
First Dimensional Chat Quest Part 2

The rest of the week past and Jack finally arrived and joined the team, with their being no need for a test this time around since Death and each of his teammates were definitely capable enough. Jack and Evelyn, of course, butted heads with each other, and Death set them straight. Evelyn had insulted Jack's cooking in the past, accusing her of making poison, which deeply insulted Jack, who had flawlessly mimicked her mothers recipes, but the reality was that not all cinnamon is the same and the cinnamon her mother used was milder, so Jack was just using too much cinnamon in her food.

After this matter was resolved, Jack and Evelyn mended their relationships and Death spent a weekend telling Jack what Penny and Evelyn already knew, and the newly formed Team JPDE grew closer together.

Ruby, of course, was very close to Death as well, and eventually came to comprehend the parts she failed to understand in lightsaber creation technology. The big breakthrough for her came when he pointed out that dust-based technology itself often defied ordinary physics at times, with many researchers just asserting that they had not figured out why it worked yet.

Ruby had never questioned the things that Dust researchers couldn't explain before because it was just Remnant's common sense, but it opened her eyes to the reality that physics was not as simple as she originally believed, and her broadened horizons allowed her to make a breakthrough in her comprehension. She only needed to know that some forces interacted with physics in unexplainable and seemingly magical ways, and then she started to grasp it properly.

Death actually got to be present for the incredible food fight and then met the rest of Team RWBY and Team JNPR of this world on his third morning after his arrival.

Yang, Weiss, and Blake were all shocked by Penny's new form, as it had been barely a month since they had last met her and the difference was just too dramatic, but Penny had passed it off as a growth spurt while having a hiccup fit. RWBY wasn't convinced, but let the matter go as they were in public.

The focus was quickly taken off of Penny when the food fight broke out, though, which was fun to spectate, though Death really only stepped in to catch Weiss when she was knocked out of the fight, not letting Ruby get distracted since she saw him react to catch her.

Ruby concluded the fight in a familiar manner and beat Team JNPR before Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch arrived, with Goodwitch using her semblance to repair the room. Death, meanwhile, looked at the blushing Schnee Heiress that he was still holding in a princess carry, even though she was fully recovered already. He made eye contact with her and smiled "Are you alright, Weiss Cream?" he asked her.

Weiss timidly nodded and Death couldn't help but chuckle before carefully setting her down in her feet again "Very good." he insisted before grasping Weiss's hand and leading her over to her teammates as Yang fall down through the ceiling "Ruby, I'd like to talk to your team together in private, it's important." he looked at Blake "Especially with you, Blakey."

"Oh, sure." Ruby agreed cheerfully.

"R....Ruby...." Weiss said her team leaders name, feeling embarrassed as she looked at the handsome boys hand that was holding hers firmly, not allowing her to escape.

Death proceeded to follow Ruby while dragging Weiss along beside him. Yang was grinning at Weiss since she was in such a position and was acting so timid, while Blake accompanied them as well to see what he wanted.

Once they entered Team RWBY's rooms, he saw the bunkbeds and frowned "We need to talk, but first..." he headed over to Ruby and Weiss's bunkbeds and stored the mess in his inventory and then took out the proper bunkbeds he still had from when his worlds Team RWBY were still in Beacon, so they had white and red bedding, then he went to Yang and Blake's bunkbed and stored them as well, before taking out the bunkbed with black and yellow bedding, and finally he dumped the books that had been attached to the previously stashed bed onto Blake's new upper bunk.

"What the heck?" Yang asked with surprise "How did you do that?"

"I already told your Team Leader that I came from a parallel universe version of Remnant. I acquired these bunkbeds for the Team RWBY of my world when they were attending Beacon, and I just happened to have them still, so figured I'd put them to use. I don't like seeing my loved ones using such precarious-looking beds, even if they are not the same exact people, but rather their doppelgangers, I guess you could say." Death explained to them, then looked at Blake "I know what you are worried about, Blakey, but I've already dealt with this year once in my own Remnant, so I already know how to handle the White Fang. I will foil their schemes. Now, you are welcome to assist me if you want, but you don't need to deny yourself sleep over it."

"Wait, your loved ones? Who do you mean?" Weiss asked with concern.

"Well, multiverse theory is real, so that is important to disclose right off the bat. Second, I am one of 4 siblings who were granted a form of reincarnation and were sent to my Remnant." Death then used the law of nothingness to show a projection of his younger Nephilim form falling from the sky and crashing into the ground near a lot of grimm, before entering his Reaper state and proceeding to go on a slaughtering spree of grimm "This was before I gained my current human form." he explained as the battle concluded and he ended his reaper state and was approached by two individuals.

"Mom and uncle Qrow!" Ruby recognized them immediately.

