
Chapter 39

Their approach hasn't been quiet from the start, so this was expected.

The mothership is quite large, and its corridors are identical copies of each other. They pass through several locked doors.

The most important thing right now is to reach the command center and somehow take control of the ship without their computer specialist.

"Watch out!"

The distraction was a mistake.

As they made a turn, they came face to face with the lizard creatures.

They stood in a row with their rifles. The one in the middle is aiming a massive gun that looks like a .50 caliber machine gun at them.

Aqualad was the first to shout and act.

He drew water from his backpack and combined it with the water he already had on his swords, creating a water shield in front of them.

The middle weapon fires a shot similar to the darts, a blue energy sphere that hits the water shield and explodes it.

Aqualad wasn't hurt; he was thrown backward.

As Kid Flash ran along the walls, he defied gravity like Spider-Man and avoided the shots from the energy gun.

He was heading for the big gun in the middle, but he couldn't reach it before it fired again, this time at Dio.

The corridor was quite wide, but the energy sphere nearly filled it and left him no choice but to raise his shield and defend against the blast.


The increased gravity of the shot enveloped his entire body, ignoring his defense, and his feet sank into the ground up to his knees.

The good news is that Kid Flash reached for the big gun and dismantled it.

Then Kid Flash punched the shooter, but he had to retreat when the others with rifles started firing at him.

Aqualad also returned to the fight and transformed his weapon into a whip that struck some of the lizard creatures.

Meanwhile, Dio struggled to free himself from the ground.

When he managed to do so, he took advantage of the fact that the lizards were focused on Aqualad and Kid.

He used the path of shadows to appear behind them.

"Επικαλούμαι το κρύο της θλίψης του ποταμού Cocyte!"

(I Summon the cold of the river Cocytus!)

As he spoke his spell, he took a deep breath and exhaled a black mist that covered the entire corridor in front of him.

When the mist cleared, only the lizards remained frozen in their positions.

"Reptiles tend to hibernate in the cold. Good idea,"

Aqualad said this and walked over to him.

"You used the same trick as Superman; it was pretty cool."

They left the frozen lizards behind and continued running ahead.


Aqualad called their attention again.

After turning another corner, they found themselves facing an observation deck with a view of planet Earth.

"Now we know we're still in orbit."

Kid Flash said it happily.

"Not for much longer. We need to go faster."

Dio told them and reminded them of the time.

They resumed running through the corridors as fast as they could. But they knew that going ahead alone would be a mistake.

Along the way, they encountered more lizards, but the three of them managed to defeat each one.

They were rapidly improving their teamwork and increasing their efficiency.

Finally, they found a terminal in one of the corridors.

Since he couldn't read their language, Kid Flash pressed all the buttons to observe the actions.

He did this in less than a second and luckily found a map of the maze of corridors.

After finding a way, they ran quickly to the mothership's command room, which wasn't far away.


As they ran down a corridor, a side door a few meters ahead of them blew open, and several lizard things were thrown against the wall of the hallway, their armor smoking.

Whatever hit them had a lot of firepower.

They took a combat stance and waited for whoever or whatever appeared from the side door.

They were shocked when a very beautiful woman who they knew had to be an alien walked out.

With her eyes were light green, her hair was long and straight, and her skin was orange.

She was undoubtedly as stunning as Diana or Zatanna.

Dio's not surprised that Starfire is on this ship.

"****** **** **** ***"

Starfire spoke something in her language, and no one understood her.

As she sent two of their enemies flying and was dressed in a gray jumpsuit covering her entire body, Dio's companions figured that she wasn't an enemy.

Their attention was entirely on her, so they didn't notice three lizards appearing behind her.

Dio moved through the shadows when they pointed their weapons and appeared in front of the three, protecting Starfire's back from their shots with his shield.

When they were about to fire again, Dio teleported again, appearing in front of one of them, cutting its weapon with his sword and hitting its helmet with his shield.

A green energy beam passed by Dio and struck the other two as he was about to turn to deal with them, sending them flying.

Dio looked back and saw Starfire's hand glowing green.

Dio walked calmly toward her, with Aqualad and Kid Flash following. They gathered around her, and she continued to look at Dio.

"****** **** *****"

Starfire said it again in her language.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand."

Dio told her in his language to let her know that they couldn't speak the same language.

It seemed to work because she extended her hand and held onto his armor, then pulled him closer and kissed him.

It wasn't a romantic kiss; their lips barely touched; there was no love; yet it was his first kiss in this life, and he was quite thrilled.

The kiss lasted only a few seconds, and then she released Dio and moved away a bit.

"Can you understand me now?"

Starfire asked in perfect English.

Dio just nodded.

"Are you also fleeing from the Psions?"

Starfire asked.

Dio nodded again and assumed that the Psions were the name of the race they were fighting.

"In fact, we're trying to take control of their ship to rescue our people who were kidnapped."

Aqualad said.

"Seriously, no one's going to talk about the kiss?"

Kid Flash asked.

Starfire looked at Kid Flash and replied, "My people have the ability to learn alien languages through physical contact."

She said it casually.

"Not to offend, but could you tell us who you are and why you're on this ship?"

Aqualad asked.

