
DC: Spirit of Vengeance

Guys, the first 10 chapters are hard to read, if you get through them I promise you a story you will love. ------------ Heroes and villains, Good and Evil. In the world of DC, there is a very sharp line between right and wrong, however, that line will be disturbed by a new player who will bring punishment to all the sinners. The Spirit of Vengeance is here, and no one will be able of hide from his stare. ............... The story focuses on DC, with a MC who is not a reincarnator, not a system, not a golden finger, just someone who had the bad luck? of being Ghost Rider. No Harem, Wonder Woman as the love interest My first language is not English, sorry for the bad spelling. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING, only my OC .... Discord: https://discord.gg/WrzwXKsz IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT ME, AND READ 6 CHAPS AHEAD OF WEBNOVEL, AND OTHER TWO NEW FICS , THIS IS MY PATREON patreon.com/TioIroh99

Tio_Iroh99 · 漫画同人
104 Chs

Chapter 78: Ares vs Ghost Rider



"Ghost Rider Voice"

<Mental Voice>


Themyscira, in the fight

Ares began to imbue the gates with his power. The numerous chains, which protected the door and prevented it from opening, were being destroyed as Ares exerted his power. All seemed lost.

Just before the last chain fell, a loud, but crisp, "BANG!" was heard.

A large orange ball attacked the god's back. Which caused him to grunt in pain. A third-degree burn left a mark on Ares' back with this ball. Then, another




More and more balls flew at the god's back, injuring him severely. Which made him interrupt his actions of generating his power to open the door to the underworld and turn to look at his attacker. With a hatred deep in his heart, he said.

"It's you... Ghost Rider!"

Ares was angry. Honestly, he had expected Diana to come and confront him. Not this opponent whose hellfire (orange fire) was too dangerous for him. Edgar's arrival did not bode well for the god.

Another story was with Hippolyta, who regained her hopes when she saw Edgar. Hopes that the Justice League had come to support her sisters. A sigh of relief left her beautiful lips as she felt that all was not lost. However, she had to warn him of the situation he was in.

"Edgar, you have to stop Ares from destroying the last chain that prevents the gate to the underworld from opening. If he opens these gates, millions of mythological creatures will come out and attack the whole island. It would be our downfall"

Edgar did not answer. Instead he quickly analyzed the whole situation with his senses. Although Hippolyta's voice sounded relatively good, Edgar could sense that physically she was not feeling well at all. If his senses did not fail him, Hippolyta was quite badly injured. Especially her foot, which looked completely mangled.

It didn't take a genius to figure out who was the cause of such wounds on the queen.

'I arrived too late' thought Edgar. Perhaps if he had been quicker on his way, or had not dawdled so much with Tezcatlipoca, he would have arrived sooner to help the queen. But lamenting was of no use. At this moment he had to be surgical with his actions. And make no mistake.

Finally, after analyzing the whole situation thoroughly, and thinking in detail about what to do, he took a course of action. Turning to Hippolyta, he said.

"Don't worry, I know what to do"




Edgar launched another group of projectiles towards Ares. But Ares dismissed them like nothing with a simple wave of his big hand. It was comical to even watch as his hand looked like a big fan shooing away the balls that looked like flies because of the size difference.

Although the hellfire damaged the god severely, this was when he did not protect himself with his divine power. Being an Olympian, he could generate a wave of power that could cover him like a shield, preventing him from directly contacting his skin with Edgar's fire.

That he had been burned at first was because he had not expected Edgar's arrival. But now he was prepared to fight this Rider. To him, these balls were already a mere minor nuisance.

But Edgar wasn't trying to harm him with these balls. They were just a mere distraction. Distraction that worked when Ares had to move away, and dodge Edgar's chain of fire. The chain did not stop, but began to insatiably chase Ares.

This made it possible for Edgar to implement the second phase of his plan. First phase, drive Ares away. Second phase, help Hippolyta.

Edgar moved quickly to where the queen was. At no time did he stop analyzing where Ares was. He was always alert to his threat.

Hippolyta tried to get up, but her strength was failing her. Her wounds made her body not respond as it should.

"Don't get up. You need urgent treatment" Edgar requested, as he prevented her from getting up.

"I know that. But I can't leave. If Ares should ever open the gates, I'm the only one with the authority on the entire island to close them. Not even Diana has that power. I can't leave... not until this fight is over"

"Sigh. Now I understand where Diana got her stubborn behavior from. Like mother, like daughter"

Hippolyta smiled slightly at this joke. It was the first time the two of them had a conversation, and she already liked her future son-in-law.

With the event of The Light they had not been able to talk because of Edgar's injuries. So, Hippolyta had only been able to hear about her daughter's boyfriend through the numerous letters Diana sent her relating the events of her life and well-being.

She was happy with Edgar. If he was as Diana commented, then he was a good man. A worthy man for her beloved daughter. She approved of him.

But now, not only did she approve, she was indebted to him. He had helped her at Chernobyl, saving her from Solomon Grundy, and now he had helped her against Ares. Practically, Edgar was her savior.

