
Chapter 35

Dio walked through the door and saw the streets again, this time full of chaos from the attack.

There are still a lot of people running like crazy to get away from the place that must be the main focus of the attack.

There aren't any coming toward him because he's outside an alley at the back of the store. This keeps him from seeing him.

Just knowing the direction they're coming from isn't enough to figure out where the battle is happening, so he opened his palm and spoke.

"Έλα, και γίνε τα μάτια μου!"

(Come and become my eyes!)

In his open hand, a human skull forms from the darkness, but its eyes are aflame with red fire.

The skull slowly starts to float, and it stops when it's twenty meters high.

When he closed his eyes, he observed the situation from the skull's point of view.

There aren't many buildings twenty meters high in this city of stone, but it helps him find his way around.

There is a lot of smoke and the sounds of fighting about two kilometers away from where he was.

The smoke from the nearby fires made it impossible for him to see who was fighting.

Dio canceled his spell and ran as fast as he could towards the fight, which was challenging since he was running against the large number of people escaping it.


A second UFO appeared from a street curve and flew toward him.

He's not sure if it's the same one that attacked the bus and passed him earlier, but he needed to deal with it.

The spaceship started firing at the buildings and abducting people as it passed them. Dio ran toward it and jumped.

When it was in front of him in the air, he swung his sword to try to destroy it, but he underestimated its mobility.

The spaceship managed to dodge his attack by turning to the left. He teleported above it since he couldn't fly, and there was nothing that could help him.

The moment he placed his hands on it, he struck with his blade pointing downward and cut through the alien metal without difficulty, which also prevented him from being thrown off.

The sword still pierces it, but it keeps flying and is now doing a few maneuvers in the air to try to get rid of him.

But it keeps him firmly attached by infusing a bit of magical energy into the soles of his boots.

Dio released one of his hands that was holding the sword and began to deliver several punches to the inside of the dart, which seemed to be where the pilot was located.

After a few punches, the metal became dented. He gripped it tightly and pulled with force, opening to get inside.

Then Dio was surprised that there was no pilot inside, just a lot of machinery. The ship is definitely pilotless.

Dio smiled.

Dio had no reason to hold back since there was no pilot.

He grabbed the sword with both hands and pulled it to the left, cutting the metal and breaking it in half until the ship exploded in the air and he dropped himself away.

Dio can see that he's about to fall on the roof of a two-story building as he twists his body in the air.

While he was on the roof, he saw the spaceship pieces falling to the ground. Fortunately, there's no one on that street.

He jumped from the roof and continued his way as fast as he could, the spaceship maneuver having taken him a bit further from the battle.

So, he had to use a shadow teleport to make up for the distance.




After using teleportation twice in a row, he finally arrived at the battle scene, and it was perfect timing.

In the middle of the street, a man stands behind him with his back to him and two things in his hands that look like knife hilts raised above his head.

The tattoos that look like snakes on his black arms make them shine. There's a water bubble protecting him.

Two darts that were circling above him were shooting at him. The reason he can't leave that spot is that behind him, there are two crying children huddled together.




There were four more shots that hit his water shield, and each one sent a gravity shock through his water shield.

The force field of water sank into the ground and left them in the middle of the street, in the middle of a crater.

"Robin, Kid Flash, I won't last much longer!"

The man shouted and clearly reached his limit.

Dio sprinted toward a severely damaged taxi and ripped off one of its doors. He took the typical stance and held the door.

He spun his body and released it using his arm like a slingshot.

The door flew through the air and precisely hit one of the spaceships, which caused it to explode.

The second dart lost interest in its target, turned around in the air, and went in his direction.


It fired at Dio once, but his speed was much faster, and he easily dodged it while running toward it.

The spaceship tried to hit him with its teleportation ray as it moved over him, but he rolled to the side and avoided it.

Dio took the shield from his back and threw it like Captain America.

The shield hits the rear of the spaceship and damages it.

It didn't fly more than two meters before losing altitude and crashing to the ground with an explosion.

Before heading to the crater, he again used the conjuration to retrieve his shield, which reappeared on his back.

Unfortunately, it's not made of the same material as Captain America's, and it doesn't have the ability to return to him on its own.

Then Dio approached the crater. When he got close, he saw the man who was defending the children coming out with both of them in his arms.

They are hugging him and crying. He took a good look at the man now.

He's roughly the same height, with dark skin, light green eyes, and very short blonde hair.

"Thank you for the assistance, stranger."

He said that and smiled at him.


The noise comes from behind him, and his instincts had alerted him a moment earlier.

He had turned his body in time to see an arrow coming toward him, which he caught with his hand.

The one who fired it was pointing a bow at Dio and was wearing a red suit with a yellow hat, gloves, and a mask covering their eyes.

They were reaching for another arrow, and then he felt something striking his body.

The force of the blow sent him spinning in the air.


Dio landed on a nearby car in a bad mood.

'I know who attacked me, and even if it was a mistake, it doesn't mean I won't get revenge.'



The archer shoots at him twice, and this time, he doesn't bother catching the arrows; he simply dodges them.

With his senses at their limit, Dio can glimpse the speedster who hit him last coming toward him. Dio's speed may be much slower than his, but his reaction time is another matter.

It's easy to guess where he'll be, no matter how fast he is, once he knows where he's coming from.

"Επικαλούμαι το κρύο της θλίψης του ποταμού Κωκυτός!"

(I summon the cold of sadness from the river Cocytus!)

Dio said it out loud.

A black, tar-like mist appears and covers a small section of the asphalt, freezing it.

There is a black mist that looks like tar that covers a small area of asphalt and freezes it.

Dio had no trouble with the ice and slid on it. He punched the speedster in the face and sent him flying towards another car that he crashed into.


The man he saved earlier shouted at him.

"He's not the enemy; he saved me!"

He continued.

It seems that his word carries a lot of importance since the archer stopped shooting at him.

"I apologize for my friends; they misunderstood the situation."

The man said this as he walked over to him and held the children.

"I accept your apology,"

Dio told him.

"My name is Aqualad,"

Aqualad introduced himself.

"I don't have a hero name yet."

Dio said.

"A newcomer? Really?"

The archer sarcastically said this while coming toward them.

"The newbie nearly broke my jaw!"

Kid Flash yelled and stood up from the ground with his hands on his face.

Kid Flash is wearing a skin-tight suit; it's gold with a red bottom.

He had a mask that covered his entire face and left only his mouth exposed, and his suit had a symbol of a red lightning bolt on a white background right in the center of his chest.

"I only defended myself from the sudden attack."

Dio responded to him.

"Dude, you're dressed all in black with our friend in a sword on your back; everything about you describes a villain!"

Kid Flash explained.

"It was a misunderstanding, Kid Flash; he really saved me."

Aqualad said.

"It doesn't matter; we don't know him, and that means we can't trust him."

The archer said this with his hand crossed and glared at him.

"I agree,"

Kid Flash sounded in.

"I never asked to join your group; all I did was help, as I was trained to do."

Dio told them, which left the archer visibly displeased.

"Help is always welcome; if you didn't ask to join us, I will."

Aqualad said

"We can't trust him!"

The Speedy shouted to his friend, who remained calm.

"I know him, Speedy."

A new voice came from above them.



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