
Death Leveling

A world filled with magic, systems, and monsters—in a closed society of the Immigrant City, lives an 18-year-old boy with the dream of leaving the walls and exploring the unknown outer world. However, upon getting evaluated, he scores so low that not even a system shows up—not wanting to give up, the boy insists and becomes a Player regardless. In a team with three others, Dantes sets out on a difficult journey outside the walls—quickly, follows an incident that turns everything upside down—including his own fate and role in the world. Plans: 2 chapters/day Synopsis: Going to change as I write more of the story Note: Nothing will go as you expect Cover Credits: Some Random Pinterest Image

rulerofeverything · 奇幻
28 Chs

Little Do They Know

We were in a nice empty park; green grass and unconditionally cozy; pillars with blue orbs were scattered all over the corners; a fitting place to test our skills.

"Umm… want to go first, Ku?" Stated Nemo, with mild awkwardness leaking out of his voice.

On the other hand, Ku was delighted with that—he smiled and affirmed, "sure—let me show you what I got!" He stepped forward and held his hand forward with closed eyes; I wonder, can they see their Systems even with closed eyes then?

A long shadow stick proceeded to materialize; it had small fires all over—another one with a cool ability, pretty similar to Xter's I guess. "I call this…" he smirked and then added, dramatically, "THE SOUL REAPER!!"

Afterwards, swung it straight through the ground and a clean cut was made—dirt went all over the sky. He started swinging it all over, with the tip slightly touching the ground and cutting it straight through—forget the stick bullshit, this is a fucking blade and nothing else!!

Once he was done with that, it dispersed and he exhaled in a mildly tired way—put his hand on his forehead as if wiping away sweat, then looked at us and asked, "what do you think?" He seems self-satisfied—how adorable.

"Bravo!" I clapped my hands. "Way to go!!" Quietly cheered Soyeon.

Then, he raised his right hand to the sky and dramatically screamed, "now look at my trump card!! Everyone!!" Shadow flames started seeping out of his hand and engulfing it, "Shadow Glove!!"

His hand became pure shadow; that appears like an interesting ability—does it fortify his hand into a blade or perhaps give it super-human strength? Could it be similar to mine?

He proceeded to walk up to a rock, put his hand on it, then raised it with ease; it was a moderately large rock, mind you—holding it in the sky, he subsequently slightly threw it up and then shattered it with a small swing. Pretty impressive, if you ask me.

With even more self-proudness, he smirked at us and, while having the glove disperse, stated, "well, that's the tip of my powers! Show him what you got, Soyeon!!" What a happy-go-lucky tone he's carrying around—isn't he ashamed of himself, sounding like that soon after his teammate had died?

The midget walked forward and then boldly claimed, "alright! Lemme show you what I can do then!!" What's with this goofy approach; I'm starting to feel secondhand embarrassment from them. 

Standing in front, with her back towards us, shadow particles started coming out from her legs and feet—rather vocally, she took a deep breath, then jumped all the way up with closed eyes, then she abruptly opened them and from thin air, three small shadow daggers materialized that she threw accurately at a tree.

As she was falling down, she loudly exhaled and shadow particles raised her up again—this time, holding both of her hands together, a dagger with slightly denser MANA appeared, which she threw at the tree again—this time it went straight through the tree, leaving the poor thing destroyed.

I'm not sure flying around like that is a good idea during combat; this is such a show-off-esque showcase of her abilities; can safely say that Ku is much stronger than her, as much as the stronger dagger could be useful if she can throw it from far away.

She landed without a problem—didn't stumble; she subsequently glanced back at us and asked, "did you guys like that? I can do more!"

She proceeded to close her eyes and then started holding her hands in the position of a bow—it was for just that, a bow!—a shadow one materialized as she held them, then she shot a shadowy arrow at the destroyed tree—ruining the punching-bag-tree beyond recognition.

She didn't end there—she shot again, this time at a rock: it didn't completely break but it got damaged rather visibly. "I can let these out pretty quickly!!" She claimed while joyfully spamming her arrows over and over towards the rock; ultimately, it shattered to small pieces.

"Okay, okay! That's enough, Soyeon," stated Nemo while walking towards her, "it's time for Dantes to show us what he can do."

He looked at me while holding his hand towards the tree—it healed and stood up as if it never had the role of a test dummy to begin with; Arial never got to tell us about that kind of healing magic—I suppose Nemo is going to have to make the cut, in that case.

"Right, right! But what did you think, Leader?" Answered Soyeon with excitement and overt expectations.

Before Nemo could answer, Ku barged in and complimented the princess in his stead, "it was great! You got better at control, didn't you, Soyeon?" 

She glanced at him, "I did! I'm surprised you noticed!"

Realizing the perfect situation he created, he proudly smiled, "of course I would! Who do you take me for?"

I can't tell if I love or loathe these two—I'll devour them regardless, however; it's a matter of time and nothing else is relevant to me.

Sarcastically and dramatically, I jumped in and shouted, "Guuuuuuuuuys!! It's my turn—stop the flirting!!"

I promptly took out my sword before they could answer me, and swung it at the tree—the blade just barely went into it, so consequently I let go of it and stated, "see? I cut into it! Y'all think you got anything on me?" Looked at them with an obviously-artificial smirk and began raising my eyebrows up and down—something compelled me to play the role of a clown, which I deemed particularly comfortable while having this overwhelming urge to devour human beings.

Both Ku and Soyeon seemed to buy into it—they giggled and subsequently looked at each other with warm smiles.

"Seems like we have someone we'll have to protect, don't we?" Stated Ku.

"I guess so," she giggled and then made a motherly sigh—I don't know what about her sigh sounded that way, but that was the impression I received from it.

Nemo then went closer to us and said, "damn…" chuckled and added, "what will I do with you three…"

Soyeon answered immediately, without a second's delay, "hopefully what you can do is keep us alive, this time around!!" Her voice seemed playfully angry—I guess she's indirectly referring to the teammate that had died, whom Nemo failed to protect.

With closed eyes, he let out an awkward chuckle, "yes… of course, I'm sorry."

Little do they know…

…little do they know…

I turned around so they couldn't see my expression—what subsequently showed up on my face, wasn't a sight that could ever be shown to anyone.