"Yes, we Amazons can be quite stubborn. You must learn to accept that if you want to spend your whole life with my daughter"

"I have no problem with that, it's part of Diana's charm"

Hippolyta nodded in approval. Edgar's answer satisfied her. She liked Edgar more and more. Unfortunately, they could not chat further because the situation was not favorable.

"Excuse me, but I need to move you. I hope you don't mind"

"Not at all. Do what you need to do"

Edgar cut off the chatter, and took the queen in his arms. With a quick movement he moved from the side wall where they were, towards the entrance. And good thing he did, because just at that, Ares came like a whirlwind towards where they were, wanting to stop Edgar from taking Hippolyta.

'Damn, I was too slow' thought Ares. By the time he realized that the chain and balls were a distraction from Edgar, the Rider had already taken the queen with him. That was not what he wanted.

Edgar sensed that the god was going to run to meet him, so he no longer hesitated. Rescuing the queen was his priority.

"Phew, phew" Whistling, he summoned his motorcycle that was outside, and gently put Hippolyta on the seat.

"I can't leave, I told you. I need to stay to avoid a major disaster"

"I understand. But in your state, you can't help me. You will only be a burden. Don't worry, I'll keep Ares from opening the gates of the Underworld"

Hippolyta could do nothing but nod her head. As much as it pained her, it was true that in her state she was only a burden. She had to trust Edgar this time.

"All right. I'll trust you, Edgar. Don't let me down. The fate of my people, of Diana's people, is in your hands"

"Leave it to me" Edgar turned and commanded the motorcycle, "Take her. Take her to a safe place" the bike just made a "ROAAMMM" as if to say 'leave it to me, boss' and set off at full speed to take the queen away.

Unfortunately, Edgar had no rest because just at that moment, Ares attacked him with a strong punch sending him flying. The punch was so strong that Edgar went through the stone wall, destroying a part of it.

"Damn Ghost Rider, you took my prey from me. I wanted to see the despair in the queen as I opened the gates to the underworld. My toy is gone. Now I will have to take my rage out on you"

Ares took his huge sword and began to imbue it with his power. A dark red aura began to cover this sword, making its black color darken even more. Ares also became more empowered with this power. Making his bulging muscles, even more prominent.

"What a pity you give me" Edgar stood up like nothing from the fallen rubble. He dusted off his jacket and approached Ares. "But pity because of you think you can beat me"

Edgar pulled out a small pen. Squeezing the cap of the pen, a sword materialized. The sword was double-edged. Nearly three feet in wingspan. It had druid runes engraved on its blade and its leather pommel, it looked intact as if it had just been made.

The sword was beautiful. And, above all, it was special. Ares felt it. This sword was of mythical origin. But not Greek, it was of a different kind.

"That sword... it looks familiar"

"Oh, I see you recognized it. I kindly asked the person who had it in storage to lend it to me. I just felt I was going to need it. And I wasn't wrong" actually, Edgar had demanded Madame Xanadu, who was the one who kept this sword, to give it to him to fight the gods. The best way to fight the gods, are with their own weapons.

"It is good that you recognized it. Its popularity is still widespread in the tales of the present day. For you, showing all its splendor, Excalibur"

(AN: image)

That's right. The sword Edgar used, which at first looked like a simple pen, was the Excalibur. The sword created for Arthur, representing the power of Camelot and imbued with the magic of Merlin. The sword was a masterpiece. It was not the most powerful sword, but it was the most famous sword in history.

Xanadu, as the new lady of the lake, was the protector of this sword. The symbol left by her husband, and the little that remained of Camelot. But Edgar gave her no choice. He practically demanded it. She was still a suspect, so in order for them to have some confidence in her, she needed to show her sincerity by lending him the sword.

It was a loan. Since Edgar felt that the sword was slightly rejecting him. That it was a little against him. It was not for him this legendary weapon. But it would do against Ares.

"I have trained hard for the very dangerous fight that is coming next. Taking my skills and powers to another level. You will be the first opponent I give my maximum"

Edgar hadn't just been having a good time hunting Obscurus. Stopping paranormal threats with his team. But he had also been training like crazy. Improving his firepower, his control and his extra abilities that Zarathos' power gave him. All for the final fight against Trigon.

One could think he was being confident. Even reckless to speak like that against Ares. But Edgar was not presumptuous. He knew what level he was at, and he knew that Ares, by the power of his aura, was not at his level.

Edgar finished chatting, and activated his hellfire. But this was not orange fire. Nor blue. Nor purple. It was blood red. If you looked closely, you could see white specks on the tips of the fire.

This was the almost ultimate fire. A fire almost as powerful as the white fire of his divine phase. His greatest achievement. At this time, he was using 55% hellfire and 45% heavenfire.

When Edgar activated this fire. The Excalibur followed his command and began to transform into a different sword. Its pommel sported a skull design and its blade carried red flames. The druid tattoos glowed blood red from this power.

No extra verbiage. No need to say anything. They both moved.


