A man found himself in a parallel earth without a family to protect him was adopted by a criminal. He was force into a life of crime to survive in the world's most dangerous universe. ... You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon patreon.com/Abyssuit Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... Crdt: Tangrin (Gabriel Henrique)
First, Dio was attacked by alien ships, then he got into a battle with the young heroes, and finally, he came to the enemy's mothership secretly and had his first kiss there.
Superman saved him just as he was about to give his life to destroy the ship, which would have killed thousands of people.
It was a great day the whole time these things happened.
After Superman saved them and lifted the huge ship, which must have weighed millions of tons, above a city he couldn't see from the front of the ship, he carried them out of the city slowly and dropped them down gently in a desert.
"So, who's going to open the door for him?"
Kid Flash asked and looked at Superman, who was floating in front of them with his arms crossed over his chest and a smile on his face.
The Superman in this reality closely resembles the one from current comic books, a strong man with a sharp jaw, smooth dark hair, and blue eyes.
The suit had an old-fashioned texture, with a full blue suit, red trunks with a yellow belt, a large red "S" on a yellow logo on his chest, and a long, flowing red cape.
Dio's heart was racing with excitement more than when he met Diana or Batman.
The same way would be felt by anyone who knows what this character means in the comics.
In addition, Dio felt even more excitement when he realized that all the amazing things he does every day in the comics were real in this world, not just in the comics.
"Who is this man?"
Koriand'r asked curiously.
Aqualad was standing next to her and provided her with a simple but truthful response.
"He is the greatest hero on Earth."
Koriand'r took another careful look at Superman and did not appear very surprised by this title.
Aqualad can't blame her; she does not know Earth.
"He seems strong,"
Koriand'r shows in her final inspection.
Before they could say anything about what she said, Superman waved them off the ship, as he was tired of waiting for them to come to their senses.
"Let's go,"
Dio said to everyone.
They turned and walked through what remained of the command bridge.
Dio glanced at the Psions soldiers scattered on the floor; they couldn't escape as they attacked them, and their comrades chose not to save them with them on the ground.
Now, they are prisoners, and he can't help feeling some pity for them.
Dio wouldn't want anyone, friend or enemy, to be an alien prisoner on Earth.
They didn't have to walk far to find something similar to the side exits of an aircraft in the mothership.
However, since the ship had no power, Dio had to cut their way out, and then they jumped out while Koriand'r floated slowly to the ground.
When they set foot on the ground, Superman was already in front of them, his hand extended to Dio.
"You must be Diana's apprentice. She spoke highly of you."
Superman said with a smile at him.
Dio moved quickly and shook his hand, which was as firm as steel.
"It's an honor, Superman."
Dio replied from the heart.
Superman smiled at him and let go of his hand, and then he looked at Kid Flash and Aqualad.
"It's good to see that you two are okay, Aqualad and Kid Flash."
Superman said.
"Thank you, sir,"
Aqualad replied respectfully, but Kid Flash couldn't resist a playful comment.
"Hey, Supes, how's the strength holding up?"
Superman's faint smile in response to Kid's playful remark was a small victory for him.
"I'm doing great, Kid."
Superman replied.
Then Superman looked at Koriand'r and asked, "And who might you be?"
"My name is Koriand'r, and I am the Princess of Tamaran."
The man in front of Koriand'r didn't seem to bother her, and she appeared more interested in her surroundings.
With this introduction, Superman looked at them and wanted an explanation.
"It's a long story, one we don't have all the details of either."
Dio replied to him, and he nodded in understanding.
"Let's wait for the others so we can fill in the details."
Superman said.
Aqualad asked with curiosity.
Superman chuckled, turned, and pointed to the sky, saying, "The rest of the League."
Dio's new friends don't have the same vision as him, so they couldn't see a green light ball flying towards them with a woman in red armor beside it.
Shortly after, they arrived. Diana landed next to Superman and dashed towards me while giving him a hug.
"Thank Hera that you're not only well but also victorious."
Diana said it with pride and concern in her voice.
"Lucky bastard,"
Kid Flash mutters quietly, so low that only those with super hearing can hear.
Diana's hug ended when an African-American man controlling the green light bubble arrived and set it on the ground.
It was clear that this Green Lantern was John Stewart as his whole suit was black, with only the top part being green.
The Green Lantern symbol was in the middle of his chest on a white background, and his boots were green.
