
Chapter 3 ,Kira and L makes themselves known

Ever since the death of the biker leader and the girl knife incident things have gotten worse.

Not only was his parents 40 times more protective of him and Sayu , but a lot of people were dying in a rapid pace due to heart attacks .

No visible reason as to why was currently discovered to the public.

The name kira was given for this supernatural killer.

Light was trying to keep up his studies and find hints about who kira might be.

Who could Kira be ?

And what do the kills have in common ?

Was the questions that filled his mind fully but he never had the chance to think too much on it since he was coerced into helping Ryuk study .

And surprisingly Ryuk isn't that stupid as he thought he was .

Maybe it was because you were to busy killing ,Kira .

Light tried to clear his head from the negative voice .

I am not Kira !

The 2 would often talk quietly about the new kira in privacy of his room , worried for who kira might be .

Sure it was only Light who was worried , Ryuk was just a little mad that he wasn't a mere spectator anymore .


Sayu was always shadowed as a kid , all of the public's attention was on Light .

Yet she couldn't care less about it , that was till she saw what the peer pressure did to him.

Seeing him cry since so long was heartbreaking , she never thought on how free she was compared to him.

In fact , she never thought on how much pressure Light has as the top student in the nation.

Kira .

That was the name Light said , she remembers it clearly .

Light must have known about kira before even they even existed .

Sayu was at Light's door , hearing some words of him and Ryuk possibly theorizing on who kira is.

Of course Light will try and find Kira .

She thought as she sighed internally.

But who is kira ?

And how did kira hurt Light that much ?

Sayu knows that kira isn't a girl , Light hasn't dated anyone yet .

The closest to dating he got to dating was Tadaka, and at best they were study buddies!

The 2 broke up in a day !

So kira must be some guy that Light could have befriended.

That guy must've hurt Light !

But in what way ?

As far as she knows Light does not have any injuries other than those on his hands and Light is too smart to be manipulated.

Is Kira the serial killer that killed someone in front of Light and got away with it ?

She still remembered how shaken Light was after that day , at first she thought that Light ran into a mean spirited person .

she only knew about what truly happened because she sneaked downstairs and heard her parents talk about it .

That's also when Light started to act perfect .

She just noticed that Light slowly started to pull away from them , only talking to them on dinners and th early morning.

All because of that killer .

Light must have nick-named the killer Kira .

But why that name specifically ?

Feeling courageous she snuck into her dad's office and hacked into his computer, she was rather good at backing due to her dad teaching her.

There she saw all the deaths and she noticed that all of them had one thing in common .

All of the victims went to court .

She heard her father approaching the room and quickly un-hacked the computer and snuck back out , happy that she found the first clue to the person who hurt her big brother .

When I find you Kira , you'll wish you were never born !


The Number 1 Detective in the World was sitting on his desk quietly, looking at the victims and noting down any informations he could get .

He already knows who Kira might be related to, he just needs the evidence to prove it.

Unlike the first life I am prepared for any trick Kira might make .

L thought as he stirred his tea.

But I do have to remember that right now me and Light-kun are in another universe of sorts .

Similar enough to feel welcome yet different enough to feel unlike home .

He remarked as he thought about his time in Heaven .

L can still remember what his superior angel said to him .

To protect this Earth from Kira and if possible eliminate him

He and the other angels saw his Light-kun was punished for his crimes , and he wouldn't wish that upon his worst enemies .

He still can hear the screams of utter terror , the p@!|\| F!ŁŁƏD Ə×pŘə$$!0|\| £!ğ|-|T-ķų|/| |-|@D .

L shudders remembering about that and checked to see if Watari made it to Japan safely .

It's obvious that this new Kira will not be as sly and manipulative as Light-kun was or as emotionally vulnerable and Misa was.

This Kira only kills people that went to court before , more information on why is needed but this has given us many suspects.

As L saw his screen light up he knew it was time to reintroduce himself to the Kira Taskforce.


The polices and Secret Agent Leaders from all over the globe were in a meeting room , discussing on what to do about these deaths and the appearance of Kira .

