A man found himself in a parallel earth without a family to protect him was adopted by a criminal. He was force into a life of crime to survive in the world's most dangerous universe. ... You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon patreon.com/Abyssuit Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... Crdt: Tangrin (Gabriel Henrique)
Dio went to the first one he had thrown into the kitchen. He was crawling on the floor and trying to escape through the kitchen door.
Dio grabbed him by the neck and punched him, causing him to fall asleep. Then he wiped his fingers with his blood and drew a pentagram with Greek letters on his forehead.
He repeated the same process for all four of them.
When his art was complete, he closed his eyes and concentrated until he could conjure his next spell.
"Θεά της εκδίκησης, σας καλώ να εκπληρώσετε την επιθυμία του θύματος, έ ως ότου επιτευχθεί δικαιοσύνη!"
(Goddess of revenge, I call upon you to fulfill the victim's desire until justice is achieved!)
This time, it wasn't a spell but a curse.
As soon as he finished casting it, the circle on their heads began to glow red and then disappeared completely.
The sound of something sizzling in the fire came from his hand and palm, the same pentagram he drew on the idiots' heads.
This was the price for using the curse. It was nothing he couldn't endure, and the burn would disappear once the curse was fulfilled.
He looked around and saw that Sarah's ghost had appeared in the house. She was looking at the bodies of the four.
This curse would fuel Sarah's strength, and she would torment the four as if they were in their own horror movies.
This would continue until they took responsibility for their actions or went crazy. Sarah would get what she deserved either way.
Dio returned to the center of the room and picked up a cellphone from one of the idiots' pockets.
He dialed the ambulance and told them the address.
He didn't want any of these idiots to die from their injuries; he wanted them to live and suffer for a long time.
Then he went to Vanessa and held her in his arms. Before leaving, he looked at Sarah again and said, "Have fun."
Dio took Vanessa back home on foot since shadow teleportation consumed double the energy when taking someone with him.
He laid her on his bed and waited for her to wake up, which happened the next day.
"Diomedes, you..."
Dio interrupted her.
She woke up a few seconds ago and remembered what almost happened yesterday.
After that, she just sat there and looked at me with tear-filled eyes.
"Starting today, when you finish school, you'll come with me to A.R.G.U.S. for training."
Dio said to her.
"But I..."
Vanessa tried to speak.
Dio stopped her again.
"After physical training, the two of us will go to Zatanna's house. While I train in magic, you'll be studying and doing your homework."
"I don't want..."
Vanessa tried to say something.
"I don't care what you want."
"They say you can't save someone from themselves. They might be right, but I'll do my best to ensure that what almost happened yesterday never happens again. I don't care about your opinion on this; you will follow me."
When Dio mentioned what almost happened yesterday, she started to cry.
Dio stood up from the chair he was sitting in front of the bed and sat beside her. Vanessa jumped into his arms and hugged him.
***************END OF FLASHBACK***************
It worked better than expected for Dio to try to get Vanessa to be closer to him, even if it meant using force.
It didn't take long for her to develop an interest in learning how to fight with him and Diana.
At night, she also became quite interested in magic.
As she wasn't a homo-magi, she would have to rely on other artifacts to use magic.
Zatanna gave her one of these artifacts, and she can now perform some basic spells.
Their relationship has also grown a lot, and now they are as close as siblings. Vanessa has even started to act like an older sister.
Their relationship with her mother is now completely broken. When Julia returned home, she tried to reconnect with her daughter, but Vanessa wouldn't let her.
However, Vanessa hasn't returned to her old ways.
The issue with the boys he confronted was also important.
The three of them are still in the hospital, and the one with minor injuries is already in prison.
It took less than a week for all four of them to turn themselves into the police and end the curse.
All four will be arrested when they are in better condition. The girl who drugged Sarah and Vanessa is also in custody.
The authorities also investigated the little lesson Dio gave them, but as he wasn't using any disguise, there was no way for them to connect him to everything.
It's not easy to find a young person with white hair walking around.
Diana wasn't very happy with how he handled the situation.
She said he went too far, and she was worried he was crossing a line. It took some time to make her forget what happened and calm down.
On the other hand, Zatanna found that what he did to the four boys was good. She didn't care about their injuries and even said he should have castrated them.
That woman is frightening, and he felt sorry for Constantine.
So time passed peacefully until one day, when Diana told him it was time for my final test to "graduate" from the training.
Dio doesn't know what the test will be, but he's sure it won't be easy.
If you want to support me, you can find up to 25 advance chapters at my patreon