
Chapter 87: Secrets Revealed

Guys, I'm not dead. My email was hacked and that's why I couldn't upload chapters. And yes, the same email I have some of my associated accounts so yes, I was being scammed. As soon as I got my email back and filed a complaint, time went by. But now it's August and I will be more constant. I leave you a couple of chapters

By the way, with the Olympics, I ask you, how is your country doing? 

Mine has fulfilled my expectations. 





Thor's Hut, Yakutsk, Russia, June 21, 15:44, 2017

Edgar POV

"How is she?" I asked with concern, as I waited for Bruce to attend to Diana. As usual, Batman was always prepared for any situation and already had a medical kit ready in case any of us got hurt.

When I spoke of a 'medical kit', I wasn't talking about a simple box with medicines and bandages. I was talking about medical instruments so advanced that they analyzed and measured body parameters with the highest precision.

Besides, Batman had prepared tranquilizers, and specific medicines that even served in the peculiar systems of the gods and demigods. The medicines that Bruce had administered were practically accelerating the advanced body recovery process of both Thor and Diana.

Immediately after the fight, we had rushed the two fighters to Thor's hut, who were relatively badly injured. Obviously, everyone was concerned about their condition. Although Thor may have felt more beaten up, in reality, from what I could feel, I knew that both had significant internal injuries, which would take quite a while to heal.

Fortunately, although Thor's hut was not large, he had a couple of rooms available where we could quickly attend to the two wounded. Thor didn't interest me, though. The one I was worried about was Diana. I wasn't the only one, as her mother, who was standing next to me, was just as worried as I was.

Bruce, who was running a scanner over Diana's entire body to analyze her status, finally finished his analysis of her vital signs, and told us.

"She is out of danger. Diana has internal injuries, the result of an internal body overload of energy. In short, her poor condition is due to that strange power she released at the end of the fight. But I already see significant improvements in her condition. I estimate about... 20 to 30 minutes for her to wake up, without any significant sequelae"

'What a relief' these words brought unparalleled relief in me. A long sigh came out of my mouth derived from the long breath I was holding because of the whole situation. Apparently, Hippolyta was having the same thoughts as me, when she expressed.

"Sigh. Thank the gods. Thank you, Bruce. Although I know my daughter could have healed on her own, I know your treatment greatly accelerated her recovery. You have my thanks"

Bruce just nodded at Hippolyta's words. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go check on Thor. If my data isn't wrong, he'll be awake soon. Even faster than Diana. There's a lot to talk about. Marie and Clark are in his room, analyzing his status"

"Will Thor be all right?" I asked curiously. While I must admit that my concern was for Diana, that didn't take away from the fact that the Norse god's recovery mattered to all of us. He was the key to getting our friend back and getting to Valhalla.

"Yes, he will be. His broken bones reformed at an incredible rate. His internal injuries, with the medicines we gave him, practically healed almost instantly. From the data I analyzed, I can easily conclude that Thor's recovery factor is even greater, than Diana's regenerative factor. I guess it's because of Asgardian heritage, but that's just my guess" Bruce commented, saying the latter almost thoughtfully.

I could feel that, at this moment, his thoughts were running a mile a minute in his mind trying to guess why Thor healed faster than Diana. However, he didn't need to guess at all, as Hippolyta, just at that, commented to us.

"Actually, you're right, Bruce. The records left by the gods state that the Asgardians had the best regenerative factor of all the gods. They were a warrior race, trained from a young age to fight in the worst possible conditions. I guess that evolved their regenerative factor to a high enough point to keep them alive"

"Very plausible" Bruce stated, as he nodded at the queen's words. "Well, I'll leave you two alone. I'll come by in a little while to let you know if Thor wakes up"

"Please, Bruce. We'd appreciate it"

With that said, Bruce departed, leaving us alone. My senses could tell me that Bruce had gone far enough away, and that he had indeed left us alone. However, there was something important I needed to talk to the Amazon queen about, and I needed as much secrecy as possible. In short, I needed no one, and that included Clark with his Kryptonian ear, to hear us.

