
DC: The Rise Of The Kryptonians

A man from earth reborn as a Kryptonian watch his rise to power as the emporer of a universe spanning Empire he would be helped along the way by a overpowered AI with multiple personalities born from the big bang and a millennia old married couple whose sex lives are as hot as the day they married and last but certainly not the least the black goo symbiote we all know and love give it up for venom I do not own anything and all characters belong to their authors. Just doing this for fun

greatcheesemaster · 奇幻
18 Chs

Establishment Of The 'Galactic Observation Department'

The meeting went on for some time we had a barebones plan for kryptonian hybrids who were capable of using magic our plan led to the establishment of 'G.O.D' which stands for, Galactic Observation Department this vital organisation which would be under Ion members which include Vis who would be leader of G.O.D and the four subdivision would be run by Malice, Envy, Cynic, Fanatic, Mania, Paranoia, Despair and Hysteria these eight would form the group called the 'De octo malis minoribus'.

The first subdivision and the most funded would be the Galactic Loyalists Corps(GLC) it would be known as Naohnity run by Fanatic and Cynic who are called as her holiness Cinyc and his holiness Citanaf.The GLC would be incharge of propaganda and counterespionage it would act as counterrevolutionist to possible future revolutionist and would defend against foreign ideological and physocologyical attacks in essence they would work as an internal CIA for the Kryptonian Empire it's real existence and not that of the prime religion of the Kryptonian Empire would only be known to a very short list of people which would include the enterity of house Ion, the grand warlocks Merlin Le Fey Emrys and Morgana Le Fey Emrys, Noah, Grand Generals of the Imperial Army and some select governors of some strategic planets of the Kryptonian Empire.

The second subdivision would be the Galactic Diplomacy Corp(GDC) run by Malice and Envy of course the name they would be know as Ecilam and Yvne.It's name may sound unthreatening but as they say appearances can be deceiving and if an entity is deceivied it had accomplished its goal. Because under the benevolent facade of a supposed diplomatic and honest society the GDC is the beating heart of treachery and schemes it had stopped a million racial and political wars since it's inception and it brings praise to the Kryptonian Empire for being the greatest advocates of peace through out the universe but the thing the other powers don't know is that it also started a thousand wars from this description it can be understood that GDC consists of espionage and spy units used by Noah to topple governments.The GDC is a subdivision of 'G.O.D' hiding in plain sight using the cover of a successful peacekeeping unit the goal of the GDC's sowing of discord is to get some planets rich in precious materials or to get planets that are optimal for kryptonian growth.

The third subdivision would be the Public Meta Police Department(PMPD) this would be the most public subdivision of the Galactic Observation Department run by Despair and Hysteria and due to them being public figures they go by superintendent Riapsed and superintendent Airetsyh this division is pretty tame compared with the rest of the divisions whose acts would even make the dark eldar blush. The goal of the PMPD is to investigate possible crimes that are committed by krypton freeborn and they also incharge of harshly enforcing a strict caste system of Xeno races under the Kryptonian Empire.

The final subdivision would be the Kryptonian Mind Inquisition(KMI) this is run by Mania and Paranoia they don't have public names because the existence of the KMI is known only by Noah and Vis the KMI only consists of Mania and Paranoia because due to the essential need for secrecy because of its dark goal of listening to the entire kryptonian hybrids and eliminating rebellious individuals first it was only ment for magicals but was later expanded to all hybrids due to them being at higher chance of orchestrating a rebellion due to some of the possible physical differences between hybrids and the pureborns another duty of the KMI is to put genetic locks on the DNA of the Kryptonians so that only a certain amount of growth is allowed thereby establishing a hierarchy of citizen, soldier, knight, mage and King so the KMI in essence builds all the plans for the genesis chambers

And so that was the day that the complex and mysterious organisation know as the Galactic Observation Department got established