
Dear devil dont

Xiao Ming gets crossed into another world after the despair he had after the break up with his girlfriend.What would happen if he was the only man in the eyes of someone he couldn't want to get close with...... 'No need xiaoxia we are breaking up!' ".....you are mine,you don't even belong to yourself ." an aufaint voice sounded husky and deep yet seductively pleasant to hear. A pale delicate yet precisely toned body shivered at sudden touch of cold wet lips on his ear lob. 'don't' the man pressed on the silk red sheets whined inwardly. But unfortunate to him nothing could hold back this demon king from .......

ukisa_Gemini_s · 奇幻
18 Chs

l like you....

"Ahhh haahaha ,your Majesty must be tired no need to take care of me " Xiao said as he tried to hold the bowl out of Guai's hand but the latter didn't badge at his attempts.

"Is you care so much ,take the medicine quick i will leave as soon as you are done."Guai reassured Xiao as he gestured for him to open his mouth.

'He will leave as soon..as am done with the medicine..finally I will be alone,Let's get done with this medicine.'Xiao happily thought to himself completely forgetting the mission.

" No need to feed me with a spoon let's make it quick .Put the bowl directly on my lips...ahhh"Xiao said but the latter used still the spoon.

"Xiao I want to tell you something...Last night.." Guai said as he removed the spoon out of Xiao's mouth .

"ppppffffttt!" Xiao spat the medicine soup right to Guai's face as soon as the two words 'last night'escaped lips not be cause the medicine was bitter or something....Why did he even have to bring up those things of yesterday's night...Xiao's face all went red in embarrassment as memories of sounds and things he said fashed back to his brain.

"Your Majesty am so sorry, I doesnt mean to ...l was just... Let's not talk about events of last night now ....I feel .."

"I understand I will clean up first." Yao Guai with a wet face of spat soup said before walking to the tub to clean his face and elsewhere.

'....he must hate me for sure....'Guai thought as he looked at his reflexion in the water.After he was done he walked to Xiao who was apparently pretending to be asleep.

'please go ,go back to your room am so embarrassed.'Xiao prayed inwardly.

'he must not want to see me right now.'Guai thought.

Of course he saw through Xiao's pretence to be asleep.

[ Host has to share the bed with the demon king...Warning host will loose conscious for two days and points will be deducted..failure to complete the mission .]

'Fuck! had forgotten about the mission.But what if he wants to ...do it with me...you know am too tempting..'

[ Host ,I guaranteethe demon king won't for he know your body is weak.]

'Hmmm makes sense ...but am also hungry.'

[...That's not my problem host..]

'.???? '

'like I did say it is...'


"Your majesty !" Xiao called out and luckily Guai stopped on his steps.

"Am hungry and I would like to share my bed with me as a reward of taking care of me.."

"Do you always reward everyone like this?" Yao Guai asked as he looked at Xiao over his broad shoulder.

"Of course and of course not it depends on the person."

"oh ! I see ,elaborate.."

"There is nothing to elaborate your Majesty. I know if it was.."Xiao was still explaing but was cut short by Guai's cold voice.

" I will order them to bring you food."with that he continued to walk out.

'oh no he can't go just yet..'

[ Flirting skills activated.]

"l like you!"