
Death's return (A LitRPG story)

Suddenly, while riding the bus home, Noah Jade was enveloped by a mysterious mist. When the mist cleared, he found himself in a completely unfamiliar and hostile place. Although everything seemed intent on killing him at first, Noah discovered that even in death, he could prevail over the others. ----- My discord server for conversations and pictures of the protagonists of my works, as well as possible spoilers of my future stories. https://discord.gg/g7YrnpbTYq

Rowen_Kun · 奇幻
111 Chs

Chapter 20 - Blood moon [2]

Ignoring the translucent window, I pulled the sword out of the Goblin's chest. My current appearance probably wasn't pleasant at all, as there was blood all over my body. However, the others didn't look much different, to be honest.

But even though we were holding up, there were casualties on our side too. A man was surrounded by Goblins and had his body pierced multiple times, while those little green creatures jumped with joy, sporting a sadistic smile on their faces.

But that was it: someone died beside us and we simply kept fighting against the Goblins. If we didn't, we would be next. As these thoughts crossed my mind, suddenly the ground started trembling. Everyone seemed to have noticed, as after finishing off the Goblins, they stared directly into the forest.

From there, a muscular green arm slowly emerged, followed by a leg, until the entire monster's body was in sight: an Ogre had appeared.

[Ogre] - (Lv: - 23)

This was by far the highest-level monster I had ever faced. However, even though it was powerful, it's important to remember that level doesn't determine invincibility, it just indicates greater resilience and combat ability.

When I looked at Ellen, who had just slain a Goblin beside me, our eyes met. No words needed to be exchanged; in a silent agreement, we understood each other and advanced toward the Ogre. Despite Leo's attempts to tell me something, I ignored him, leaping over the makeshift wall that barred the Goblin's onslaught.

On the way, I brandished my sword and charged at a Goblin blocking my path, thrusting my blade into its chest and making green blood spurt out.

You defeated [Goblin - Lv - 9] Experience was gained.

Then, I drew my sword and charged, joining Ellen in a determined sprint as we hunted down the nearest Goblins. In one fluid motion, a Goblin crossed Ellen's path. Without hesitation, she conjured a scythe-shaped lightning bolt that cleaved the Goblin in half, separating its top from its bottom.

I wasn't sure about the others' situation, but I believed they were fine, considering we significantly reduced the number of Goblins. With the remaining amount, they should be able to handle it, so it wasn't likely that any more Goblins would reach the bus. So, I decided to focus on the Ogre. If it got too close, the confrontation could impact the others, so it was crucial to confront it before that happened.

While pondering the situation, I noticed a quick movement toward me and instinctively turned my head to the side. If I hadn't reacted in time, my head could have been the target of a precise attack. Examining the source of the danger, I found myself facing a Goblin armed with a bow and arrow, accompanied by two other Goblins wielding daggers, all clearly determined to face us.

With a sadistic smile on my face, I accelerated even more toward them. Sometimes, that smile appeared involuntarily on my face, which might seem strange, but I don't consider myself crazy. I just got used to finding fun in situations like this... although I must admit that even for me, it's a bit peculiar.

Anyway, the archer Goblin was preparing again, but I was already upon them. A dagger-wielding Goblin tried to intercept me, but I easily blocked its attack and delivered a kick to its face.

After picking up the dagger that fell to the ground, I threw it directly at the archer Goblin. The dagger flew and struck its skull, making it roll backward. It seemed like I had thrown the dagger with more force than I intended.

You defeated [Goblin - Lv - 8] Experience was gained.

Then, I directed my gaze to the Goblin I knocked down with a kick and struck its chest with my sword. The Goblin let out a cry of pain and writhed before its movements ceased completely.

You defeated [Goblin - Lv - 11] Experience was gained.

With a smile on my face, I directed my gaze to the last remaining Goblin. "Now it's just you and me" I murmured.

Upon hearing my words, the Goblin took a step back. After looking at its fallen friends, it turned and started a desperate run. However, before it could escape, I had already activated [Etheric Pumping] and in the blink of an eye, was behind the Goblin. With a precise strike, its head rolled off its body.