" It's obvious that this is an organized crime of sort !

No single person can kill so many people at the same time."

The president of Australia said as he slammed his hands down.

" But how can we be sure that these are murders ?

At least give us evidence before making such a claim "

Said the President of France with a frown on his face.

" I think that this is an attack made by other governments to overthrow us "

Said the president of the U.S while directly staring at the president of Japan.

" This is not the time for jokes !

I'm afraid we have no choice but to call L. "

Said the president of Africa as she sighed at the president of U.S's antics.

" Um.. Sir who is L ? "

Asked Touta Matsuda , a newly made police officer to his chief and NBA leader ; Soichiro Yagami .

"Oh , I'm afraid you're still new.

L is the number 1 Detective of the world , they had solved tons of nearly impossible cases."

Soichiro said as Matsuda looked in awe.

" Amazing !"

" Yeah but he only takes on cases that are a interest to him "

The government of Russia said with a pissed off look .

" Do not fret presidents, for L is already on the move. "

Said a man in a disguise that was covering his body completely .

He had a laptop in hand on it was a huge letter on the screen .


" I can assure you that this is one of the most brutal cases of murders you have seen.

I will need help for this case , specifically the help of the Japanese government and the NPA. "


Light was at school annoyed , ever since that incident with the psycho girl tripping and stabbing herself every teacher started to coddle their ' favorite student '.

I'm not a toy damn it !

At the least the students left him alone, now he had time at school to think on who Kira might be and investigate.

He knows that unlike last time he cannot hack into his father's computer.

So he had to use his second option.

The news and library .

Sure he knows that there's information missing but he knew that beggars can't be choosers.

Should have learned that early .

He walked home and greeted his family before going to his room to study , as he turned on the news he saw it being interuppted by a familiar program.

On it was a familiar face :

Lind L.Taylor .

At first he expected to hear the same speech as last time.

The speach where you tried to kill L ?

He shudders at the memory and puts his attention on the video .

And with surprise Lind was speaking in English, under the screen were subtitles as to what he was saying.

" I am L .

And I have come to tell you all in person that I will do my best to make Kira pay for all the deaths they might have committed .

For what they are doing is pure evil .

For I will make sure you will never get what you want ."

Light looked at the speach weirdly , but it weilded the same results as the last time .

Lind L.Taylor fell onto the ground dead.

Unlike the first time the screen didn't change to the letter L , instead Light saw a familiar figure walk up to the camera, but he wasn't sure.

Is that Watari ?

The figure was head to toe covered in black clothing .

" So you can kill someone without being in the same place as them Kira.

You have killed Lind L.Taylor easily , but what you didn't know is that by doing that you sold us your current location .

I will soon catch you , Kira ."

Light looked at the figure in shock after hearing his voice but before he could take another look the program went off and the T.V went back to the news , the reporters were shocked out of their minds and so was Light .

L .

You sick genius !

Light was always impressed by the way L's mind works , even if it always frustrated him.

He looked around to see Sayu looking at him with a weird look on her face.

" L seems kind of crazy to pull that stunt huh Ligh ?t "

Light knew that at the time he was ( and still is ) a huge L fanboy , and he can't raise suspicion from his family by acting like he already knows L.

So he did what any normal fanboy would do if they saw their idol on the T.V , one that currently never was seen in public before .

He freaked out .

" Sayu did you see ?!

That was L !!

THE L !!"

Sayu was surprised at his reaction but he didn't really care much.

He never got the chance to act like a fanboy since he was always busy .

Busy ruining thousands of families and killing others .

Light tried to ignore that thought .

He always had to act mature and responsible, ever since he was acknowledged as the most intelligent student in the nation .

The only times he got the chance to act childish was at the Kira Taskforce investigation .

That was one of his biggest regrets , worrying too much on what others might think of him and lost all of the enjoyment and excitement in life.

I promise myself I won't try and squeeze and to fit a mold of perfection anymore.

Light thought as he gently shook Sayu on her shoulders .

" L was on the T.V !!"

As he was fanboying his mother looked at her children with a soft smile .