Again I approached Diana. Her breathing calm. Her eyelids closed and calm. I could sense that everything was fine. There was nothing unusual. She was simply asleep. I got close enough, and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

'Don't worry, love. I'll soon find answers to what happened to you. I promise' That was my last thought, before I turned to Hippolyta, and said to her

"Can we talk?"

"Of course we can, Edgar. Tell me"

"In a more... private way. Please" as I said that, I activated my hellfire power. My skeletal hand quickly generated a small orange portal heading for the Tower of Destiny. Specifically, to the library, where I had my meetings with the Outsiders.

I thought Hippolyta was going to object. That she was going to put up resistance to my demand, but, to my surprise, she didn't resist.

"Sure, lead the way"

It had been too easy. I guess she, knowing Diana was out of danger, relaxed enough to converse. Maybe she already knew what I was going to ask her. I didn't know, though. There were many assumptions, but I would soon find out.

When we crossed the portal, and arrived at the library, I did not deactivate my power nor did I close the portal. This, in order to be aware of Diana's condition at all times. Just because she was well did not mean that nothing bad could happen to her. I sensed that Hippolyta was curious about this, so I explained.

"I'm not going to close the portal. That way we will be aware of Diana's condition. However, this place is noise proof. Nothing we say will be heard outside"

"I see...I'm guessing what you're going to tell me you don't want Diana to hear either"

"You guess right. This is a... delicate subject. I prefer as much discretion as possible"

Hippolyta nodded as if she understood my thoughts. That was a relief. However, here came the tricky part. I knew that Hippolyta favored me. That, in Diana's mother's eyes, I was a good 'specimen' to be with her daughter. That I had her approval.

But the conversation we were about to have was complicated and delicate. I wanted to approach it in the best way. I did not want to lose the favor of my "mother-in-law".

"Ma'am, look. I love your daughter. I really love her. She broke my shell and freed me from the very dark place I was in. It is not unreasonable to say that she is the beacon of light in my life. A life that felt full again. I am very happy with her. And that's why I wanted to talk to you. The truth is- " I was just starting to get into the subject, when out of nowhere, the queen interrupted me.

However, there was a lot of surprise in her voice. Even, quite a lot of happiness. Like that of an excited lady. I was beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, she misunderstood the kind of conversation we were going to have.

"The answer is yes. I agree. You have my approval" she said cheerfully, as she grabbed my hands quite excitedly. This made me go completely numb and left me speechless.


"When do you plan to tell Diana? - I think waiting to resolve the situation with the gods is most ideal. I'm guessing you want it to be a special day. It doesn't need to be a flashy proposal, but it does need to be special. I suggest a-"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait - what are you talking about?" I interrupted her.

'Proposal?...Special?...Don't tell me she was thinking that...'

Finally, I understood what was going on. Apparently, the Amazon queen thought I was talking about marriage. That I was asking her permission to propose to her daughter. This made me laugh. But, surprisingly, this made me feel happy. Well, at least I know now that I have her approval in the future.

"You want to ask for my daughter's hand, don't you?, you don't need to explain, Edgar. I agree. She is happy by your side and I am happy to see her happy. On the contrary, I think you should have asked her to marry you long ago. When you tell her, I would like to be informed as I want the wedding to be in Themyscira. We have no wedding traditions, so we can accommodate your beliefs-"

"Ma'am, I... I wasn't talking about marriage, hahaha. I mean, I do want to marry Diana, but I need to resolve a lot of things in my life for that to happen. Right now, it's not the right time for marriage" Although now that I think about it... it's never the right time.

I could feel the embarrassment fall on Hippolyta as I explained that she was confusing the conversation. I felt the temperature on her face rise, a sign of the embarrassment she felt. Something she had in common with Diana. As the saying goes: Apparently, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

However, I had to get serious as the conversation ahead warranted it. It was a delicate subject, and we had already wasted time. Time we didn't have, as soon Diana or Thor would wake up.