"Yes. Originally, your mother would have been forced to use her silver eyes against the Grimm here, which would have led to her being exposed to her enemies and forcing her to be separated from you all through the events that followed her exposure, but my appearance at the right time and place prevented her from being exposed, and so she never disappeared in my Remnant. In fact, since my memories were a mess and my body so young, she adopted me, and that was how I met Ruby and Yang." Death explained to them.

"But you said that four people appeared, there was only one in the images you showed." Ruby pointed out.

"My brother Strife fell to Remnant between Mistral and Argus and encountered the White Fang, and first met Blake and a boy named Adam, who mistook my brother for a human and tried to kill him. My brother defended himself and used one of his magical guns to blow off the arrogant brats hand in self-defense. Blake started treating Strife as a big brother and they headed back to Argus to get treatment for the idiot Adam before again heading towards Mistral. My sister, Fury, had fell in Vacuo, and after hearing of Strife being sighted in Argus, she headed first to Mistral, and actually crossed paths with him in Mistral before she could head to Argus, and the two of them started travelling with the White Fang, and were adopted by Blake's parents just as Summer Rose adopted me" Death explained to the girls.

"Then why did you act so familiar with me and dragged me all the way here?" Weiss pouted.

"M youngest brother, War, fell in Atlas. Willow Schnee had taken her daughters to a restaurant and was relaxing when her guards wanted to escort her out through a secret tunnel because someone Jacques Schnee desperately wanted to prevent your mother from getting in contact with had arrived and was trying to enter. Michel Alecina of Alecina Pharmaceuticals was a huge supporter of your grandfather, Weiss, and he developed an experimental treatment that could have saved your grandfathers life, but Jacques suppressed the research with his money, and the end result would have been your grandfather passing away, but War fell from the sky and through the street into the secret passage in front of your mom, your sister and yourself as you were passing through. The escorts forced you three to leave War behind, but Winter had dropped her scroll in the chaotic incident." Death explained to Weiss matter-of-factly "War picked up Winter's scroll, unsure what it was, and after Michel helped War up out of the hole he was stuck in, Michel was able to get his hands on Winters scroll and used it to call your mother, which allowed your fathers scheme's to be exposed and for your grandfather's life to be saved. In other words, we four all managed to end up with members of your Team well before you would have met up at Beacon. Oh, and War, in my Remnant, was adopted by Weiss's mother. Fate is interesting, huh?"

"Even if I believed you, that's no reason to drag me around" Weiss insisted.

Death chuckled in amusement and used nothingness to display a bit more of his past again, revealing a projection of a young Weiss Schnee and her grandfather near the Vale CCT while a crippled Adam was approaching them and was about to kill the little girl. Death, who realized what was about to happen, used teleporting slash and appeared between Adam and Weiss, taking the hit for the little girl while executing Adam.

Death fell backwards on top of loli Weiss and was temporarily blacked out.

"Weiss!" Nicolas Schnee's words were heard vaguely in Death's half-dazed state, along with the sound of what might have been Weiss getting out from under him.

"Grampa, he saved me. Will he be alright?" Loli Weiss asked

"Must have a healing semblance" Nicholas Schnee announced "He's fine, Weiss."

Death's eyes started opening and the image reappeared, revealing loli Weiss poking his cheek and giggling, while Nicholas Schnee was using his scroll, and while his focus was momentarily in the direction of her grandfather, he soon felt something different touch his cheek, as the projection showed Weiss kiss it. When he looked back upon Loli Weiss's expression towards him, it could only be described as hero worship.

"Thank you for saving me" Loli Weiss admitted timidly "You're my hero now."

"It's alright. I'm really hard to actually kill." Death chuckled "My name is Death, what is yours?"

"Weiss Schnee" Loli Weiss admitted while blushing timidly "Now that you are my hero, do you want to be my husband some day?"

Ruby, Yang, and Blake all suddenly turned towards Weiss after hearing what her younger self said

Weiss, however, looked as though she'd just been hit by a truck and was extremely embarrassed, wondering why she opened her big mouth. "Okay, okay, and why are you in this Remnant then?" Weiss desperately wanted to change the subject.

"I could stay here for months and months giving you the full details about how my relationships developed with the four of you in my world, but the simple version is that I love each of you and am prepared to assist you in any way I can. And as for why I came to this Remnant, it has something that can save my Remnant from an impending calamity, so I came to save my world, but in the meantime I am doing what I can to help this Remnant as well." Death insisted.

"So I knew you had multiple wives, but did not expect Weiss to be one of them" Ruby pointed out.