"My name is Koriand'r. I've been held here as a prisoner and a Psion test subject for some time. I can explain the reasons later because we don't have much time."

"Why don't we have much time?"

Dio asked, as he had enough time to recover.

"I overheard the Psions talking about an evacuation protocol. In a few seconds, they'll abandon this ship, but not before triggering the self-destruct."

That clearly killed the mood. They were foolish not to consider self-destruction.

"Let's go!"

Aqualad said this while already running toward the bridge.

Their new ally chose to fly instead of running.

It was a beautiful sight with her long, fiery red hair, which reached down to her feet and began to glow as if it were on fire, and its tips truly were.

After running for a few minutes and fighting anyone in their path with the help of their new friend, they arrived at a large round door.

Aqualad wasted no time and transformed his weapon into a large sword, which he thrust into the door and tried to cut a path for them.

Dio went to the other side of the door and helped by doing the same with his sword.

When both sides were cut, Koriand'r shot at the center and created an entrance.

Kid Flash was the first to go, and they followed.

The command room of the mothership was much larger than the corridors they had passed through.

It was a single-story circular room, with the first floor connected by a long spiral path, and the entire place was filled with Psions.

Kid Flash, who was the first to enter, was landing punches on everyone in front of him and knocking them down.

Unfortunately, the surprise attack didn't last long. On the first floor, several lizards holding weapons started shooting from above.

Dio managed to shield himself with his shield, but Kid Flash and Aqualad had to dodge and move from side to side.

Dio was about to teleport up, but Koriand'r was faster. She flew up to the first-floor level and began firing her green beams with both hands at the enemies.




In addition to hitting the people who were fighting them, her attack also went through some equipment on that level and caused explosions.

She didn't retreat; instead, she flew onto the first floor and attacked even harder.

While she caused chaos above, they did the same below.

"Επικαλούμαι το κρύο της θλίψης του ποταμού Cocytus"

"I summon the cold of the River Cocytus!"

Dio's sword's blade was enveloped in a thin black mist, and he charged into the attack against three Psions in front of him.

They fired at him. He easily dodged their shots, cut one of them on the shoulder, and took the other shot again, ignoring how close Dio was to its companion.

Dio defended himself with his shield, attacked, and hit its leg. The third one seemed a little scared and shot a few times at Dio while trembling.

Dio was kind to him and struck him with the hilt of his sword, which was a better outcome than his friends suffering cuts from his magic.

The cuts were simple, but his spell immediately froze the wounds and spread cold throughout their bodies, which left them frozen on the ground.

Aqualad and Kid Flash were working in perfect sync.

Aqualad used his two weapons, now in the form of short hammers, to hit anything close to him, and Kid Flash appeared in front of Aqualad just as he was about to be hit by an enemy shot and protected him with a chestplate from the Psions' armor.


When they reached the end of the room, another explosion, more than the last ones, happened above them, and Koriand'r landed beside them.

"The battle is over up there,"

Koriand'r said to them.

The battle down here was also over, and now they were facing the ship's controls in a big area with a beautiful view of Earth.

However, there were still Psions operating the ship's controls.

"Stop them!"

Koriand'r shouted to them.

Dio teleported close to them and plunged his sword into the ground.

It was still enchanted by his spell, which erupted and covered all the Psions in front of me with a black mist.

The spell wasn't powerful enough to freeze them completely, but it rapidly lowered their temperature, which made them very sluggish.

One of them, who was in the middle of the control, turned to Dio, and since it was without his helmet, Dio could see its jaw opening, and a strange sound came out of it.

"************** ****** *****."

"He said that even if we manage to stop the self-destruct, we won't get out of here alive."

Koriand'r translated for them.

"What does he mean?"

Kid Flash asked.


The answer came immediately; the mothership that was in its stable position began to move and was rapidly increasing its speed.

They were flying toward Earth, and it seemed to be a suicide attack.

"We have to regain control!"

Dio shouted to them.

They all sped to a terminal and looked for buttons similar to those of an airplane to regain control.

Of course, Kid Flash was moving much faster than anyone else.

"I've tried them all!"

Kid Flash shouted in panic.

In the few seconds they attempted to control the ship, it had already entered Earth's atmosphere and transformed into a massive fireball.

To make matters worse, they could see a large continent ahead of them.

"We have to destroy the ship,"

Dio told them.

"Is that possible?"

Aqualad asked.

"Yes, but everyone should know the cost. If I use an attack with all my energy, it would be possible to destroy the ship, but I'll likely die from exhaustion. Still, it's more important to prevent this ship from crashing."

"Do it,"

Aqualad spoke calmly and looked at Dio.

"To hell with it, do it."

Kid Flash agreed.

Then Dio looked at Koriand'r.

"Do it, warrior, but know that I won't give up on surviving. When the ship is destroyed, I'll do my best to get you out of here by flying."

'I doubted she could carry all three of us while everything collapsed around us, but of course, I wouldn't say that to her.'

There was no time for hesitation or cowardly thoughts; they had only a few seconds.

So, as he was about to do what was necessary, he saw a blue blur flying at high speed toward the ship.

As it got closer, he could see the blue suit and a beautiful red cape. This being held the ship with his bare hands.



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