Sword to sword clashed producing a wave so powerful that the entire room shook. Ares' strength was no joke. But Edgar was no slouch. With his fire, he was matching Ares' power potency. No. Little by little, he was surpassing him.

There began the sword dance. Only two red blurs could be seen because of the speed they both managed. Each used teleportation powers to move. Everywhere they passed, they left numerous burn marks, small craters, and cracks in the walls of the place.

This fight was a fight on a different level. A fight of gods.

Ares, at this moment, was using his power at maximum strength. At this moment, he was at his peak. Like in his best days. And, still, he could not overcome Edgar. This scared him like never before. He thought Diana was trouble, but this Rider, he was quite surprised.

Diagonal cuts, horizontal cuts, vertical cuts. Millions of slashes were delivered each in seconds. One sword was more for crushing. And the other was more for slashing. And Edgar had the advantage because he had greater agility.

And this was seen in the wounded body of Ares. Numerous wounds were inflicted by Edgar. Golden blood flowed all over the place. Edgar, however, was intact. Dusty, but intact.

'The training with Diana worked' thought Edgar. If he could say it, Diana was much better at the sword than this god. And in combat too. Especially since Diana was quick to learn from her mistakes. Making her perfect handling of combat, become even more perfect.

Edgar remembered every training session. And he remembered a tactic that Diana told him was good against extremely bigger and stronger opponents.

Edgar moved to a corner. Ares took advantage of this and slashed with his sword, but Edgar dodged it. Ares' sword, however, got stuck in the wall. It was a second's delay for Ares to pull the sword out, but that was enough for Edgar.

Edgar took advantage of this, and made a sweeping sweep at the giant Ares. Like a sack of potatoes, he fell hard against the floor generating a great earthquake. Already on the ground, Edgar tried to thrust his sword into his chest. But Ares covered himself with his sword, using it as a shield, and avoided being skewered.

Edgar summoned his chain, and lit it on fire. Then he threw it right at Ares' neck and tied him up with it. Ares couldn't help himself. 

Ares tried to get up, but Edgar generated a fire SO POWERFUL, that it simply caused Ares' neck to start burning. Even with his aura, he couldn't avoid being severely burned.

The vocal cords began to melt. The armor as well. If that wasn't bad enough, Edgar reached out right where he was and grabbed him by his head. Edgar began to seep fire all over his face, burning him severely. Ares' large body began to shrink, a sign that he was slowly losing his power.

His face was slowly starting to turn into a bloody mess, full of blisters and burns. Even fire was beginning to seep into his eyes.

"I told you. You won't be able to beat me. Simply put, the opponent I hope to defeat outclasses you a thousand times over even at your maximum power"

Ares was trying to speak, but he couldn't. His vocal cords wouldn't give out. At this rate... he would die.

Despite the pain in his throat, and in his voice, still, he was able to say the following

"You.... You... cough, cough... you got distracted"

"What do you mean-" But there Edgar realized. 'Shit'

Ares' great sword, which was far away, was moving on its own and going straight towards the door of the Underworld.

Edgar had to let go of Ares and prevent the sword from cutting the chain. And he succeeded. Teleporting, he stopped the sword just before it could cut the chain. Disaster had been averted.

Or so he thought...

For just at that, to his surprise, this sword split in half and from there, one half flew into the chain, cutting it in two. With a single slash, the last chain fell, completely destroying the bindings that protected the door from opening. Edgar had failed...





The gates of the Underworld swung wide open. A cold, threatening air rushed out of the door. There the earth shook again. An earthquake far greater than those produced by Ares was felt. And all because of the inhabitants of the Underworld.

In the distance, not 10, not 100, but millions of creatures from giants, minotaurs, furies, gorgons, and centaurs, threatened to come out. There were so many of them that they looked like a stampede of ants traveling the road to freedom.

Ares, with all the pain in the world, wounds and blood, still smiled. And not only because he had opened the doors, but also because just at that moment, a message came to his head.

<All set. I got what we were looking for. Let's go> was Morrigan's voice.

Then another message from Tezcatlipoca was heard.

<Ready. Target secured. Ready to go>

'We made it'

The truth was that Hippolyta had been wrong. Ares never meant to open the gates of the Underworld. It was just a mere misdirection to get what really mattered. Unfortunately, Seth's transmission was never heard. But hey, going to the armory and taking the divine weapons were just a bonus. The important thing was the mission of Tezcatlipoca and Morrigan.

Ares, freed, and seeing that Edgar was no longer paying attention to him, simply left, teleporting away. The last thought he had in his head was.

'I will get revenge for this humiliation, Ghost Rider. I swear I will'

Edgar sensed this, but he no longer avoided it. He had another, more important job. Keep everything from going to hell.

The gates of the Underworld had opened. And if he didn't close before the monsters came out, then all was lost....



Next: The gates of the Underworld

Next Next: Abduction

Next Next..... Next: Thor vs Wonder Woman

My P@treon 

TioIroh99 (10 chapters ahead)

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