A man found himself in a parallel earth without a family to protect him was adopted by a criminal. He was force into a life of crime to survive in the world's most dangerous universe. ... You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon patreon.com/Abyssuit Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... Crdt: Tangrin (Gabriel Henrique)
The first beep caught Dio off guard, and the second one made him angry, so he threw his pen at the alarm clock, piercing it and destroying it.
Since Dio didn't need to sleep, he spent the entire night studying various spells from different magical systems.
The alarm clock is convenient to remind him that it's morning; otherwise, he would stay in his room for days without knowing the time.
The problem was that he often forgot to turn off his super hearing while he was deeply studying.
It was loud every time it beeped, so he quickly destroyed it.
Dio could use his phone, but he was not that stupid.
Dio stood up from his chair in front of his desk, which was covered in open books and scrolls, all of which he borrowed from Zatanna's library.
They are all about levitation and floating magic.
He leans on the table to look over all of his work. Dio had some time since it was six in the morning, and breakfast was normally served at half past six.
Dio had been studying levitation magic all week since he arrived at the Titans Tower and tried to create his own flight spell.
Unfortunately, it's going to take a little longer to succeed. The Levitation spells allowed magicians to float and move in the air, but not at speed.
It's possible to increase speed, but the mana consumption would be too high.
That's why he needed to create a new spell, but it's difficult to create a spell focusing on speed because there are no spells like that.
The reason was quite simple, and it was that magicians didn't see the need for fast flight.
They don't need to be able to fly quickly because most people who practice magical arts fight from a distance.
A teleportation spell is also more convenient and easy to use if he need to get from one place to another.
But he was not like other magicians; Dio's fighting style is short to medium-range.
The ability to fly at the same speed he moves will make him much stronger.
As for teleportation, the theoretical knowledge isn't too difficult for him since he can move through the shadows, which is natural teleportation.
The only problem is his limitations in using spells. If he used something too powerful, he'd end up destroying himself.
But that will change over time; Dio's resistance will increase, and as a demigod, they don't age after a certain age.
He was confident that he could harness the full power of the underworld's aspects in the future.
In a few minutes, he finished reading all the information and also his unfinished spell.
Dio still thinks he is far from achieving it, but it will take less time than he initially thought.
Dio finally finished and looked around his room, which is quite simple, with just a double bed, a desk, a bookshelf, and a wardrobe.
A normal room.
Dio didn't have many things to decorate his room when he lived with Julia, and he hasn't changed much here either.
There are some protection and anti-surveillance spells on the wall and posters of bands.
Dio was not an idiot; this place was basically built with Batman's money, so there were many surveillance devices to gather information about them.
So Dio invested a bit in these spells to have some peace and privacy in his own room.
Dio grabbed his cell phone and saw a message from Vanessa, which he replied to before heading out the door.
The Titans Tower was well divided. There was a common area below on the floor with the bedrooms, connected by stairs.
Below that, there were the men's locker rooms and showers, while the women's rooms had their own bathrooms.
Further down, there was the gym, laundry room, infirmary, workshop, garage, and reception area.
The floor above the common area and bedrooms was where the operations room was located, with computers and various other equipment.
It's Robin's personal little cave since only he knew how to operate those devices, except for Koriand'r, who was more advanced than us because she came from a more developed planet.
Still, she didn't like entering the place much because she was more of a warrior type.
There were also two underground levels and a small, high-tech prison with two cells. There was an ocean below for an escape route in case of an emergency.
They had a lot of freedom in this place, and they divided tasks like cooking and cleaning certain areas equally.
They each completed various tasks, such as cleaning their rooms and doing the laundry.
When he closed the door to his room, a small magical energy wave pulsed through it. This proves that his protection spells are active.
Dio will be notified, and anyone who tries to break in will receive a small curse.
Dio walked down the hallway and went to the stairs.
The whole place was calm.
