

The funeral had begun. The attendance was actually rather small. Those three girls from the mall actually came. A few of her friends from her school showed up, but no one from the family showed up. To my surprise it was a necromancer doing the rites and preforming all the steps of her funeral with shadow undead.

I guess everybody can find a place to fit in on Terra. Whether you like it or not, if I was born here instead... I felt bad for Artem. In a way her aunt gets a second chance. Though truthfully those two likely entered the cycle hand in hand.

My head was down, but I let my eyes stretch across everything. The necromancer said a prayer and wordlessly passed the position of speaker to me. I took a step forward and held my head high. "As much as I would like to say flowery and nice words."

I scanned everyone over, "Artem's death has made me realize a massive mistake in my actions. I was too complaint in the past, if I any sense of power or sway. Artem would still be here today. I was her Aunt, Her guardian. I failed her, but I will not fail the next generation. I know this is hardly the time. However I will be starting a guild. The friends of Artem, if you are awakened you may pursue power their. If unawakened you are welcome the same and when the time comes. You will find it your home."

I paused and washed away the confidence I was showing. I let tears stream down my face. Conveying the perfect amount of grief just as a new main character arrived. "I will not let my niece, N-NO, MY CHILD! Be forgot... I will crush the bastards that did this."

My face reddened and my eyes flared with the sickly green as my eyes met Artem's Father. He was not the one who I needed to kill. However the women who stayed in the black car behind him was. I felt the real anger and pain rise form scanning her.

"If anyone else wishes to say any words. I-I would suggest doing so now. I will not be staying much longer."

I stepped forward as Enna held out a hankerchief to me. I grabbed it and made a show of sniffling and wiping away tears. Artem's father held out his hand, but staying back. Clearly conflicted, he was the spineless brother-in-law that Erelia brought home. However telling he cheated on her, perhaps not that spineless.

Erelia was still in the car. She was Artem's 'mother' and the sister-in-law of Dionysus. Erelia had a much greater influence in the family then others. Not to mention her level read as 82. With a level that high she had the ability to block viewing of her skills and likely felt someone scan her status.

However since I was a higher level and someone she wouldn't even imagine having a higher level then her. I was invisible in checking her status out, not to mention most of her skills were open to me to view. It was only skills like my Astral set that were hidden away.

I sat down on a bench as I peered my eyes carefully at Erelia. She was watching her husband now speak about Artem. So I tear through her status and found many skills. Her skills aligned like a Green mage, but her class declared her as a cleric. I almost scoffed, with around 17 different curses in her spells list. Cleric seemed ridiculous.

Had to admit though, her healing and support spells were extensive. From my knowledge I knew she invested in some tower spell books for those curses. It was clear she held her head high and ignored everything.

Her butter-faced husband walked back over to me. "I am sorry all this happened Dionysus. I kno-"

"You were her father, yet you kicked her out at the age 9. It wasn't me who knocked up some girl who wasn't Erelia. You aren't sorry Markus, you never will be."

He looked like he was shot and I almost rolled my eyes breaking my character. I needed to go for the throat though, for the sake of making sure he or Erelia unable spin this later to their favor. "I accepted her because I knew Erelia would've killed the girl in her sleep. Specially after your dumb-ass brought the girl home right after the death of her mother. Something you shouldn't have ever interfered in. Artem WOULD HAVE NEVER! Died if you never found her. She would've had a promising life, but since she was related to you..."

Erelia eyes glared into me, and Markus lowered his head in shame and before he could scuttle off. I got up and walked away. My eyes glanced over Erelia one more time. I had a feeling I'd need to talk to her directly, for some reason I got an itch I couldn't scratch.