Death smiled at Ruby "My semblance is a bit special, and contains a bit of divinity. While it does not brainwash anyone, it does make me seem more approachable and can lead women to loving me, like a naturally charismatic aura, and it's a bit of a double-edged sword. When a woman genuinely loves me, I find it damn hard not to love them as well. It may have been a bit weird at first, but eventually I just accepted it. It's true that none of us initially realized my pseudo-divinity existed, so they may not haver known how to resist it, but we're all very happy together so in the end I guess that is the most important thing."

"So you could try influencing us?" Yang asked with concern.

"This version of Remnant is a bit unique, existing in a time loop. Meaning after existing for roughly 6 months, the world will reset to just before my arrival. You have likely relived the same 6 months many times with no idea it was happening at all, but what I'll go will liberate you, as well as saving my Remnant from a calamity. The catch is that you will fuse into your doubles from my world, having multiple sets of memories." Death explained too Yang "While my love for each of you is a major temptation, I am not a wild animal that can't restrain myself. I can persevere until I finish my job, and then when you become one with my wives, and you remember everything we experienced together, I am confident things will work out. It's less then ideal, being forced to go through this process, since I don't want to risk tainting your doubles pure love for me with unpredictable elements, but I can only be truthful and lay a good foundation with each of you."

"So how old are you? You look our age, but it sounds like you are older" Weiss pointed out.

"Well originally I was the same age physically as you, but I stopped aging due to my semblance. Later this year, May 30th specifically, in my Remnant, was when the new era started, and it was also the day I adopted my first child." Death explained to them "The first of my wives to bear me a child was Amber, who bore me a son, Asher, on April 16th, 1 AGQ with Weiss here giving birth 11 days later to our daughter Yuki." he smiled at Weiss when he saw her looking even more embarrassed.

"Whose Amber?" Ruby asked with curiosity.

"She's the Fall maiden in this era, whereas in my world, May Zedong, Penny, and Neopolitan eventually became the Summer, Winter, and Spring Maiden's, and also became my wives as well. I have one daughter with May named Gracie, a daughter with Penny named Aurora, and a Daughter with Neo named Iris. a son with Blake, and three daughters and twin sons with Ruby. The Yang of my world preferred not having kids herself especially once she had three adorable nephews and two adorable nieces through Ruby to dote on like they were her own too. I have family pictures if you want to see them."

Yang was frowning, but grinned when he mentioned pictures "Yes, show me!" she called out excitedly, and Death grinned and used his scroll to call up his photo album with all of the pictured he had in his family section, including all the mothers of his children and the little ones he had with them. Yang went from the most skeptical of him to the most interested of the girls after seeing how happy the other Ruby seemed in the pictures with their children, especially since another Yang was in many of the pictures as well and seemed very close to everyone else.

"So, you know something about my mom?" Yang asked after noticing Raven in some of the pictures.

"I do, but telling you wont help you. My Yang overcame her trauma with her mother, and they were back on civil terms presently. If I tell you the truth, it might stir up fresh anger in you that will reopen the past wounds in her heart when you and her become one, so I am hesitant to reveal that, since we don't have the time that my Yang had to patch things up before the worlds merge." Death admitted to Yang.

He knew that Raven eventually appeared in the story of JPDE, at least in some of the route's, but he had no idea if that would happen to him since he was going to speed things along once he met Bella and Thilla. The sooner he completed this mission the better, given that he would immediately be able to rescue the missing Shizue and Lefiya then. He wasn't worried about Rory, at least when it came to physical things, since she was immortal and couldn't be killed, but he was a bit worried about her emotional well-being since she could be anywhere.

"I thought you didn't want to keep secrets, though" Yang pointed out.

Death sighed in defeat "You're right, Yang. I have to trust you, but it'll take a while to go through everything" he turned away from them and created a portal "Lets step through this, it has a time dilation effect so that I can show you everything within a quicker timeframe" he hoped that by showing her everything, and using his semblance to keep them going until it reached the end, that she'd handle it better rather then letting her cope with it alone.

He stepped through and the girls followed, and on the other side they found a theater "Lets take some seats, my beautiful flowers, and I'll start with Volume one" Death explained.

Death thereafter started playing the RWBY show he had been broadcasting in the Pokémon world, first Volume 1, then volume 2, and finally volume 3. Up until this point the live action series was consistent with the cartoon version he also possessed, but from volume 4 onward their were some differences between the animation and the reality that had transpired in the actual Remnant Prime, which was properly reflected in the live action videos that were shown, with the cartoon version seemingly being more influenced by politics after the creator's death in his world.

Eventually they reached the fall of Atlas, and rather then showing what would have happened, he showed Team RWBY the version where his adopted daughter, Salem, arrived and killed Cinder, then passed the Fall Maiden's powers to Remnant Prime's Winter, then her efforts to fight and defeat Salem.