Wally and Robin usually wake up after noon, Wally because he's lazy, and Robin because he spends the entire night working as a hero.
There's no problem, as they all go to school in the afternoon, except for Koriand'r.
She won't escape this suffering for long; she just needs to get used to their habit a bit more before she's obliged to go.
Of course, she's quite excited about it without knowing the kind of suffering that awaits her.
"Good morning, Diomedes,"
Koriand'r greeted Dio.
She's in the small kitchen downstairs, making breakfast.
The food on Earth is very different from Tamaran's, so today is her first time trying it.
"Good morning, Koriand'r,"
Dio replied as he sat at the table in the center of the kitchen.
Koriand'r is making something on the stove with her back to him. As usual, he glanced at something from her every morning.
Koriand'r is very open about her body and not at all shy. She doesn't wear vulgar clothing, but her outfits are tight and sexy.
She smiled at him while holding a frying pan and a spoon in each hand, as if she knew what was on his mind. She then moves her attention back to the stove.
'You can try to seduce me as much as you want, succubus, but I won't be easily seduced.'
"Good morning, my friends."
Kaldur'ahm said this and pulled Dio out of his humorous thoughts.
Kaldur'ahm wore regular clothes with simple navy blue pants and a shirt.
"Roy, not joining us again today?"
Kaldur'ahm asked when he sat beside Dio.
"Of course not,"
Dio responded, his good humor fading a bit.
Roy and Dio are avoiding each other as much as possible.
Roy opens his big mouth and says stupid things every time they meet.
Dio was staying away from places where he was, so Dio avoided attacking him when he was angry, and it looked like he was trying to do the same with them.
"Here, the food is ready."
Koriand'r said that and placed the frying pan right in front of them.
"What did you make, Koriand'r?"
Dio asked and looked at the food.
"Fried eggs with bacon and pancakes,"
Koriand'r cheerfully said while placing other plates on the table.
"Why are you so happy while cooking?"
Dio asked with confusion and looked at her smile.
"I've never had to do this before. It's fun to cook your own meal."
Koriand'r replied.
'Sometimes, I forget that this woman is the princess of an entire planet.'
As they started eating themselves, Kaldur'ahm looked at her and asked, "How's the search for your superhero codename and Earth name going?"
"I haven't decided on my codename yet, but Batman has already created my Earth name. It's Kory Anders."
Koriand'r said happily.
"It's a good name,"
Kaldur'ahm said this and turned his attention back to his plate.
"Why not use the meaning of your Tamaranian name as your codename?"
Dio suddenly said
Koriand'r said and looked at Dio.
"What would your name be in our language?"
Kaldur'ahm asked.
"It would be Starfire."
Koriand'r replied.
"I like it."
Dio said.
"Me too."
Kaldur'ahm agreed.
"Using my name but also not using it, I like that too."
Koriand'r says happily.
They kept talking and laughing while they ate breakfast. Kaldur'ahm was the one who had to wash the plates when everyone else was done.
At the same time, Koriand'r and the narrator did what they always did and went to the floor where the gym was.
The gym and training area were quite huge, and the best part was that there was specially prepared equipment for beings with superpowers.
This allowed Dio to measure his strength and speed better and train them.
The two of them changed into workout clothes.
Dio was wearing shorts without a shirt, and Koriand'r was wearing a sports bra, exposing her abdomen, and black leggings.
"Staffs again?"
Koriand'r asked in the center of the area, in the middle of the gym.
"Why not?"
Dio replied and went to a small rack where wooden staffs were kept. Dio took two of them and tossed one to her, which she caught in the air.
He approached her and gripped the staff while looking at his opponent.
Koriand'r's cheerful and happy personality can deceive many people, but she's definitely one of the best-trained warriors Dio had the joy of sparring with.
Since she wasn't from this planet, Dio didn't know much about her martial arts, even though they were close to Earth in some ways.
This made her the perfect person to train with. She was also glad to train with him all day after he got there.
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