
The Meeting.

How quickly word spread of Markus' threats to not only the Lanterns, but to the rest of the galaxy at large. From the traveling band of Tamaraneans, to the firepits of apokalypse, news of a god of thunder echoed loudly. His bold threat to the rest of the galaxy certainly gained their attention.

Sitting in his war room, alongside his advisors, Markus was currently speaking with the Guardians of the Universe.

" We have heard of your recent assault at the hands of the Yellow Lanterns. And we would like to extend our apologies."

" I want to know, how they were able to slip past your notice? I thought the whole point of our deal was that you would keep them in check." Markus asked the man. " So, what happened?"

" The Lantern we had sent to secure that area has not returned any attempts to contact him. At this time, we believe something may have happened to him."

Markus scratched his head.

" I see. In that case, I can't exactly be mad at you guys. But I can be mad at the Yellows." Markus stated.

" While we are on the topic, I must ask you refrain from making any more threats." Geras told the man.

" What do you mean?"

" Your message was heard loud and clear by the rest of the galaxy, whether you meant for it or not, your words were taken as a direct challenge by many. I would not be surprised if you've now drawn the attention of many powers to be."

" Good." Markus replied.

" What do you mean, good?"

" I mean it should have gotten their attention. That was my intent. To send a message that we will not simply roll over to anyone." Markus explained to the man.

" The Yellow Lanterns are not the only dangerous force in the Galaxy. A direct challenge to those forces would be foolish, especially for a planet that is finally getting into intergalactic politics." Geras explained.

" Maybe so, but this was an important message. If I allowed these men to come to my home and attack my people without consequence, then it would have made me, and my people appear weak. But more importantly, no one and I mean no one attacks my people and gets away with it. You come to my home seeking a battle, I will gladly give it to you. But these people are under my protection, the moment I became king, these people became like family to me. What am I to say to the soul of my dead family if I do not take retribution for their murder. To live in this world, one must have a code of honor to live by. Mine is to protect those that need it and to destroy anyone who threatens that which I protect. Make no mistake Lanterns, I will respect your cause, I won't however simply let your enemies crush my home! I will seek out and destroy all that would threaten our peace. Do I make myself clear?!"

" I can see that this conversation is going nowhere. King Vulcan, heed my warning, there will be consequences for this. Unforeseen consequences. Ones I am not sure you are prepared to bear the weight and responsibilities of."

" If they do come, then I will bear them all the same. Meanwhile, I suggest you try searching for your own." Markus told the man.

" We are. Our best Lanterns are on the job."

" Yeah? Will you need help?" Markus asked the man.

" If you are offering it, we would be foolish not to accept." Geras told the man.

" Then it's settled. I want this problem taken care of and you want to find your man. I'll send someone to help your people. Just tell me where you want to meet." Markus told the man.

" You aren't coming yourself?" Geras asked.

" I can't. Not at this time. The people are on edge, and I need to be here in case someone else decides to come calling. I will send someone I trust completely to help out. Until that time, however, I still have matters to attend to." Markus told the man. " Please send the list of names and the location of your choice. My agent will meet you when the time is right."

" Very well, this is acceptable. I will send over our details immediately. Geras out." The communication channel between valdar and Oa cut out, leaving Markus and his men to speak on the matter alone.

" Now that, that is over, how is Dregg recuperating?" Markus asked.

" He's feeling better. His injuries are healing rather quickly. He should be up and on his feet in no time at all." Virlal explained to the man.

" Good. The rest of you are dismissed for the day. We will meet again at a later time. Cir-El I have something I need to talk to you about." Markus told the woman.

" Of course." She responded.

Virlal, Grogg, Trench, and Elara all got up from their seats and started to exit the room, while Markus and Cir-EL were left alone.

Cir-El leaned down and kissed Markus on his cheek.

" I already have an Idea. Just leave it to me, I'll handle it." Cir-El told the man.

Markus smiled and kissed the back of Cir-El's hand. " Thank you love. I'm sorry for asking this of you on such short a notice. But you're the only one I can trust to handle this alone." Markus told the woman.

" Nonsense. I am grateful to know you trust me with such an important task, I promise it will be done. For now, we have time, let us rest our nerves. You are tense."

Markus sighed.

" You are right, these are trying times. Not a day passes where it seems we are going to be left alone. Oh well, so be it. You are right, I need to rest. Come, let's go. It is time for dinner. And I'm starving." Markus told the woman.

Cir-El nodded and after taking his hand in hers, she walked with the man towards the palace dinnerhall.


Meanwhile on Oa, there was a meeting with the guardians, discussing the current state of affairs with the Yellow Lanterns.

" And so, we will be selecting three Lanterns to go and search for clues on the disappearance of Kyle Rayner. We already have those who will be tasked with this mission. Guy Gardner."

" Alright!"

" Soranik Natu!"

" Sir!"

" And Hal Jordan! You three will head to the last known location of Green Lantern Rayner, along with a delegate from our allies from Valdar, together the four of you will search for those responsible for the disappearance of our lantern and bring him back." Geras explained to the three selected members of his small strike team.

" Sounds like a plan, Geras. Come on you two. Let's go get our boy back." Hal exclaimed.

Next time: The Emerald Light Shines!