
Death Leveling

A world filled with magic, systems, and monsters—in a closed society of the Immigrant City, lives an 18-year-old boy with the dream of leaving the walls and exploring the unknown outer world. However, upon getting evaluated, he scores so low that not even a system shows up—not wanting to give up, the boy insists and becomes a Player regardless. In a team with three others, Dantes sets out on a difficult journey outside the walls—quickly, follows an incident that turns everything upside down—including his own fate and role in the world. Plans: 2 chapters/day Synopsis: Going to change as I write more of the story Note: Nothing will go as you expect Cover Credits: Some Random Pinterest Image

rulerofeverything · 奇幻
28 Chs


After the meeting with Angelo ended, I got sent home and was instructed to wait indefinitely until news about Arial arrived.

"Can't believe it's January 15 already." "I know, right? Feels like it was just new years," random people chattering; I was walking to my room.

I put my hand on the doorknob and… it wasn't opening.

Suddenly, a hologram on the door popped up, which showed a loading screen—I guess my MANA really did somewhat change then.

Sat down on the floor and waited; a few people walked past me in the meantime. After roughly a minute, a sound notification played from the door and it opened up.

"Meow!" Instantly from inside the room; I forgot we had pets.

I went inside.

"Meow!" "Meow!" Came up to my feet and started staring at me.

Then… it started hissing.

Smirked, "so, you can tell?" I voiced to the cat, arrogantly.

I don't get the urge to consume non-humans, it appears, what a relief—I wouldn't want to live with a creature that I crave to devour.

Lied down on the bed. "The Iso continent, huh…" It's quite bizarre how gatekept information is in the Im City; lived my entire life here, yet didn't know the most basic things in spite of everyone originating from outside the city.

Raised my hand and started inspecting it. "I want to get stronger."

The morning rolled around—I set out at 5 AM in a black hoodie; underneath I had traditional clothes that everyone wears.

"Evaluation Center."

It opens up at what? Six? Hmm…

A lot of cameras; going to need to be careful.

Some time had passed and people started entering it…

Then another while had passed, and finally, someone left the center!

A skinny, black-haired guy with glasses—that seems like a good one. 

I began following him.

His MANA isn't strong… in the range of level two to possibly three? Regardless, I can't be confident even if I can read MANA properly now—I need to figure out how Systems work and what's behind them first.

Then finally, an alleyway! I pointed my finger from behind him, "bingo!" And disappeared.

Got to the alleyway—dirty and dim, with a closed trash container—truly, the perfect environment to die in, right?

Finally, he was right next to it! A massive grin lit up on my face and I leaped forward to him…

Immediately, put my hand on his mouth and dragged him in.

"If you struggle, I'll slice your throat open," I said nonchalantly with sadism mixed in my voice; he picked up and consequently stopped frolicking; my sharpened hand next to his throat might've also helped with that.

This MANA though… it's so different now that I'm touching him.

"Scream and I'll slice your throat."

And this craving… I want to bite down on him right away; no wonder those creatures constantly attempted to devour us.

"Try to run and I'll slice your throat."

I can feel and hear his heartbeat so well; that's quite convenient for detecting fear.

"I have a few questions to ask."

This is kinda… I guess… fun.

"Try anything funny and I'll slice your throat as well."


He nodded.

I moved my right hand away and started grinning.

"Question one: what's your full name?" I said in a condescending and sadistic tone; it was unlike me to act this way.

"J— Joshua Clark," answered the man in a shaky and nervous voice.

What a boring name—does make me wonder where he originated from, though; not that I care enough to ask about something so mundane.

"Question two: what's your Level and ELO?"

"Umm… Level two, two hundred and… five ELO." His voice is a bit calmer now; it's quite interesting how I can more-or-less tangibly feel the emotions of others.

Afterwards, I let out a small giggle, covered his mouth yet again, then bit down his neck and started drinking his blood. He started struggling and trying to move away; he was getting overpowered to the extent that I wouldn't even slightly budge.

After a whole minute had passed, he went limp and stopped struggling.

Finally, I let go and had his body drop.

Closed my eyes and took a deep breath—I could feel strength surge through me.

Decided to put it to a test—hardened my hands and walked up to a pipe, "this…" excitedly, put my hand on it to see how sturdy it was.

Then, with a self-satisfied smile and just a bit of blood on my lips, I stabbed the pipe—my hand slightly hurt from that, but it went right in; got some scraps on my hand; they started healing right after, with a burning sensation.

"Hmm…" can't really tell if I got any stronger, to be honest.

Soon after, I looked back on his body, "can't leave you like that, can I?"

Devoured him.

Destroyed the hoodie and left the crime scene—promptly returned to my dorm.

Still can't tell if there's a difference… I guess I'll need to keep doing this and see if I sense any difference.

The next day started before I even noticed—another day to hunt down a human being, and another morning without any news about Arial.

Hmm… though… I wonder why or how some of them exploded… would be a little inconvenient if it happened to me.

Ignored the thought and proceeded to go to my destination.

Got right next to the Evaluation Center and waited…


A big bald guy with sunglasses, a cigar, tattoos and a beachy shirt came out—his MANA doesn't appear to be significant, but his physique is a bit concerning; should I skip or should I try?

A drop of sweat ran down my face as he slowly walked away…


"Whatever," I uttered and began tailing the man.

After only a few minutes of following him, he entered a store to buy something.

This one might take a while, I guess, depending on his route; hopefully he'll stop walking around populated areas after this.

From the outside I glared at him; a rather small shop for clothes.

"S— shit…"

Might need to switch targets after all, I thought to myself upon witnessing what he had purchased.

"C— can I take him on?" I voiced to myself with piles of hesitancy.

Big man then came out of the store with his three pink bikinis.

I proceeded to tail him all the way to a park; he sat down and stared at the birds.

A— am I really about to eat this one?

After roughly fifteen minutes of loafing around, the man stood up and began walking towards an alleyway—he was directly going into one, he wasn't just walking past one.

"Convenient," I smirked and prepared.