You defeated [Goblin - Lv - 10] Experience was gained.

You leveled up [13] -> [14] and gained 5 stat points and 1 skill point.

Once again, I realized that my level had increased, and it was likely the same was happening with Ellen, who continued to eliminate the Goblins as she ran beside me. However, I pushed these thoughts aside and turned my gaze back to the Ogre. If it were in previous times, I probably would have run with all my might. But now, with my current state and Ellen's presence, I didn't feel like we would be defeated.

I quickly opened my status window and distributed the points I earned. I knew I would need all the strength possible to face that creature, giving it my all. Ellen, by my side, seemed to be doing the same, her gaze wandering on the horizon as if she was focused on something there, suggesting that she was also adjusting her attributes.

Ether: 30 -> Ether: 35

Constitution: 20 -> Constitution: 25

Intelligence: 11 -> Intelligence: 16

With all the changes made in the statistics, I directed my attention to the skills.

Etheric Pumping [Lv - 3] -> Etheric Pumping [Lv - 4]

Ecopulsation [Lv - 4] -> Ecopulsation [Lv - 5]

Infusion [Lv - 4] -> Infusion [Lv - 5]

With everything ready, I closed my status window and turned my attention to the Ogre. He was staring at us, which was not surprising, considering we were approaching him after knocking down so many Goblins on our way. Remarkably, the Ogre wasn't wielding any weapons, which gave us an initial advantage.

Without wasting time, I activated all my available skills. [Etheric Pumping] flooded my veins with energy, strengthening every muscle in my body. [Ecopulsation] mapped the location of all nearby enemies, ensuring I wouldn't be caught off guard. With the skill [Infusion], I turned my ordinary sword into a lethal weapon made entirely of Ether.

As we approached the Ogre, he lunged in our direction with his colossal arm. Ellen and I quickly separated, each dodging to one side. Surprisingly, his attack, even though it didn't directly hit me, generated a powerful shockwave that almost threw me away. Fortunately, I managed to stand firm by planting my sword into the ground.

Somehow, Ellen also managed to stay on her feet, although she rolled backward a few times. At that moment, the Ogre had left an opening. As I mentioned earlier, although they are powerful, and this one is stronger than average, like other Ogres, he was slow enough that he couldn't dodge my dagger, which flew towards his eye.

His reaction, as expected, was slow. As soon as the dagger hit his eye, green blood gushed out, and the monster began to scream as he put his hand over the crushed eye. The damage was probably significant, considering I threw the dagger with all my strength.

Ellen didn't wait for my command and immediately touched her hand to the ground. In an instant, the crackling sound of lightning began to echo around her, accompanied by sparks emanating from her body. Then, an electric discharge originated from Ellen's body, advancing towards the Ogre, who started to scream even louder.

I held my sword firmly and advanced toward the Ogre. He hadn't noticed me yet, as he was completely focused on his eye and on Ellen, who was making him suffer even more.

With that, I easily got behind him and, with the sword in hand, I cut both of his tendons, causing the Ogre to fall to the ground unable to stand. Then, I leaped over him. At that moment, Ellen had already ceased her attacks, allowing me to climb on top of the Ogre.

I ran through the monster's body, delivering blows with my sword as I ran. Ellen also contributed, launching lightning scythes towards the monster. I reached his head and, thanks to my sword strengthened by the skill [Infusion], I stabbed it into his neck. The Ogre began to thrash violently as he felt his throat pierced.

I stayed in place as he thrashed from side to side. Ellen also attacked with all her might. After a few seconds of intense fighting, the Ogre's movements finally ceased, indicating our victory.

You defeated [Ogre - Lv - 23] Experience was gained.

You leveled up [14] -> [15] and gained 5 points of statistics and 1 skill point.

You leveled up [15] -> [16] and gained 5 points of statistics and 1 skill point.

You completed a side quest, and the rewards were distributed.