Team RWBY was dumbfounded when it was all said and done, and Death pulled them each out of their seats one at a time to give them a hug "I showed you the story of Remnant Prime because it is closer to what your world would be like if you could break the loop you are caught in

"And why is it made to look like a television show?" Blake asked him.

"Because I'm sharing Remnant's story in other worlds besides Remnant. Omniverse theory is also real." Death insisted "By the way, I have become the caretaker for the relics of my Remnant as well as for Remnant Prime, and that is how I was able to make Penny a real human. I don't have this Remnant's relics."

Team RWBY seemed a bit disturbed by everything, so he pulled them all into a group hug again and then kissed each of them, starting with Weiss, then Yang, then Blake, and finally Ruby, though each kiss was a chaste one, the slightest of brushes of his lips against theirs, since he wanted to comfort them without overwhelming them, then he released them from the hug and chuckled "Now that you have a general idea of how things went in Remnant Prime, I'll tell you what makes your Remnant different. Firstly, in Remnant Prime, Summer Rose was actually transformed into a 'hound' as Salem called them, but after Salem's defeat we were able to find her and reverse the process, making her human again. The Summer Rose of your world was not subjected to this fate, but was unable to return to you for a different reason, but you would have been able to reunite with her eventually in the future, as you did in other cycles, though you forget it each time. Anyway, the Summer Rose of this world will become one with the Summer Rose of my Remnant, so you can let her explain everything as even my details are vague on the matter with her when the worlds fuse."

"And there must be other changes, right?" Blake asked.

"Of course, probably a lot of them that I don't know, but the bit related to Ruby's mother is one of the two most significant changes. The second change being the existence of a third brother that did not exist in other versions of Remnant. I can only speculate on why he might exist, but he is my key to saving my Remnant." Death insisted.

'So you want to capture a god?' a voice asked from inside of his head.

"Yes, Makoto, that's exactly what I am going to do" Death answered, getting confused looks from Team RWBY.

"Oh, a woman named Makoto spoke to me just now. She's been watching everything I've done for the past two days." Death explained to Team RWBY "This is the first time she's spoken to me without me visiting her in my mindscape, though. I did not know that she could do that."

He then took out a gigai he had made in Makoto's image from his inventory and manifested her soul into that gigai. Even though her communication with him was a nifty trick just now, he was still under the impression that she was weak, so he saw no reason not to give the poor girl her own body, even if they would still be linked in their souls forevermore.

Makoto slowly opened her beautiful purple eyes, which had a slight glow to them as she instinctively tested her electro powers in her new body. Makoto seemed completely dumbstruck "You had the power to resurrect me all along?"

"Well, it's not a true resurrection." Death insisted "I made a gigai, a faux body, in your image, and projected your soul into it. As it is a body created with my magic, you remain linked to me, and still share a mindscape with me. And should anything happen to your new body, your soul will remain secure in my own where I can make a new Gigai for you whenever I want too."

Makoto was surprised yet again when she heard that. She reached towards her chest and a purple glow appeared, and she seemed to suddenly pull a beautiful katana out from between her ample breasts, then she fell to one knee and held sank her katana's blade into the floor and lowered her head "My name is Raiden Makoto, also known as the Lightning Archon Baal or the goddess of Eternity. I have watched you a few days and find your character to be good, so I am willing to serve you, my lord."

"She's a freakin' goddess?" Yang asked with shock.

"No. Not anymore. My gnosis that my godhood was tied too was passed on to my sister after my death, but I am still extraordinarily powerful by the standards of this world." Makoto answered Yang without raising her head.

Death was surprised to hear that she was a former goddess, but when he thought about her heartfelt pledge to him, he thought it might be better this way. Even if he could have gotten a power boost from fully merging with a goddess, he might also gain even more by partnering with her and obtaining her loyalty, and possibly her love.


First Mythic-Rank Follower Obtained

Raiden Makoto can not only command electro/lightning, but also retains her own divinity called 'eternity' even after losing her status as an archon. Her 'Eternity' divinity allows her to comprehend time and space in a manner where time can flow backwards and forward at the same time if she wills it, and actions done in the present can affect the far-distant past or future. Raiden Ei might vastly surpass Raiden Makoto's strength in her electro divinity as well as in combat prowess, but the wisdom and 'Eternity' divinity of Raiden Makoto is not to be underestimated.

Reward : Impurity Level Detector Skill

Mortals naturally take in impurities in their bodies as they grow older from things they eat, things they drink, or even the surrounding environment. The lower their impurity level, the more likely thy are to be more attractive and the more symmetrical they are.