"The conversation I want to tell you, ma'am, is different. It is a more serious conversation. And, above all, more delicate"

Hippolyta put her embarrassment aside as she sensed my serious tone. I felt her demeanor change from calm and jovial to serious and regal. I felt, that, at this moment, I was talking to the Queen of the Amazons herself, as if in a royal audience.

"I understand, Edgar. You can tell me. I'm listening"

"Look, ma'am. The relationship Diana and I have is special. It's based on honesty. I know that, if something happens to Diana, she will tell me, and the same goes for me. If something happens to me, she will know. There are no secrets... or at least, there weren't until recently" I sighed, as I thought about how to say the next words. It was something I had been holding back for a week. It wasn't easy.

Lucifer had advised me. Holding things back would only fracture our relationship. And the truth is, I had been keeping a secret from Diana for over a week. A week where every night I debated whether or not to tell her.

What was it that I kept?, you may ask. Well, what I was keeping was a conversation I overheard between Ares and Hippolyta. A conversation about Diana. Something that, if my thoughts did not fail me, would explain what had just happened today.

"It's no secret that my hearing is better developed than the average. Practically, if I focus, I can hear miles away people's breathing" I sensed that Hippolyta was beginning to see where I was headed, when her regal demeanor changed to a nervous one.

"And that day that the gods invaded Themyscira, I heard something. Something that perhaps, I should not have heard. The conversation between you and Ares about Diana..."

"What did you hear, Edgar?" asked Hippolyta fearfully. Her tone, almost like a whisper, denoted that she was afraid of where the conversation was going. But I didn't stop. I, without any hesitation, continued to explain.

"I didn't hear everything. But I heard the gist of it. That Diana was a weapon. A weapon designed to kill gods. Pure nonsense spoken by Ares that made me hesitate whether to tell Diana or not. But, with what happened today, I think there is a substance to that conversation. I think you know what happened today. I think you know why Diana lost control. And, most of all, what was that hidden power that she released today. I want to know all what YOU know, ma'am"

"Does Diana know anything?"

"No. I haven't told her anything. But I will tell her-"

"YOU CAN'T TELL HER ANYTHING" Hippolyta exploded. To my surprise, however, she burst into tears. "She can't know. If she knows her origin, HER TRUE ORIGIN, I... I will just lose her. I will lose my daughter!"

Hippolyta's regal demeanor was gone. At this moment, only the helplessness of a mother feeling the fear of losing her daughter remained. But, although I was moved by her behavior, I showed no signs of weakness. On the contrary, I stiffened my temper and continued the conversation. I needed answers. I needed to know for Diana's sake.

"What do you know, Hippolyta? - Tell me, tell me what is all this secret you're hiding"

"Promise me you won't tell Diana, Edgar. Promise me she'll never know"

"I can't promise you that. But I promise I won't say anything until you tell her. But you have to tell her. That's the rule"


"Ma'am, I know you're afraid. Your daughter is the most precious thing to you. You saw her born. You watched her grow up. You taught her to be the great woman she is now. But she deserves to know the truth. No matter how hard it is...she deserves to know. You know that"

Hippolyta was conflicted. My senses felt doubt, fear and even anger in her person, but finally ended in a feeling of resignation.

"Sigh. You're right, Edgar. She deserves to know. Besides, with what happened today, I won't be able to hide it anymore. She'll still find out sooner or later. What happened today was an unlocking of a hidden power Diana has"

"Hidden power?" I asked curiously, to which Hippolyta nodded.

"She was created to be the ultimate weapon. A weapon that Zeus could use against the gods who opposed him. Or in the future, against the alien invaders he was sure would come. She was Zeus' ultimate experiment to create a being that could harbor unlimited potential.

Despite belief, she is not a child of Zeus, at least not completely. In her blood, there is royal Greek blood, but that is not all. But in her divine blood runs that of all heritages. She has the power of all the variations of gods that there are and were at the time. Greek, Celtic, Asgardian, etc. Her blood has unlimited potential that no god can have.

