A man found himself in a parallel earth without a family to protect him was adopted by a criminal. He was force into a life of crime to survive in the world's most dangerous universe. ... You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon patreon.com/Abyssuit Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... Crdt: Tangrin (Gabriel Henrique)
One of the benefits of not feeling tired is that Dio doesn't need to sleep, which means he can study the book all night and be fully prepared for the next day.
Dio just needs to check if all this wasn't a waste of time in the first place.
Dio crossed his legs over like it said in the book while sitting on the bed and started to focus to clear his mind before he did anything.
After awhile, he started to think about the magic and how to cast it. The book in front of him is his target.
He had been trying for twenty minutes and was about to give up when, on one of his last tries, the book suddenly flew a few centimeters into the air.
It's a small achievement, but considering he has only been learning for a few hours, he believed he had a talent for this.
This form of telekinesis is an exercise in control.
He can't imagine using it in combat; it requires too much attention and concentration, which he can't afford in a battle.
There was a chance that he would use the astral projection spell, which separates the spirit from the body, but he decided not to.
The book clearly stated that it's dangerous to engage in his own at the beginning; he might end up trapped on some astral plane, or some spiritual entity might capture his soul.
Dio would have liked to spend the whole day training, but it's time to go to school. So he closed the book and put it aside.
Dio left the room and headed to the bathroom to shower, and then, as usual, he went downstairs for breakfast.
The breakfast went as calmly as usual. Julia was reading her articles while eating, and Vanessa ignored me.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I've taken time off from work. I thought of going on a trip, and since the school holidays are coming soon, why not take both of you on a journey with me?"
Julia said it unexpectedly.
This was a big change—she had taken time off.
Diana acted quickly; she said she would talk to Julia about the problem, and it seemed Julia agreed to try to help her daughter.
"Really? Can I come too?"
Vanessa asked. She was clearly excited, but she was trying hard not to show it.
"Yes, I've always wanted to take you with me so that you can learn about our ancestors' history, and now I have the opportunity."
Julia confirmed and smiled at her daughter.
"Unfortunately, I won't be able to go."
Dio spoke to draw attention to himself.
Julia asked.
"Diana found a special teacher for me, and she's a very busy person. She has already agreed to give her free time for my training."
Besides, it's better for it to be a trip for mother and daughter; they have the time to reconcile, and they will have a better chance of doing it together.
"It's a shame, but I won't argue with that. I know how crazy heroes' schedules can be."
Julia replied.
The happy mood was short because of breakfast.
After that, Dio went to school with the device that A.R.G.U.S. had given him.
However, when he opened the front door of the house, he saw an envelope on the doormat.
He saw that it was handwritten and had his name on it, as letters are usually left in the mailbox at the front door.
Dio opened the letter and read its contents. It was a short letter with an address and a meeting time written by Zatanna.
Now, Dio had a meeting time, but the address seemed strange; it was not far from his house.
Then Dio went to school and was almost too bored to die.
Dio needed to go home, change, and then attend training with Diana.
After that, he'll go to training with Zatanna; they've clearly organized his schedule.
Today's training with Diana was more informative, as she focused on becoming a hero rather than learning how to fight villains.
She began by teaching me the basics of first aid, then moved on to human physiology and similar races. There are many races in the universe, so knowing the most dangerous and famous ones is important.
So, Dio returned home and immediately went to the address mentioned in the letter. Surprisingly, he saw the same house as when they were in Gotham.
'Zatanna's house can teleport. I'm beginning to love magic.'
"Stop staring like an idiot at the house and come in!"
Zatanna shouted from one of the windows of the house.
Dio approached the house, and the door opened by itself. He entered and followed the same corridor as yesterday, ending up in the living room.
He saw Zatanna in the same clothes as yesterday and stood in the middle of the room.
However, the room had changed today, and the furniture had disappeared, leaving a huge empty area.
"How was your first magical book?"
Zatanna immediately asked.
"It was amazing!"
Dio replied, as he was unable to hide his excitement.
"Have you tried anything else?"
Zatanna asked while still scrutinizing me.
"Only telekinesis. I was afraid to try astral projection without guidance."
'Now I feel this was a test, so I answer honestly.'
It seems he made the right choice again, and when he gave his answer, her emotionless face softened.
"You passed the second test,"
Zatanna said.
"Okay, but could you tell me what it was?"
Dio asked.
"You know, a lot of new magicians end up hurting themselves by trying to cast spells that are too advanced for their level of experience. It's usually because they don't have enough knowledge."
"Are you saying that if I had tried astral projection, the same chance would have happened to me, and you gave me the book knowing this?"
'Maybe learning magic from Zatanna isn't as safe as I thought.'
Instead of answering, Zatanna started laughing.
After a few seconds, while still chuckling and seeing that Dio was still serious, she stopped and replied.
"Of course not, you silly. The book is enchanted. If you had tried to use projection near it, it would have sent me a signal."
"Should I continue studying the basics?"
Dio asked.
"Of course, and then we'll move on to studying the most commonly used forms of magic."
"I thought I should focus on my own magic."
Zaratanna didn't answer; she just smiled, opened her arms, and said it out loud.
"Em ot emoc skoob lla."
(All books come to me.)
A book tornado instantly formed around Zatanna as books of all sizes and kinds started to fly around her.
"Do you know what makes a magician strong?"
Zatanna began to ask.
Dio stepped back a bit to avoid getting hit by a book and replied.
"It's their adaptability. A good magician learns to master their magic, but a master not only masters their own but all others!"
And after such a spectacular demonstration, Dio will finally begin studying magic.
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