This is one of the coolest superhero costumes.
Then, on the ground, the bubble that his ring and a line are holding together pops open to reveal Robin, Speedy, Batman, and two other people.
One of them was wearing an outfit similar to Speedy's but in emerald green, and it was clearly the Green Arrow.
Dio found his old-school mustache quite funny.
The other was a man with straight blond hair, holding a golden trident and wearing a shirt with golden scales and green pants with an "A" on his belt.
It looks like a big part of the League of Justice is here.
Batman took the lead.
It's been three years since they met on that rooftop, but the way he looks at them still scares Dio. It's like he can see all of their secrets.
"Robin and Speedy have given a report on what happened in the city; it's your turn now."
Batman said it in a calm voice.
"I would like Kaldur'ahm to speak first."
Aquaman said it right after.
Aqualad stepped forward like a soldier rather than a hero and placed his fist over his heart, a gesture that Dio thought was a sign of Atlantean respect.
"As you wish, my King,"
Aqualad said.
Then Aqualad begins to recount everything that has happened since they arrived on the ship.
The part where they talk about how their enemies looked interests the Green Lantern and the others because it's clear that they have never seen anything quite like the lizard-like creatures before.
A few minutes later, the story is finished, and Batman just looked at them for a few seconds.
"Despite invading an enemy ship without an escape plan for yourselves and the captives, you did an acceptable job."
Batman said to them.
That was definitely a big compliment since Robin's face looked almost teary as he looked at his father and mentor.
"We still need to hear the story from our new and beautiful guest."
The Green Arrow said and looked at Koriand'r with almost starry eyes.
"This is Koriand'r, Princess of a planet called Tamaran."
Superman introduced her to the League.
"Were you also kidnapped by these lizard people, Princess Koriand'r?"
Diana asked formally.
"They're not lizards; they're Psions, a race that lives in the Vega system."
Koriand'r replied.
The rest of the League members and their sidekicks looked at Green Lantern, who was floating in the air, and waited for answers.
Robin was looking at Koriand'r without blinking.
The Green Lantern's bodies know a lot about the universe, so the Lantern should also know something.
"I have no information about the Vega system, and there is no assigned Green Lantern for it."
The Green Lantern replied.
"Our star system has never had a Lantern assigned to it."
Koriand'r confirmed.
"What did these Psions want with you, and why did they kidnap people without any explanation?"
Batman asked and looked concerned about an entire system being unprotected.
"Psions are mad geneticists; they're well known for kidnapping any alien race they come across for their experiments. I was one of their victims, just like my sister."
Koriand'r replied and looked a bit sad.
"How can you speak our language so well?"
The Green Arrow asked curiously.
This made Kid and Aqualad look at Dio and made the atmosphere quite strange.
Diana noticed this and looked at Dio, waiting for him to speak.
"My species has the ability to learn any language through physical contact."
Koriand'r replied before him.
"Lucky bastard!"
Kid Flash cursed Dio again, this time quietly.
The others, except for Robin and Batman, smiled at him, understanding what had happened.
"Now I'm curious, how did these lizards manage to kidnap a princess? You don't seem like an easy opponent."
Diana asked.
"I don't want to talk about it!"
Koriand'r said, looking agitated for the first time.
This made the atmosphere a bit tense, but Diana nodded and changed the subject to the issue of the hostages and the unconscious Psions aboard.
"Can I take the Psions with me to Oa? I'll also use the opportunity to gather some information about this Vega system from the Guardians."
The Green Lantern said to settle the matter.
Before the conversation continued, Dio saw some movement on the horizon, a large dust cloud approaching.
"The Texas reporters are certainly fast."
Superman said it with a smile as he looked at the horizon.
"We'll stay here to take care of the prisoners and hostages in the meantime."
Batman said that and looked at the sidekicks.
"Some of you should return to your private lives since you disappeared suddenly, and we don't want you to be declared missing."
Batman continued.
"The kids should stay; this victory is theirs."
Diana argued.
"We also haven't decided what to do with Princess Koriand'r."
Aquaman added.
Batman grunted.
Batman clearly didn't want to make them more public than the footage from the battle in the city.
It's not like the young heroes' partners were a secret, but most forces didn't consider them because they were all children.
However, now these children had taken a spaceship on their own, and that drew attention.
If you want to support me, you can find up to 25 advance chapters at my patreon