
Dc: The Brother of Superman

Follow our protagonist without memory of his past self he woke up in a normal family....wait isn't that Martha Kent.....why is she calling me son?. (Disclaimer, First fanfic to learn how to write.)

Refaim1992 · 漫画同人
75 Chs

Invasion (3)

It's been 2 hours since I began attacking the horde, and to be completely honest...




([Crackling Lance])


([Flame Pillar])



...it has no end.

In front of Isaac, the monsters were attacking his golem, some with their fangs, others with their claws, and the special ones with low-level magic.

Most of the monsters on the horde were weak in nature, but in large groups they became a problem, and in a horde they evolved into a catastrophe.

And right now, that was the problem...

"The monsters just keep coming."

(Hmm, they are coming from the north.)

Isaac looked at the mountain range that was visible from his view.

{It will be stupid to enter enemy territory without a plan, but what can I do?}



His golem hasn't stopped attacking the monsters, and because of that, its hands are covered in monster guts, skin, claws, and blood.

Another thing is that the horde stopped advancing to the south, and instead they came back and are focusing on taking my golem down.

(Hmm, this is no coincidence; according to the soldiers, the horde is manipulated by the demons.)

He looked down to see if there were any corpses related to them.

(But I haven't seen any of them.)

Then suddenly...



Isaac, at the top of his golem, felted; his mind didn't have the time to process what happened, but his body reacted.

He tilted his head to the left.


...but it still wasn't enough.

A warm liquid rolled out of his right cheek. Feeling that, he put his right hand on his cheek and bring it right to his face.



A giant pit was formed behind him, and in the middle of that pit, a black metallic arrow was stuck there.

[The Demon Miasma Infection has been nullified by the Holy Element Enchantment.]





He sensed again...

(Not this time!)

{[Arcane Ward]}

Isaac extended his right hand forward, and a blueish film extended from his palm covered his body in 2 seconds, enough for him to see and hear the arrow.


But it wasn't the only thing he heard...




...as if glass were shattering, his Arcane Ward was destroyed in front of his eyes.




The arrow continued its trajectory, and with enormous force, it impacted his right shoulder.



Then he heard something crashing behind him; when he looked at his right shoulder, a giant hole was there.

Seeing the wound, his mind finally caught up...


... and an intense feeling of pain was transmitted from his right shoulder to his brain.

*Clank* *Clank*

Isaac dropped his staff, and then...


...He fell on his knees.

(F*ck, f*ck, f*ck...)

{God damn! It hurt so f*cking much!}

[The Demon Miasma Infection has been nullified by the Holy Element Enchantment.]

[The Demon Miasma Infection has been nullified by the Holy Element Enchantment.]

[The Demon Miasma Infection has been nullified by the Holy Element Enchantment.]

Continuous notifications were ringing in his head, making his pain much worse.

Sensing his master's pain, Nayru quickly called Isaac.

~[Master! , [Are you alright!?]~

This call woke up Isaac; he immediately pulled out a [Healing Rune] out of his inventory, and with his left hand, he crushed it.

The healing was instant; by the time he noticed something, the wound and the pain were gone.

[I'm ok, Nayru; I was just distracted; don't worry about me.]

Nayru didn't fully believe his master, but if he wasn't calling for help, she would not interfere.

"How stupid can I be? I should have guessed that the demons in charge of the horde would have something to penetrate the magic barriers."

As Isaac was regretting his stupidity and ego, his golem stopped moving, and the horde stopped attacking in it. Also,  the attacks against him stopped.

(Hmm?, the attacks stopped. Maybe they think I'm dead.)

"That can't be right, right?"


On top of a mountain, a figure was hidden.

This individual was observing a golem and a mage that stopped moving. After a couple of minutes, the individual cancelled the skill that it was using and made a telepathic call.

"Report, the target has been neutralized"(???)

The voice of this figure was feminine.

"Understood, continue forward and wait for more instructions when you reach the capital."

The voice that responded to her was masculine and grave.

"Yes, sir"(???)

The communication between them cut off, and she was getting ready to move out of her position, but then something caught her attention.

*Fwip* *Fwip* *Fwip* *Fwip* *Fwip*

Although she didn't use her skill [Zoom] to look at the top of the golem, she clearly saw something launch into the sky.


For the first time, she panicked. Due to her skill coldown, she was unable to see longer distances for a couple of minutes.

Fortunately for her, she didn't need her skill to see what was falling out of the sky...

*Hugh* *Hugh* *Hugh* *Hugh* *Hugh*

... because even the people on the fortress, located kilometers away, could see it.

Five massive pieces of incandescent rocks were falling out of the sky...

*Fwip* *Fwip* *Fwip* *Fwip* *Fwip*

...and unfortunately, the direction was her position.


She immediately used her mobility skills, trying to escape, but it was useless.






...the mountain range was changed forever, along with the territory around them.


In a dimension filled with miasma and darkness, a massive castle could be seen from any direction.

This was the home of the race called [Demon].

In a room filled to the brim with papers, many demons were coming and going.

On a desk, a demon wearing glasses could be seen reading a report. Suddenly,  an assistant came running.

"Lord Baltiz, we lost contact with Lady Azaret!" (Demon Assistant)

The demon on the desk stopped reading, and then his eyes looked at the assistant.

"Where?" (Lord Baltiz)

His voice was low and menacing as he asked the assistant.

"S.. sir?" (Demon Assistant)

When Lord Baltiz put his sight on him, he felt as if a mountain was hanging from his shoulders, head, and back.


"Where did she was deployed?"

Lord Baltiz explains himself further.

"S..sh, she went to the Kafna Kingdom, sir."(Demon Assistant)

Lord Baltiz started to think...

(It is impossible for anyone in that kingdom to kill Azaret after all we have prepared for them for centuries. That means...) (Lord Baltiz)

When he finished his train of thought, he stood up and exited the room.

He walked on the castle for a while until he reached a grand room. On it, various demons of all kinds were arguing with each other, and others were relaying the information to other demons.

An old demon was seated in the center of the room, and when this old demon saw Lord Baltiz, he smiled.

"What brings you here, Baltiz?" (???)

His tone was calm but firm.

"Sorry for intruding, Lord Odan, but I have some bad news." (Lord Baltiz)

He bows his head.

"Hm...what happen?" (Lord Odan)

His voice was a little more serious, and due to this, the room turned silent.

"Lady Azaret is dead." (Lord Baltiz)



A pressure so great that the floor, walls, and windows couldn't hold it started to appear, but as soon as it appeared, it vanished.

"She is not dead..." (Lord Odan)

His voice was filled with relief.

"I will prepare a team to rescue her immediately." (Lord Baltiz)

He straightened up and left the room.

Lord Odan just watched Baltiz leave the room with some doubts in his mind.

(This bastard! (This was his plan, isn't it?)

He looked at the room, and all of the demons just avoided his sight.


He just closed his eyes before whispering under his breath.

"Be safe, my child..." (Lord Odan)