
Dc: The Brother of Superman

Follow our protagonist without memory of his past self he woke up in a normal family....wait isn't that Martha Kent.....why is she calling me son?. (Disclaimer, First fanfic to learn how to write.)

Refaim1992 · 漫画同人
75 Chs

The island...

Azarath, Raven's room...


A cute little pixie came flying directly into my face as soon as I stepped foot in Raven's room.


"Hi, Nayru, Raven."

I looked at Raven, who was on his desk reading some magical tale.

She turned around.

"Hi, Isaac"(Raven)

~Why didn't you tell me you were coming, Master?~

She was still on my left cheek.

"Ah well, I was checking some things, and I noticed that I forgot about your evolution."



"You didn't know Nayru?" I looked at Nayru, ignoring Raven's question for now.

~No, I thought that Nayru would always be like this.~

She flew away from my face into Raven's bed.

"Hmm"~{What does this she mean?}~

[The evolution of an Arcane Creature is rare, even for their own species.]

{I see, so is it thanks to you that she can evolve in the first place?}


"Sorry, Raven, to answer your question; well, you already knew that Nayru is an Arcane creature, but at certain point she can evolve into another form or species altogether." I looked back at Raven.

"I see"(Raven)

"So, Nayru, do you want to evolve?" I looked back at Nayru.

~Will it hurt?~

She tilted her head with a trace of worry in her little face.



"No, it will not," I say, shaking my head.


"Got it"~{System if you please}~

[Initiating Evolving Procedures]

Suddenly, Nayru started to glow...

~{Wait...I feel like I have seen this before} ~


[Evolution Complete]

From the light, Nayru appeared...

Before, she had pink hair, white skin, and emerald blue eyes. Now she had lighter pink hair, beautiful white skin, and emerald eyes. The pair of translucent wings in the back were replaced by four pairs, and the dress made out of leaves was replaced by an aquamarine elegant dress made out of silk. But the most important detail was that her size increased from 0' 3 to 1' 4 ft.

I looked closely at her status window.

[Arcane Creature]

[Nayru (Fairy)]

[Level: 1]

[Skills: [Dia] [Zio] [Patra] [Companion] [Fairy's Blessing] [Thorn Bind] 

[Fairy's Blessing: Increase magic damage by 20%, increase magic recovery by 30%]

[Thorn Bind: Create a Thorn-like plant to bind and damage your target (5-second cooldown)]

"Are you alright, Nayru?" (Raven)

~Yes, yes, I'm Raven.~

{Hmm, even her speech pattern changed...}


After a couple of days of me catching up to Raven, Nayru, and Arella, I left Azarath.

Tampa, Florida...

Now in my house, I started to get back on the routine: read, work out, practice martial arts, and repeat.

The reason for me not doing anything was because I was waiting for something...

*Ring* *Ring*


"Yes Mathew?"

"Sir, we need to talk."

{Oh, that's not good}

The next day...

We are now face-to-face and Matthew looks guilty.

"So, what happened?"

"Well, sir, I did as you told me. I started to look for some private and unhabitable islands, but as soon as I mentioned my name, the price that they wanted changed into..." (Mathew)

"A negotiation of stocks or exclusive contracts isn't?"


"Yes sir"(Mathew)

"Those bastards really want a piece of me, huh? Well,  don't worry about it; you try; it's their loss."

"But sir, I can still..." (Mathew)

"It's alright, Matthew; leave it; focus on the new projects, understood?"

"Yes, sir"(Mathew)

He left with his face showing frustration.

{Sorry, my friend, I have an easier solution}


In a random place in the Atlantic Ocean, a magical portal appeared out of nowhere.

Out of the portal, a man wearing a blue robe with white and golden gloves that looked like the skin of a snake, grey boots with golden runic inscriptions, and a dark mask with a blue hood with the same golden runic patters steps out, floating on the air.

On top of the man, a golden crown was levitating over his head.

"Here will do..." His voice was an amalgamation of different types of voices, making it impossible to recognize.

"[Ein' Sòf]"

The crown descended on his head...


The space itself trembled, and the water below him started to move rapidly.


As soon as the words were spoken, the man slowly started to disappear.


Inside the concealed space...


As soon as my words were spoken, the water below me started to turn chaotic.





From below, something was getting up to the surface...


A huge piece of land was pulled out onto the surface of the ocean.


~{Now I have my own island}~


On the unamed island...

"This will need a bit of work, but it's alright for now."

I had already cancelled my magic and was exploring the new piece of rock that I pulled out of the ocean floor.

This piece of land was relatively large, about 7 acres, I think. I could be wrong, but the important part was that it was mine.

"Right, I need to secure the place. Although the concealment barrier will last for about a hundred years, it's better safe than regret later."

So I started to put talismans and runes all over the island.

Three hours later...

*Huff* *Huff*

"This will do, now for the main attraction."

~{System pulls out the tower}~



A portal appeared on top of the island, and from within, a gaint tower was falling into the ground.

"Hey, hey, it's not going to break, right?"

[The Ivory Tower is made of the most resistant and durable materials on the multiverse.]

"So that's a no."



*Cough* *Cough*

When the dust settled, an impressive black-looking tower was in front of me.

~[It's been a while, Master]~

"Oh, hi tower, how are you doing?"

~[Currently, my primary functionality is working, but there are some systems that are not working due to a lack of power.]~

"I know, that's why I make these."

I pull out of my inventory five magic engines.

"Will this work?"

[Yes, they will, Master]

The five engines disappeared.


I could see that the runic patterns of the tower were starting to glow.

~[Master, tower functionality is at 100%]. ~

"Good, I'm going in."
