
Death... and me

Read the first chapter. Maybe you will like it. ;)

Suiyan · 奇幻
3084 Chs

We Understand

"So, it's a girl, huh?" Rean said as he looked at the baby embraced in Malaka's arms. Well, they all knew about that already since they could feel it in Malaka's belly with their Spiritual Senses. Rean then took a Soul Power Measurement Orb and had the little baby touch it.

-Soul Power, 24 points-


In the end, Rean was right. Because Malaka and Agis developed Soul Power, their kid inherited that trait. It wasn't anything impressive, though. If one thought about Frandin, for example, he had 73 points when he was born. Although 73 points were considered a high value for newborn Zasfins, 24 points were on the other end of the line. It was deemed as below average.