Being human is the only thing that limits her from getting out of control. But it is also what makes her growth progressive. Today's unlocking, which was the power she unleashed against Thor, should not have happened for many more years. And yet it did happen. Diana, by sheer force of will in wanting to win the fight, unlocked her potential. And it's only going to continue to grow in power as time goes on.

I know it sounds like I only bred her to be a weapon, but that's not true, Edgar. When she was born, and I heard that loud cry in the room, I could only feel a love and affection that I had ever felt in my long life. Zeus created her as a weapon, but I raised her as my daughter. I didn't want to tell her because I didn't want to put her in that fate. I wanted her to choose her own path, which, to this day, she has done.

Edgar, I am afraid to tell her. She will lose the faith and trust she has in me. I'm afraid of losing my daughter"

The conversation made my mind numb. I didn't know what to say to her. I thought it would be difficult, but this, this was a lot. Diana was a weapon. At least, she was created for the purpose of being a weapon. This was a lot to hide. And yet, Hippolyta had to tell her. Diana deserved to know the truth.

"You have to tell her. I won't say anything, but I expect you to tell her today. She's going to be looking for answers and hoping someone can tell her. Besides, my instincts say Thor knows something...and if he also knew of Diana's true origin, maybe..."

"You're right. I'll tell her today. I promise. Even if she hates me, I'll tell her the truth"

"Calm down. A daughter may get angry with her mother, but eventually she will forgive her. I was angry with my mother several times too, but, at the end of the day, all I wanted was to be with her and feel her love. Besides, Diana knows how lucky she is to have you. Everything will be fine. Now, come on. I think soon Bruce or Clark will come looking for us"

"Thank you, Edgar. For listening to me and not judging me. And for your words of encouragement. You made my fear go down quite a bit. I'll tell her today. I promise. Tonight, she'll know everything. But I want to ask you a favor. I want you to be there when I tell her. I think it will be best. That way if she gets mad at me, she'll have you for support"

"Sure" I nodded in agreement. It was easy her request. It would avoid a conflict if there was one.

"By the way, on the subject of marriage, I think you're taking too long, Edgar. You're not getting any younger. Besides, I want grandchildren. We Amazons have several recipe books for fertility. There are several recipes for drinks that the gods drank to become complete studs. I hope you use them so that at night you and Diana will have lots of sex-"

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, let's go, let's go, the portal is closing..."


General POV

At this point, everyone was in the living room of Thor's hut. Surprisingly, Batman's estimation was a bit skewed as both Thor and Diana had awakened at about the same time.

Both, after a general checkup and seeing that they had no after-effects from the fight, wanted explanations. Both, disoriented by the hard fight they had just gone through. So the group, that is, Edgar and the others, saw that the best thing to do was to gather them in the living room of the cabin and explain what had happened.

Of course, there were still no explanations as to what had happened to Diana, or well, at least Edgar and Hippolyta had not revealed anything, but the rest of what had happened, had been told in the perspective of the others. When the long, but detailed explanation was over, all that was left was a disoriented Thor who said,

"So, I guess I lost..." his demeanor denoted confusion. As if the thought of losing had never crossed his mind. Perhaps, the most he had hoped for was a draw. Superman wanted to say something else, but couldn't say anything, as just at that, to everyone's surprise, Thor started laughing.


"Ha ha"

"Hahaha, oh for Odin's beard, that's incredible"

"Is he okay? - Maybe the blow to the head did some damage..."

"Am I okay? - I'm just fine. I'm JUST HAPPY, hahaha. Today is the best day of my life" said Thor, as he kept laughing and clapping his hands like a happy little boy. Everyone was confused by the very strange behavior that, at this moment, he was revealing. After laughing long enough, and seeing everyone looking at him in confusion, Thor stopped to explain.

