo jumbo to destroy aliens homeland by sacrificing souls, and be done with her life in the end. She had had enough. Many protested her inclusion, especially those that she serviced with her body, but she heard none of it and forced through.

It was said that the magic ritual to kill the invaders will destroy or corrupt anyone's soul when sacrificed. Some volunteered without minding those things, while some were forced to be a volunteer.

Now, she doesn't know any magic rituals but if she is alive right now that means that either the ritual failed or she was somehow able to escape soul corruption or annihilation.

Slowly days passed by and she realised that she was in totally different world, it's nature untouched by pollution of mankind.

She learnt many things, did many things but she never felt alive anymore than here, even if she was some poor farmer's child. She hunted monsters like they were nothing with her gifts. And yes she can do magic now, even if it's just throwing thunder. Her trained skills of her last live did help her here many times.

All she wanted now was to get married and make a little family of her own, to spend the rest of her life happily snuggling with her husband, taking care of her children.

But fate is a twisted thing. As it repeated all over again. She was choosen to be a personal guard of some princess, because of her feats in hunting. She can't effort to deny them because of their standings. So she followed her princess, to serve her. It wasn't so bad as she thought it to be. She was given respect she deserved.

But it all came crashing down when the man she fall in love with didn't even cared for her. She knew about the world's history or how the man doesn't react to female population or how females were thirsty to get laid, to bore a children because of some teachings of church.

She had hoped she was different, since she was out of this world, but her training in seduction didn't even bore fruit here. Her crush didn't even bat an eye on her attempts. So she forcefully stopped doing things like that, to not degrade herself to the life she had left all over again.

She left her hopes of getting a husband, atleast she can bear a child of her own if she lucked out somehow, sometime in the future. So she waited. And being the personal guard or maid of a princess had it's merit, when the chance came for her princess to bore a child, she was choosen with her too.

But as always, destiny is a bitch. Turned out the man that was choosen for her princess was an impotent one, which only occurs once in a decade or so. With the passing of days, months, years, her excitement of getting to carry her own child in her womb, to make her own little family died down. All left in her was a cold lonely heart that forgot the warmness of love, if it had any.

Nowadays it all seemed like some distant dream as she crossed her fifties, her princess now a queen reigning in the kingdom. Her impotent husband was still kept as a trophy to show off to others.

Sometimes she wondered why she was given this chance at life. Only to have some momentary happiness and then it was all taken away.

She wondered if her dreams of having a family will ever be fullfilled.


She stopped her daydreaming as she stood in attention gracefully, her queen sitting on her bed replied to the messenger that just knocked on the door, "Come in".

"Sorry for intrusion my lady. We were contacted by church of AllMother this evening and informed that this time a male child was blessed by AllMother Terra herself to be a choosen one in the recent blessings ceremony in some outer most village. So we were informed that after a month's time he will start to travel with the head Priestess of AllMother around the kingdoms, following the teachings of AllMother by distributing his seeds to woman that wants to pertake in the holy cause." The messenger told us, and even I can see she was troubled by something or else she would be happily announcing the news.

Raising an eyebrow her queen replied with a dignified voice, "What's the matter then? If you're asking if I would volunteer or not you should know my answer already. I have no child to succeed my throne, so I need to bear his child, only if he was capable of course." She ended her sentence with a snort.

"How unlady like my queen", I chided her, only to receive a roll of eyes from her.

"Well, we were told that the holy son of AllMother will take his lifemate to be or children with him, to the new palace that is currently being built near the land of Elves , where the main church is located." The messenger replied back in a nervous tone.

I see. So that's why she was nervous even though the news was something to be celebrated on, since we got a male volunteering to give his seeds. Our kingdom needs an heir, while he's taking his child with him or his lifemate for the matter.

"I see. You shouldn't worry about this. Go inform the other duchess of this news, if anyone wants to pertake in kön with him, they can decide for themselves. I'm sure there can be some negotiation for the heir of our throne. You may leave", my queen commanded the messenger regally.

After the messenger left, she sighed a bit and looked at me, "What do you think Natalie? Will he be the one?".

"I don't know my lady. I wish you good luck for the future". I replied to her as my cold heart skipped a beat after waiting for so long, to get my own child.

I hope this time destiny takes some pity on me.



Added one of my favourite characters in the story, with a twist in her background of course.

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