The pop-up surprised him when he saw the description of Makoto's powers and realized that even if he did incarnate her as planned, he wouldn't be able to comprehend 'Eternity' to the degree that Makoto did. His intuition told him that all he would have gotten from her was compatibility with the concept of 'Eternity' and replicating her power would take a huge period of time learning to properly comprehend the law, and he might never reach her level.

Besides, he already knew he had compatibility with the laws of time and space, so he could get far better with a proper teacher, and he might even be able to learn to fuse them into this 'eternity' concept in the future under her guidance.

"It seems that granting you a new body was the right decision" Death chuckled "I am compatible with the laws of space and time, but have needed a proper teacher to guide me. It sounds as though, with your concept of eternity, you must have mastered these two laws to some degree, most notably time. I'll ask you for guidance in the future, Makoto."

The katana in Makoto's hand vanished and she stood up "I agreed to serve you, so of course I will help learn, but I hope that if, in the future, you find your way to the world of Teyvat, that we can check on my twin sister, Ei. My one regret when I died was that I would not be able to remain at her side and help her to become a better person."

Hearing the word 'twin' made Death think that there might be another beauty at Makoto's level there, so he was a bit curious, though it sounded like this sister would not be as helpful as Makoto was with comprehending laws An animalistic side of him was quite curious about meeting this Ei, but he restrained himself "Maybe it will be possible in the future. I would have to find this Teyvat in the vast omniverse before I can go there, so I don't know when it will be possible."

He happened to glance at the members of Team RWBY, then Makoto and lastly himself and he checked all of their impurity levels.


Ruby :4.17%

Weiss : 3.91%

Blake : 3.97%

Yang : 3.88%

Makoto : 0%

Death : 2.73%


Death wasn't too surprised by the results, given that impurities typically accumulated in 'mortals'. He figured that Makoto's unearthly aura of beauty that made him lustful was tied to her lack of impurities causing her develop perfectly proportioned and with no flaws at all, not even minor asymmetry.

When Death looked at his wives and lovers, they were all absolutely gorgeous, but they were not as perfectly symmetrical as Makoto. Oh, their 'asymmetries' were all so microscopic that they were basically unnoticeable and basically invisible, but after seeing someone with absolutely perfect proportions and symmetry, and sensing that aura of perfection, he was subconsciously aware of their unseen asymmetry.

Not that it mattered to him. After all, he never expected perfect symmetry and he deeply loved all of her wives and lovers, and the main difference was Makoto's aura which emitted perfection.

"Why does she seem so gorgeous? I mean, I should be just as gorgeous as her, but for some reason I feel inadequate suddenly" Yang explained.

Death, who had already deduced the issue, glanced at Yang and smirked "She's a goddess, her body does not produce impurities at all, so her body is perfectly balanced and symmetrical.. People who got aura at a younger age tend to seem more 'beautiful' naturally, I suspect because aura helps the body resist the accumulation of impurities. Even though you are incredibly gorgeous, Yang, you are probably sub-consciously aware that you are not perfectly symmetrical, and that she is. It gives her an aura of beauty us mere mortals can't compare too. That being said, each if you four are still extraordinary beauties in your own right so you need not compare yourself. And since a photograph can't catch Makoto's aura, if people were shown a photo of you and of her, they would see you as just as gorgeous as her and not less." he reassured them.

Death was already looking through his shop and found a pill that removed impurities and asymmetries "Now, I am plenty satisfied with each of my lovers' appearances, but if you really are bothered by it I can give each of you a pill to remove impurities, though you'll want to use them in the tub and naked since impurities are nasty and smelly when expelled through the pores. I haven't even bothered using one on myself yet I would not have seen the point since I looked plenty attractive even without it, and before meeting Makoto, the concept of perfect symmetry didn't exist to my knowledge. Anyway, I love you as you are, all of you, and I don't care about mathematically insignificant asymmetry. I say you are perfect as you are, but if it makes you feel better about yourself, I can give you one of these pills to help you erase those so-called imperfections that you would have never been aware of if you hadn't seen Makoto."

Yang smiled at Death when he said that and nodded in acceptance "I see. Then I don't need any of those pills, but I appreciate the offer." she wasn't an idiot. While he made the offer, he seemed uncomfortable when he said it, like it would genuinely be a shame to him if she wanted the pill and was unsatisfied with herself.

She was not wrong, either. Death did love her and would always love her. Sure, he might have to restrain his lust towards Makoto because of her natural flawlessness and her aura of perfection, but that didn't make him love any of his wives or lovers any less, so he was genuinely relieved when Yang said that and enthusiastically hugged her again.

"Are you sure you aren't hypnotizing us or something?" Yang asked "I can't help but wonder why I am not pushing you away, not even when you kissed us all. It seems out of character for me."

