
Deadly - Desire

Meet Rachel Cole, the last carrier able to bear children for vampires. In an unfortunate event. Rachel finds herself having to make a deal with the Devil Dante Voss Prince of the vampires. Enemies of the werewolves who want all carriers dead. Will she be able to get through this deal without falling in love or losing her life.

Annelize_Venter619 · 奇幻言情
14 Chs

Chapter Fourteen- Prisoner

*Warning following content is not for sensitive readers: graphic scenes of torture and rape.*


I walk back to the house with her over my shoulder, carrying her back inside. She is kicking and screaming all the way I ignore her. Humans are so predictable, I knew she was going to try something. My mansion is a two-story on the outside but I also have two ground levels going down. One level is filled with bedrooms, a lounge, a kitchen, and integration rooms. The second Level is my dungeon, I keep the captured werewolves tied up in the dungeon, where we have many different ways of torturing. Instead of the fancy bedroom, I left her for the first time.

I take her to one of the bedrooms on the ground floor, it is a windowless room with a connected bathroom. It has a bed and a chair and items for your basic needs, the door is steel there is no escape from the inside. The only way in and out is through the door that is locked with a keypad. Each room code is different, I open one and step inside, walk towards the bed, and throw her on it. Locking her inside I will come back for her in the morning.


I am pissed, on our way back to the house I could see some of the guards snickering. They let me think I was escaping on purpose and they knew their prince would catch me, a bunch of assholes. I am still hanging upside down from his shoulder when he stops and enters a code, we go through a door, and the next moment he throws me. I land on a bed hard almost bouncing off, he turns around and leaves. "Hey, where are you going?"

I scream at him, but he ignores me and closes the door. I get up and go to the door there is no handle, I bang on it out of frustration and hurt my hand in the process. The door is made out of steel, I walk towards the curtains and with force pull them apart only to find there is no window. Agh! I cry out in frustration, I see a bathroom that has a shower and a toilet and no window. I push my hands into my hair taking deep breaths, I just want to go home to my family. And make sure they are okay and that those werewolves didn't harm them.

Feeling depressed and frustrated I go to the corner of the room and slide down the wall. Pulling my knees to my chest resting my head on my arms. How did my night turn out like this? I was kidnapped then rescued and then kidnapped again. I am struggling to deal with all this I wish Ash was here. He confiscated my purse when he caught me. I have no way of contacting the outside world.

Unknown POV- *Warning- not for sensitive readers*

The Werewolf King Nash is pissed because I failed my mission. His guards dragged me down to the dungeon and put me in a cell. They tie me up and give me a beating till I am a bloody mess. Dragging my limp body to the torture chamber they cuff me to the wall and immobilize me. Nash walks into the chamber with two guards dragging Amelia in after the king. "Leave her alone take your punishments out on me" I tell the king. He looks me straight in my eyes and smiles evilly, he pulls her closer to him by her hair hard.

She yelps in pain, he rips her clothes off, with one hand on her throat his nails digging into her flesh blood trickling down her throat. With his other hand, he digs his claws into her neck and slashes her open from the neck to the stomach. Blood pours out of her wounds four big claw marks are visible on her body, she screams in pain.

I pull against the cuffs and the guard punches me in my stomach so hard I spit out blood. Nash throws her on the ground and the other guard comes over and cuffs her to the chains linked to the floor and puts a collar around her neck. Every time I fail to capture and bring in a carrier Nash punishes me by hurting Amelia. She is my weakness, I am helpless every time they torture us.

Nash goes to the table in the corner with multiple torture devices and picks up a three-way split whip it is not long but it has spikes all over. He walks back over to Amelia and hits her across the back the whip pulling pieces of her flesh with it. Amelia lets out a howl of pain, Nash circles her and then whips her again this time in the front catching her boobs in his swing flesh pieces flying everywhere. He whips her a few more times. He steps on her leg hard breaking it. When he is done she is curled up on the floor in a pool of her blood.

Nash bursts out laughing, he signals for his men to pick her up they unlock her cuff and chains. He grabs her by the neck she is limp in his arms. He drags her to the table with the torture devices and bends her over it. He zips down his pants the sound of his zipper load in the room, and drops them to the floor. Rage fills me, "No stop! You son of bitch, Leave her the fuck alone you have done enough! You made your point."

I trash against the cuffs holding me in place, and with all my strength I break free of one. Before I could get the other one the guards were upon me one broke my arm while the other threw punches at me. Nash lifts her ass in the air and shoves into her making her cry out holding her head back by her hair, fucking her doggy style over the table. He fucks her so hard blood is pouring out of her. They force me to watch Nash rape my girl.

I am a hybrid, half wolf half vampire My father was a vampire with blond hair and blue eyes and my mother was a wolf with brown hair and blue eyes. When they met they knew they were mates. They had me and my younger sister Casey, neither wolves nor vampires approved of their mating bond as mating with the other species is forbidden.

Against all odds they stayed together we were living up in the mountains alone both me and Casey were half breeds, when one day a pack of werewolves came and killed my family. I barely survived and managed to escape, I was only sixteen years old. In terms of strength, I am weaker than full breeds, but my sense of smell is stronger I have claws and fangs but I don't transform into a vampire and neither do I have a wolf.

Because my scent is of neither species Nash forces me to spy on the vampires. I got a job at the Vampire Princes Club Dante Voss.

I met Amelia one day in the woods, she stood in a clearing her long red hair flowing in the wind, her eyes as green as grass. She was a rogue and when our gazes locked the mate bond fell into place.

She is a werewolf she decided to not reject me, We lived peacefully on our own for many years in a small cabin in the woods not bothering anyone. Before the werewolves tracked us down and captured us. They took us prisoner and for the past five hundred years they have held us captive.

My fate was sealed when the wolves discovered my strong sense of smell they started using me to track down the carriers so that they could get to them before the vampires. If a carrier escapes me or the vampires get to her before me Nash punishes us. If I disobey or we try to escape they punish us.

It was pure coincidence that I joined Rachels fathers gym, I first met her brother Ryan and we became friends. When I met Rachel for the first time she reminded me of my little sister Casey. When she turned sixteen was the first time I smelled her scent and knew she was a carrier. For many years I have been hiding her from both sides but each year her scent gets stronger.

Amelia once told me to take Rachel and run, but I could never leave my mate in the hands of Nash. I can no longer hide Rachel since a different wolf pack found her and told the king. Now that he knows about her I am forced to bring her in against my will. I could always tip the vampire prince off if Nash does catch her at least then she will be rescued.

I need a plan to get my mate the hell out of here I don't think she can survive for a lot longer. When Nash is finished raping my mate He looks at me with a smirk, "I don't know how you haven't learned your lesson in not crossing me you half-blood piece of shit. There is one more carrier I don't know how you missed her right under your nose, but I want her brought in, or the next time I will kill your mate if you fail again."

They take us to a cell and throw us in. I pull her against my chest, her sobs racking through her body. Tears pour down my face, "I am so sorry my love, I promise I will find a way to get you out of here." I feel so useless I can't even protect my mate.