"Pardon that, hehe, but it's just that... it's been years, and when I say years I'm talking centuries, since I've received a beating like the one the amazon just gave me. I think the last time was at the hand of my fighting instructor Tyr, the Norse god of war. The pains in the body was something I missed the truth"

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me..." Diana apologized, as she scratched her head. She was fine, but she had a small headache as she tried to remember what had happened to her. Why she had lost control. Thinking about all that and more, just made her have these bad headaches.

"Don't be sorry, princess. Your fight was honorable. The victory was fair. And, while I admit that your new power even scared me, I must say that said power, should you ever control it, will be a great addition against Ares and his group. Don't feel bad. You are the greatest warrior I have ever known. Even greater than my wife Bruhilde, the leader of the Valkyries"

"Thank you, but right now, I just want answers. I want to know what happened to me, and I want to know why now..."

These words brought a bit of fear and uncertainty in Edgar and Hippolyta. More, when Thor put his hands to his face as a sign that he was thinking what had happened. If he revealed something, then all would be revealed. And that was something that Hippolyta did not want to happen. Not right now. Not in front of all of them.

However, her fears were unfounded, for Thor, despite his knowledge, did not know what was wrong with her.

"I don't have the answers, amazon. It will be a legacy Zeus left you. A hidden power from your Greek bloodline. These are mere guesses, but I cannot know for certain. However, you deserve an answer. I told you that, if you beat me, I would give them to you, and that is what I am going to do"

Thor again pulled out the letter written by his father and began to say.

"The letter, as I have already told you, speaks of the next ruler of the gods. That supreme King/queen who will lead us to a prosperous age where humans and gods live together in harmony and peace. And, I am sure that this, does not speak of Ares or any god I have known in my long life. Now, I am more than certain that this letter, speaks of YOU, Diana, princess of the Amazons and daughter of Zeus"

"I... but I'm not a goddess. I am a demigoddess. I have no right to rule you"

"Contrary to what is spoken. The gods never looked down on the demigods for their little strength. On the contrary, my father and Zeus knew of their high potential and unlimited growth. A demigod, to my father, Odin, was the best version of us. Someone with divine power who, if trained, could become even more powerful than a god. And you, Diana, are the strongest demigoddess there ever was"

"But I-"

"In your blood runs divine blood. And there is no rule that specifies that we cannot be ruled by a demigod. But don't worry. These are mere assumptions of mine. It's not a concrete fact. Besides, beating Ares and his group won't make you the queen of the gods. There are other rather lengthy and specific factors to be met"

"Let me get this straight. So, the fight was a test for Diana and to see if she has what it takes to become the ruler of the gods?" asked Vixen uncertainly. She was following the conversation between the two combatants. She didn't understand much, but she did understand one important thing. The whole fight, had been a test for Diana. Thor answered her.

"That's right, and it exceeded my expectations by far. As I said, it's not a certainty. Perhaps my father wasn't talking about you, Amazon. However, if I know one thing for sure, it's that Diana has to defeat Ares in the next fight. Ares may not be the strongest god, but he is the leader of the group that kidnapped your friend. If someone else wins, the gods will not be satisfied. But if Diana defeats Ares, and, above all, in front of everyone, then the gods will have to swallow their pride and admit defeat because one of their own has defeated the strongest god in their group. In short, Diana will take away their idea of a rematch with her victory"

"Then, Can't I burn it with my fire?, Because Ares and I have a fight pending" Edgar said, as he summoned his hellfire. There was a lot of venom when he mentioned the god of war. Thor, surprised by this hatred, explained to him

"It doesn't matter if you kill him with your fire, which, because of its properties, is very harmful to us. But, the fight must be won by Diana. That is my recommendation. At least if you want it to be over for everyone"

"I concur" Bruce stated. "I also thought it best for Diana to defeat her own flesh and blood. The gods are jealous and proud beings. They won't look kindly on their having lost to an alien like you, Clark, or to a being with angelic powers like you, Edgar. However, we will discuss a strategy for Diana to fight Ares later. Right now, all I want to know is if you're going to help us, Thor"

"I will help you, my friend. That was my promise if I lost the fight, but I still would have helped you if Diana didn't beat me anyway. Ares is a problem that needs to be finished. It's time for me to leave my exile and reveal myself to the world again. In 5 days, I will take you to Valhalla"

"Five days? - That's a long time" Marie stood up in protest. 5 days was a long time. Time that would serve to make the martyrdom of her beloved, Victor, even greater. Just thinking about all that he was suffering made her heart shrink with fear and pain.