Death chuckled "I'm definitely not doing that. But we've spent so many hours together watching what happened in Remnant Prime that the same connection I have with each of you in my world has started manifesting. It is only a little bit at the moment, but our souls are starting to connect a little bit, and something that intimate is bound to have an impact. In my case, I can now sense approximately what I can get away with doing to each of you. The more you trust me, the stronger that connection will grow, allowing each of you to eventually benefit from my Divine regeneration semblance. I'll have you know, that as long as I live, my lovers are basically immortal and can regenerate from even wounds that would instantly kill them like decapitation, not that I'd ever allow anyone to ever hurt anyone I love at all."

"That's not possible" Weiss said disbelievingly.

"Recall I said that my semblance is a pseudo divinity, as in a bit of godhood. those women I bond with link their souls and their aura's with mine and through me to each other, and our unified aura pool replenishes itself completely and continuously, meaning that unless a blow can completely tear through all our combined aura instantly we cannot be harmed, and even if an attack breaks through their aura in an instant and lands a lethal blow, their souls are anchored to their bodies through me and they'll just basically black out a few moments while their bodies regenerate and revive." Death insisted, "But even with the time dilation in this room, space, half the day has passed, so how about we return to your dorm and chat there now?" he had used his semblance to keep them from getting tired the whole time they watched everything here.


Death spent the rest of the day with Team RWBY, though he still had Avatar's out and doing other things, but nurturing his relationship with these four was pretty high up on his list of priorities.

One of his Avatar's had accompanied Makoto into Vale in order to acquire for her a place to stay, from where he would have easy access to Junior's Place, since he still needed to build a relationship with the Malachite Twins of this world. He had no intention of telling the Malachite's the things he told to Team RWBY, since they did not really need to know everything that was happening at this time like his Team and Team RWBY did, because they would be intimately tied in with the upcoming events.

As expected, Emerald and Mercury had swung by Tukson's Book Store on this day, as they were spotted by one of Death's Avatars, but before they entered a different Avatar had spirited Tukson away and took him to Vacuo, saving his life., so they failed in executing the faunus man.

Blake had, of course, asked Death about that almost as soon as Volume 2 had begun, but he reassured her that he had already gotten Tukson out of Vale and to Vacuo, so he was fine. It was because he saved Tukson that he knew that if he got Blake alone he could convince her to become his lover, but he was in no hurry yet, and her teammates were not at that level yet, so he decided to remain patient for now. Besides, just because he sensed he could act and seduce Blake in that instant just fine did not mean that she wouldn't have second thoughts after the fact, so it was best not to be too hasty, since he wanted them all to have positive impressions of him before the dimensional quest ended.

Positive feelings was far more important then getting to make love to them in his mind, since once the job was over he'd get to see his wives and lovers again.


Shion Village

It had been three days since Shizue and Lefiya arrived near Shion Village, which was being attacked by some creatures of Grimm. In truth, the number of Grimm was fairly small, so they would have withstood that particular assault even without Shizue's help, but she had still stepped up and put her immense fire magic on display and wiped out the grimm in the space of a few breaths.

In spite of its somewhat close proximity to Mistral, Shion Village was actually a peaceful place where humans and faunus co-existed peacefully, so Shizue and Lefiya were well received by the villagers there.

Most people assumed Lefiya was a faunus of some kind, due to her pointed ears, but no one discriminated against her. Had they just shown up in another village, things may have been different, but here things were great.

Even though Shizue couldn't contact Death, and therefore did not know what she should be doing right now, she was able to persevere for the time being, living in a small cottage provided by the village with Lefiya while helping to fend off occasional grim attacks.

Finally, Monday morning arrived and Shizue awoke and found Lefiya seated on the bed with her, staring at a beautiful violet gem on a lovely lace glove that had appeared on her left hand. Shizue first thought that the shape on the beautiful gemstone on the back of Lefiya's little hand first looked like a weird throwing star, but after more careful examination it looked more like a circle with three tomoe's cut out of it to reach the shape she first interpreted as a kind of throwing star.

"Where did you get that, Lefiya?" Shizue asked

"The nice and pretty goddess sent it to me" Lefiya then pointed towards the nearby table where her sword appeared to have undergone slight modifications, with a gem identical to the one in Lefiya's glove attached to the blade's hilt now.

Shizue was a bit more cautious as she got up and approached her sword, then cautiously picked it up, only to have the gem glow a moment and for her to find herself in a beautiful garden with many sakura trees in it next to what appeared to be similar to a shinto shrine, though a very elaborate one. And seated near the entrance to the shrine in a beautiful kimono was a woman with purple hair and eyes that Shizue could tell instinctively was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen.