Whether if she had taken a picture or not is up to you to find out.


L knew that most of the police force in Japan does not trust him , especially after he used a meat shield to test Korea's abilities.

He knows that unlike last time some of them are on the suspicion list .

He also knows that he cannot send any FBI agents to Japan, that would just be idiotic .

He found more information about this Kira and noticed how all the deaths had an exact lawyer .

Interested he started to investigate but found no useful information.

So he decided it's best to start to build his headquarters early.

He had a hunch that he's going to need it.


Kira was in their room writing down names with a wide grin .

This power is so exhilarating !

They thought as they wrote another name down.


Ever since I was little I was always overshadowed .

Always third place in my father's eyes.

Anything I did was never enough for my father .

All he ever did was compare me with Yagami Raito.

He either was critiquing me or working for his Company

At first I hated Raito for taking my father's attention and praise away .

But then I met him in Middle school.

He was like a leader , someone you can rely on.

Always in the center of attention.

I started to gain feelings for him , but he never noticed.

I started to follow him around and find ways to talk with him , wheter it be by playing tennis or Academics.

That was till Raito moved schools due to an unknown accident.

But when I found out what school he now goes to I started to follow him around ,too nervous to approach him.

Did he even remember me ?

That was my main curiosity till on one day I saw Raito pick up a notebook of sorts and throwing into a fire .

What was in that note that gave Raito such a reaction ?

I thought I'd never find out till I saw a copy of the notebook on the ground .

And I will never regret taking that notebook home .

I knew Raito would want me to use this book to eliminate evil .

And I am , those people who always take my father's attention are the lowest of scum.

Getting in trouble that they so easily could avoid.

Always taking more and more of his time away .

I hated them the most.

But seeing the only person that my father compared me to more than Raito on the T.V made my blood boil .

L .

Oh how much I hate L , I hate them more than any scum I can think of .

At first I kept calm while staring at his stupid face .

I knew that I shouldn't kill him and that it would be stupid to do so .

That was till a sentence was said that infuriated me .

" For I'll make sure you will never get what you want. "

How dare L ?!

Immediately I wrote his name down , only to see another figure in all black approaching the T.V .

I was tricked .


Kira was furious, so furious in fact they wanted to take their fury out on something .

Since the police decided to team up with L and take something from me I'll take something from you .

With a teary grin they wrote Raito's name down .

I'm sorry Raito , but if there's one person L would ask for help it would be you .

After 40 seconds they got up and went and cried quietly, wondering how Raito's family would react to see their son dead.


Light was holding his shirt tightly on his bed , blood was dripping out of his mouth and his hair was a mess .

Ryuk was next to him in utter shock .

Did that ?

Was Kira trying to kill me ?!

Light thought as he wiped the blood away from his mouth .

" Light-o , sincerely.

What the fuck was that ?

I felt your pulse stopping for like 3 minutes !"

Kira tried to kill me .

Light thought in horror as he got up slowly.

" It was Kira..."

Light said with a hushed tone and went to check on his family .

Sayu was in her room reading a magazine .

" Light is something wrong ?"

" No, not at all .

Just wanted to check on you "

Sayu looked at him suspiciously but

He said as he left her room before taking a sigh of relief .

Good , Kira is only after me ...

Wait a minute Kira is after me !!

Light's eyes widened in he immediately went back in his room .

What the hell should I do ?!

At least I know I'm immune to the Death note ...

Wait a minute I'm immune to the Death note ?!

Light thought in utter shock.

No human was ever immune to the Death note before !

What the fuck ?!

Light knew they there's only one reason why he was immune.

He remembered it too clearly.

Before Light could go too deep in his thoughts he checked the sheets of his bed and checked to see if there was any blood on the it , he didn't want his family to think he self-harms or anything like that.

After noticing that there were no blood he got up and washed his face.

Ryuk was next to him , clearly a little concerned.

" I think it's best I leave "

Light shrugged and waved Ryuk goodbye.


All I have to do is catch kira and make sure no one else knows about my immunity .

How hard can It be ?