"In fact, it's very little time to prepare. Five days is going to make us have to work on the run. All the ideas I had in mind will not be able to be implemented. There are not enough resources. Does it have to be in 5 days specifically?" Bruce interrupted Marie. He had the opposite idea. 5 days was too short a time to prepare. There were many things he wanted to investigate. Plans against the gods that he won't be able to implement due to lack of resources and limited time.

"Yes. In fact, 5 days, 4 hours, and 28 minutes. You see, Valhalla is a closed dimension for the gods. I, by myself, will not be able to take any of you to said mythical city. But there is one day of the month that Valhalla is open to human visitors. A day when the gods allowed humans to come and worship and feast with us. Those celebrations were forgotten over time as the gods stopped inviting humans to Valhalla. But the door still opens every month. I know, because, hahaha, it was that same day when my brother Loki and me would escape through that door to go to the human world and get drunk with the humans. And that day, it will be in 5 days"

"I see. That explains everything - how many can we take?" asked Bruce. Now he understood why 5 days. He didn't need any more explaining. The others understood as well since there were no more complaints.

"For the stability of the portal and for my power, I say about, 20, plus me. Any more and the portal may destabilize. I recommend that you take a varied group. A group that is leveled with everyone's skills. And with combat experience. Since you will need it against the gods"

"Understood..." Bruce concluded. He was already thinking of all the possibilities to bring. Hundreds of groupings of all the members the League had were going through his mind, seeing which would be the most effective. He was also quickly analyzing how he could empower such a group. In short, he was already thinking about how to make the most of every second he had before the fight.

"Tomorrow we will have a meeting in our operations room. I hope you can come to support us. That way we will better plan our strategy" Superman stood up, and said to Thor to which Thor simply nodded and said, "Sure, my friend. I will try to support you in any way I can"

"But I'm already late" Thor said goodbye to everyone, and headed towards where the tons of chopped wood lay. Even though he was injured before, and should rest, this didn't bother him and he lifted the tons of wood as if a fight hadn't happened before. "Close the door when you leave, please. I have to go take this wood to the city. See you tomorrow" with that said, Thor flew off at full speed to drop off the wood.

The group didn't mind his timely farewell. They simply closed the door, and headed for Batman's jet to return to the Watchtower. There was much to do and little time to do it in.

Five days they had to get everything ready. In 5 days, the toughest fight they'd ever had was going to happen....


Watchtower, June 21, 17:17, 2017

"So, it's like this..."

When they returned to the Watchtower, Hippolyta waited no longer and took her daughter to her room. It was better if she revealed everything. The sooner the better. Edgar, who was there at all times, was attentive to the conversation and the fluctuating emotions of his beloved.

Hippolyta, along with her Amazon generals, were staying at the Watchtower for the meetings as guests of the Justice League. Each had her own private room. Hippolyta had taken Diana to her room to have the long awaited conversation, telling her that she was going to explain what had happened to her. That she was going to tell her the answers she had been waiting for.

Diana, curious, not knowing what awaited her, gladly accepted. Even more, when Hippolyta asked Edgar to go with them. She had no secrets from him. It was good that he also knew what was going on.

Hippolyta began to explain everything about her birth. How Zeus was gradually becoming more and more nervous thinking that someone would come to take away his reign. How he feared for the Earth and his legacy. And how he thought of creating an ultimate weapon. A weapon that would protect his reign.

She also explained that her enhanced strength, her ability to fly, and her great speed, which far surpassed the other Amazons, in addition to her ability to learn and be such a good fighter, was due to her unlimited potential derived from being the ultimate creation of the gods. She was the daughter of Zeus, but, above all, she was the ultimate weapon of the gods.