"Hello, Shizue. I am Raiden Makoto, my title is goddess of eternity, and the gemstone I sent to you is called a vision, which will grant you the power of electro, powered by your own ambition as well as power from myself. At present, due to no longer possessing a gnosis and not having any followers, I can only manage to create three visions which my own power can sustain, but in the future, if circumstances change, I may be able to create more. For now, though, you and little Lefiya were chosen to receive mu first two visions. While the visions are tied to the electro element, it manifests differently for each person, so it's up to you to learn to control your new power. And lastly, Death is in Vale and can be found in Beacon if you are able to safely make your way there."

And then she found herself back in the cottage with Lefiya,


After finding and renting a place in Vale, Death's avatar had started talking to Makoto about her abilities, which led to her revealing the existence of visions. She told him that a goddess named Istaroth had aided her in studying visions and she learned to make them manually, rather then just depending upon Celestia to gift them to mortals on her behalf in a mysterious manner. Istaroth had also aided her immensely in her study of time laws in her pursuit of eternity.

While she was the goddess of eternity and the lightning archon, she couldn't call herself a goddess of time in her old world because Istaroth was the goddess of time already, so even if she could match her comprehension of the law, Makoto could not unleash her full potential without Istaroth allowing her too under her purview. because she held absolute mastery of over this law with an iron fist since before Makoto was born.

Now that she was no longer in Teyvat, Makoto was still technically a goddess even without her gnosis due to her mastery over time that she had learned under Istaroth, as opposed to her mastery of electro law being far less due to primarily being ingrained in her by once possessing her gnosis rather then actually delving deeply and properly mastering it at the very core of her being. Though the only visions she could currently create were electro ones with her current skill set, in the future she meant to experiment more with other elements, though that was not something she could pick up in short order, so she spent most of her time after creating her three visions training an avatar of Death in the laws of Space and Time, and when she had free time, working on developing a plan/schematic for the creation of a gnosis, and an even larger project.


.The first full week of the second term passed and Death passed the weekend by spending time with Team RWBY, his own teammates, Pyrrha, Velvet, Makoto and at Juniors club which was still shut down after Hurricane Yang hit it, just to get closer to the Malachite twins. Being able to create avatar's and do many things at once was really convenient.

Ruby he escorted to town on the first Saturday after the start of the second term where she was picking up a new book for herself as well as a gift for Blake, which Death took as an opportunity to gift her with some cookies that he had made for her with his power of Nothingness, which were of course amazing.

Weiss he accompanied in the library and helped her with studying, since he knew many things that she did not and was an invaluable resource for her to expand her knowledge base. Where David De Kabugis would have relied on Weiss's help to get caught up, he could instead help Weiss to get further ahead intellectually and get her falling for him even faster.

Blake he brought first to Vacuo to meet Tukson, then to Menagerie to meet her parents, to allow Blake to make peace with them earlier. Death had gotten some harsh looks from faunus associated with the White Fang, but before they could do anything, they were already at the Belladonna's home so no incident's occurred.

Yang he actually took out on a date in Vale, visiting another Club instead of Juniors, where they had a blast and danced for hours until closing before heading to a motel for the night since they missed the last bullhead back to Beacon. He could have seduced Yang at that time, but she had been a bit drunk and he wanted her to be sober when they did it again, so they just ended up sleeping together and snuggling a bit, which still felt comforting to Death.

Pyrrha he trained with in combat and Velvet he brought to an Instance Dungeon to train with and to let her snap pictures of more weapons that he had copies of in his inventory.

He did not make his pursuit of Pyrrha obvious since this Pyrrha had a crush on Jaune, so he needed to take his time before working up to something more. Oh, he could have just told her that he was her husband in a parallel Remnant and that she was the mother of his youngest child, but that would be an awkward conversation to have considering that Jaune was on this Pyrrha's mind.

A second full week passed, and it was finally time for him and his team to go shopping in Vale where that Howard guy could spot Penny and then identify him, wanting for the plot to remain on course for now.

The third week of the new term ended with Death accompanying his team in the Emerald Forest to 'train' and encountering the spider faunus Howard and defeating the grimm herded in their direction to advance the plot and to get Bella and Thilla to appear.

The fourth full week passed and as expected Yang told them about Junior's club reopening in a few weeks and a party when they did, so on Sunday they went to town to buy supplies for their room as well as fabric and such for Evelyn to design a costume for the reopening party.

Death could have used nothingness to make everything they needed, but this was his opportunity to meet Neo of this world, assuming the timeline remained in tact. Fortunately, it had, and he was approached by Neo after stepping out of a boutique to call Penny, with her throwing a pebble at his hand, though since Death expected it, he skillfully turned his hand and caught the pebble before turning and grinning at Neo "Well, hello there, gorgeous. Are you trying to get my attention? Well, you succeeded" he insisted flirtatiously.

Neo was momentarily surprised when she heard his words and then grinned as she rose up from the bench/flower bed she was seated on and casually strolled over to Death. Neo might have been a bit intimidating to Davin De Kabugis, but not to Death, who was way more powerful then even the Neo of his world, who was a fully realized Spring Maiden and then some.

Neo seemed to laugh, but no sound came out, which was no surprise considering that she was mute.

"Well, I don't mind when a girl as gorgeous as you wants to tease me a bit, but be warned that you are likely to get teased right back as well." Death chuckled.

Neo looked at him, a bit perplexed for an instant, then suddenly the short distance between them was closed, she felt his hand under her chin, lifting her face upward, where her lips were met by Death's lips as he passionately kissed her.

Neo was flabbergasted by the unexpected kiss and soon took a step back from him "Huh?"

"Oh, my kiss was so magical that you can talk now?" Death asked playfully. He had used his semblance and his magic together to heal her while he was kissing her, but rather then letting on that it was an intentional act on his part, he playfully pretended it was a coincidence.

Neo, of course, then realized that she had spoken for the first time in her life and became dazed by it as her scroll beeped, letting her know she got a message. Neo took out her scroll and looked at it, finding a message on it 'You're welcome, beautiful. My name is Death Rose'

Death had gotten Neo's scroll number from remnant Prime's Neo and had composed that message to her before they met today so he just needed to send it, that way he could mess with her mind the way that she intended to mess with his.

"How did you?" Neo asked, looking adorable with how confused she seemed, and also a bit entranced with how beautiful her new-found voice seemed to be.

Death chuckled again and placed a hand on her shoulder and teleported away with her to the place he rented with Makoto, into a spare bedroom.

Neo was caught off guard by the teleportation and looked around the room with confusion while his hands brushed along her body and stored hush and her clothes into his inventory, soon leaving her completely naked.

Neo had never felt so vulnerable before in her life, but met his eyes boldly, without backing down at all, determined not to lose against him in a battle of teasing. Of course, how could she know that he had taken two other versions of her as his lovers so he felt no shame at all getting completely naked with her.

Neo looked at his body, which was completely exposed moments after he finished disrobing her, with his erection rising to the occasion.

"Oh, and what are you going to do with that thing?" Neo asked while wrapping one of her hands around Death's erect shaft.

"I think we both know that this will end with me making love to you and enjoying your incredible body as you become mine from now on." Death insisted.

Neo gulped, and felt like she might really lose to him tonight, but she had one last chance at winning available to her, so she released his shaft and moved onto the bed and laid down, opening her legs and exposing her glistening lower lips to him, with how aroused she was.

Neo thought that if she gave in so easily that he might lose his nerve, or hesitate, or freeze up, and then she'd win the game of teasing, but contrary to her expectations Death climbed on top of her boldly and guided his erection into her while grabbing hold of her waist with both hands "I win." he whispered in her ear. He knew her well, and had been able to tell that she was doubling down because she didn't want to lose, but that once she did lose she would fall to his charm just like the other two Neo's had.

Death knew that this version of Neo was a bit more twisted then the one in Remnant Prime, so he decided to also try to fuck her sane and to get her to be completely devoted to him before the mission in this world ended, which was a different approach then he was taking with his other lovers.

Neo could only accept her defeat this time and began enthusiastically participating as he had predicted, and allowed Death to have his way with her body for hours, eventually exhausting Neo until she reached the point where she passed out before he used magic to clean her up and then reequipped her clothes and his own before teleporting back to where they had originally started outside of the boutique.

Not only had he teleported them to the rental house, he had teleported them there in the mirror dimension via Create ID secretly, so the 8 hours they had spent there was 8 minutes in reality. Upon their return, Death had Neo in a bridal carry as she slept peacefully, and he carried her over to the bench he had first spotted her at and sat upon it with the sleeping ice cream girl peacefully snoozing on his lap.

He eventually spotted Roman and Howard arriving and spotting him from a distance, but he gave no inclination that he knew they were there and just continued soothing the sleeping beauty.

He was secretly amused by the dumbfounded expression Torchwick had on his face, since he had no way of knowing that Neo had undergone a vigorous fucking for close to eight hours to reach this tranquil state.

Eventually, he had to go meet Evelyn, so he carefully set Neo down on the bench next to him and then left her a message on her scroll with his own before walking off to let Torchwick finally approach his partner.

Death felt pretty confident that he'd thoroughly won over Neo and that he'd be seeing a lot of her until he completed this Dimensional Chat Quest.. He would invite this Neo to stay with him once he saved Bella and Thilla, he decided, since it was fun to pamper her a bit from time to time.