That the power she unleashed against Thor was only part of her own power. And that the bracelets, which she always wore since she was a child, were the specialized artifacts to limit and control that power.

Something that, in this fight, she forcibly released. And that, as of today, by unlocking said hidden potential, said power would only grow with the passage of time and training making her even stronger than she already was. Practically, Hippolyta was explaining to Diana that she was an ultimate fighting machine. A machine with unlimited potential to grow.

But she also tried to explain that Diana wasn't just that. That she was raised with the best values Hippolyta could teach. That she tried to give her the greatest love a mother could give. That she was raised to have feelings. That, above all, she was raised to follow her own path. A path of justice, kindness and love.

That was why Hippolyta never forbade Diana to go to the world of men and why she was happy with her decision to join and found the Justice League. That was her own path. She, all she wanted, was for her daughter to be happy.

"Diana, I know I kept everything from you, but I did it for your sake. I didn't want your back to carry the weight of what ancient gods wanted. You are not that which Zeus wanted. Nor are you that which Thor believes. You are your own person. And you decide your own destiny. Your own path. You are .... You are my daughter"

Hippolyta finished saying, as she tried to hug her daughter. However, that hug never happened as Diana simply pushed her away. On her face, there were only tears running down her cheeks, as she looked at her so-called 'mother', who had kept the truth from her all her life, with betrayal and anger.

"How could you- you had no right to keep that truth from me"

"I did it for your sake-"

"YOU DID IT OUT OF FEAR. You were afraid I would become that killing machine. That weapon. You were afraid of my potential"

"That's not true, Diana. I was afraid, but not of you. I was afraid of losing you. That you wouldn't see me as your mother anymore"

"Well, you made it. You... you are no longer my mother"

Diana, with intense rage in her heart, turned around, as she ran away from there. She didn't want to see her mother. Not at this moment. Not with all that anger she felt. Edgar, worried, went to meet her.

"I'm going after her" saying that, he ran after her before she did something stupid that she would regret later. Hippolyta, could only watch in pain as her daughter walked out of her life. As the worst situation she had ever thought of, had happened. Her daughter hated her.

All she could do was fall to her knees and cry uncontrollably.

"I've lost her..."


"Diana, wait!"

Edgar, to his surprise, was able to stop her in time. Diana, with effort wanted to free herself from his strong grip, but Edgar wouldn't let her. He didn't want her to leave. Not like this, not with such contradictory feelings in her heart.

"You knew?" Diana asked almost in a whisper. She never turned to look at him. Her hair covered her face, revealing no sense of what she was feeling.

"I knew today. I made your mother tell me. I wanted to know what had happened to you, so I searched for answers. However, in Themyscira I had overheard a similar conversation between Hippolyta and Ares. I thought it was Ares' nonsense, that's why I kept it from you. That's the truth, I swear. If you want to use your lasso on me to check-"

"I believe you" Diana, in one swift movement, turned to embrace Edgar. Feeling the warmth of her beloved, she let go. All the rage, anger, and sadness she felt was released as she began to cry into Edgar's chest.

Edgar said nothing. He didn't move. Nor did he interrupt the moment. He just let Diana unburden herself on him. That was what love was like. Sometimes, all you needed to do, was to put your shoulder to that person and show that you were there for her.

Diana lasted a couple of minutes crying. When that time passed, she stopped hugging Edgar and looked into his eyes, those gray eyes she loved so much. There was a lot of puffiness in Diana's eyes due to the big cry she had released. But now she was calmer.



"I want to go home"

Edgar said no more. There was no need. She would talk to him about everything she felt when she was ready. Edgar just nodded and activated his power. He transformed his hand into a skeletal hand and, with his hellfire, activated a portal heading for the Tower of Destiny. Their home.

"Let's go. Let's go home..."


My P@treon 

TioIroh99 (10 chapters ahead)

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